Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Flashcards
a combination of bilateral upper extremity asymmetrical patterns performed as a closed-chain activity
developmental sequence
a progression of motor skill acquisition
- stages include mobility, stability, controlled mobility, and skill
mass movement patterns
- the hip, knee, and ankle move into flexion or extension simultaneously
muscle activation of an involved extremity due to intense action of an uninvolved muscle or group of muscles
Scapula patterns
D1 flexion
- elevation
- abduction
- upward rotation
D1 extension
- depression
- adduction
- downward rotation
D2 flexion
- elevation
- adduction
- upward rotation
D2 extension
- depression
- abduction
- downward rotation
shoulder pattern
D1 flexion
- flexion. adduction, lateral rotation
D1 extension
- extension, abduction, medial rotation
D2 flexion
- flexion, abduction, lateral rotation
D2 extension
- extension, adduction, downward rotation
elbow pattern
D1 flexion
- flexion or extension
D1 extension
- flexion or extension
D2 flexion
- flexion or extension
D2 extension
- flexion or extension
Radioulnar pattern
D1 flexion
- supination
D1 extension
- pronation
D2 flexion
- supination
D2 extension
- pronation
wrist patterns
D1 flexion
- flexion, radial deviation
D1 extension
- extension, ulnar deviation
D2 flexion
- extension, radial deviation
D2 extension
- flexion, ulnar deviation
thumb patterns
D1 flexion
- adduction
D1 extension
- abduction
D2 flexion
- extension
D2 extension
- opposition
pelvis patten
D1 flexion
- protraction
D1 extension
- retraction
D2 flexion
- elevation
D2 extension
- depression
hip pattern
D1 flexion
- flexion. adduction, lateral rotation
D1 extension
- extension, abduction, medial rotation
D2 flexion
- flexion, abduction, lateral rotation
D2 extension
- extension, adduction, downward rotation
D1 flexion
- flexion or extension
D1 extension
- flexion or extension
D2 flexion
- flexion or extension
D2 extension
- flexion or extension
ankle and toes pattern
D1 flexion
- df, inversion
D1 extension
- pf, eversion
D2 flexion
- df, eversion
D2 extension
- pf, inversion
agonistic reversals
- controlled mobility; proximal dynamic stability
- an isotonic contraction, performed against resistance followed by alternating concentric and eccentric contractions, with resistance
- requires use in slow and sequential manner, and may be used in increments throughout the range to attain max control
alternating isometrics
- stability; strength
- isometric contractions are performed alternating from muscles on one side of the joint to muscles on the other side without rest
- emphasizes endurance and strengthening
contract relax
- increased ROM
- patient performs a max contraction of antagonistic muscle group as extremity reaches point of limitation
- therapist resists movement for 8-10 seconds with relaxation to follow
- repeat until no gains are made
hold relax
- increased ROM
- a contraction is facilitated or all muscle groups at limiting point
- relaxation occurs and the extremity moves through the newly acquired range to the next point in limitation
- used for pain
hold relax active movement
- initiate movement
- isometric contraction is performed once the extremity is passively placed into a shortened range
- upon relaxation, the extremity is immediately moved into a lengthened position of the pattern with a quick stretch
- patient is then asked to return extremity to shortened position
joint distraction
- increase ROM; initiate movement
- consistent manual traction is provided slowly and usually in combination with mobilization techniques
normal timing
- distal functional movement
- performed distal to proximal sequence
- proximal components are restricted until distal components are activated and initiate movement
repeated contractions
- initiate movement, strength
- used to initiate a movement pattern throughout a weak movement pattern
- therapist then gives quick stretch followed by isometric
resisted progression
- proximal dynamic stability, strength
- resistance is applied to an area such as the pelvis, hips, or extremity during gait in order to enhance coordination, strength or endurance
rhythmic stabilization
- increased ROM; stability
- requires isometric contractions of all muscles around a joint against a progressive resistance
- patient should relax and move into the newly acquired range and repeat technique