Anatomy Flashcards
Trapezius OINA
Origin – external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7 to T12
Insertion – posterior border of lateral third of the clavicle, acromion process, and spine of the scapula
Innervation – spinal root of the accessory n. CN XI
Action – elevation from the upper fibers, retraction from the middle fibers and depression from the lower fibers
Latissimus Dorsi OINA
O – spinous processes of the vertebrae T7-L5, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, inferior 3 to 4 ribs and inferior angle of the scapula
I – medial lip of intertubercular groove of the humerus (anterior to teres major)
N – thoracodorsal n.
A – extends, adducts and medially rotates the humerus, elevates the body when climbing
Levator Scapulae OINA
O – posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1 to C4 vertebrae
I – superior part of the medial border of the scapula
N – dorsal scapular nerve (C4-5)
A – elevates scapula, rotates head to the same side
Rhomboid Major OINA
O – spinous process of T2 to T5 vertebrae
I – medial border of the scapula from the level of the spine to the inferior angle
N – dorsal scapular n. (C4-5)
A – retracts and downwardly rotates the scapula
Rhomboid Minor OINA
O – spinous processes of C7 and T 1 and the ligamentum nuchae
I – medial border of the scapula from the level of the spine to the inferior angle
N – dorsal scapular n. (C4-5)
A – retracts and downwardly rotates the scapula
Serratus Posterior Superior OINA
0 – ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C7 thru T3
I – 2nd to 5th ribs
N – ventral primary rami of first 3 to 4 thoracic nerves
A – elevates the superior 4 ribs to increase the size of the thorax
Serratus Posterior Inferior OINA
0 – spinous processes of T11 thru L2
I – the inferior three or four ribs
N – ventral primary rami of last 4 thoracic nerves
A – depress the inferior 3 to 4 ribs to prevent superior pull by the diaphragm
Organs in RUQ
Right Suprarenal gland
Right kidney
Superior Ascending colon
Organs in LUQ
Left kidney
Transverse colon
descending colon
Organs in RLQ
Right ovary
Right ureter
Organs in LLQ
Sigmoid colon
Descending colon
left ovary
left ureter
left spermatic cord
External abdominal oblique OINA
0 – external surface of the 5th to 12th ribs
I – linea alba, pubic crest, iliac crest, pubic symphysis
N – Inferior 5 thoracic nerves and subcostal nerve(T12) and iliohypogastric
A – flex and rotate trunk, laterally rotate the trunk, compress abdominal contents
Internal abdominal oblique OINA
O – Thoracolumbar fascia, anterior iliac crest, lateral half of inguinal ligament
I – linea alba, pubic crest, ribs 10-12 inferior surface
N – lower 5 thoracic nerves, subcostal, iliohypogastric
A – flex and rotate the trunk, laterally rotate the trunk, compress abdominal contents
Transverse abdominis
0 – thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, lateral one third of the inguinal ligament, internal
surface of costal cartilage’s 7 to 12
I – linea alba, pubic crest, pubic symphysis
N – lower 5 thoracic nerves, subcostal, iliohypogastric
A – compress and support abdominal viscera
Rectus abdominis OINA
0 – pubic symphysis, pubic crest
I – xiphoid process, 5th and 7th costal cartilage’s
N – lower 5 thoracic nerves, subcostal, iliohypogastric
A – flexes trunk and tenses anterior abdominal wall
Psoas Major OINA
0 - transverse processes, bodies and intervertebral discs of T12-L5
I - lesser trochanter with iliacus
N - ventral primary rami of L2-L4
A - flexion of the thigh, lateral flexion of the trunk and flexion of the trunk
Psoas Minor OINA
0 - bodies of vertebrae T12 and L 1 and the disc in-between
I- pubic bone
N - ventral primary ramus L 1
A - flexion of the pelvis and vertebral column
Iliacus OINA
0 - iliac fossa
I - lesser trochanter with psoas major
N - femoral nerve
A - flexion of the thigh
Quadratus Lumborum OINA
0 - iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament, and transverse processes of lower Lumbar vertebrae
I - rib 12, transverse process of upper Lumbar vertebrae
N - subcostal and upper lumbar ventral primary rami
A - flexion of the trunk laterally, extend vertebral column, elevate the hip, stabilize 12
rib against inspiration
Levator Ani OINA
Consists of three parts
(1) Pubococcygeus
(2) Puborectalis
(3) lIiococcygeus
Origin - body of pubis, obturator fascia, ischial spine
Inserts - coccyx
Innervation - nerve to the levator ani (S3, S4)
(1) Forms a muscular sling for supporting the abdominopelvic viscera
(2) Holds pelvic viscera in position
(3) Assist with abdominoplevic cavity compression, utilized with coughing, sneezing,
vomiting, etc.
Coccygeus OINA
O - ischial spine
I - sacrum
N - nerve to the levator ani (S3, S4)
A Supports pelvic viscera, Forms part of diaphragm
Rectus Femoris OINA
0 – anterior inferior iliac spine and rim of the acetabulum
I – tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
N – femoral nerve
A – flex the hip and extend the knee
Vastus Intermedius OINA
0 – anterior surface of the femur
I – tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
N – femoral nerve
A – extend the knee
Vastus Lateralis OINA
0 – lateral surface of the femur
I – tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament
N – femoral nerve
A – extend the knee