Psy 421 Ch 3 Flashcards
The procedure of pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditional stimulus.
Pavlovian conditioning
Consists of an unconditional stimulus and an unconditional response
Unconditional reflex
Acquired through Pavlovian conditioning and consisting of a conditional stimulus and a conditional response.
Conditional reflex
The stimulus that elicits a conditional response
Conditional stimulus CS
The response elicited by a conditional stimulus
Conditional response CR
The response elicited by an unconditional stimulus
Unconditional response Ur
The stimulus that elicits an unconditional response
Unconditional stimulus US
- The presentation of the two stimuli is independent of behavior
- The behavior involved is a reflex response.
Two things to note about PC
Pairing a neutral stimulus with a well-established CS
Procedure of higher order conditioning
Many more stimuli can elicit conditional responses.
Outcome of higher order conditioning.
A procedure in which the CS starts before, and overlaps with, the US.
Delayed conditioning
Most effective
The CS begins and ends before the US is presented
Trace conditioning
Most effective
The CS and US occur together I’m time.
Simultaneous conditioning
Least effective
The US precedes the CS
Backwards conditioning
Least effective
Failure of a stimulus that is part of a compound stimulus to become a CS. The stimulus is said to be … by the stimulus that does become a CS
Two or more stimuli presented simultaneously
Compound stimulus
The failure of a CR to appear as a result of prior presentation of the CS in the absence of the US.
Latent inhibition
Failure of a stimulus to become a CS when it is part of a compound stimulus that includes an effective CS
Same as overshadowing
A procedure in which two neutral stimuli are paired, after which one is repeatedly with a US. If the other stimulus is then presented alone , It may elicit a CR even though it was never paired with the US
Sensory preconditioning
Repeatedly presenting the CS without the US
Pavlovian extinction
The sudden reappearance of a behavior following its extinction
Spontaneous recovery
The theory that CS substitutes for the US. Assumes that the CR is essentially the same as the UR
Stimulus substitution theory