PIMGRK2 - LESSON 1 Flashcards
Good morning to you.
Καλημέρα σας.
S/he answers.
“απαντάει” is more informal and spoken, while “απαντά” is more formal and often used in written language. Both convey the same meaning and are interchangeable depending on the context.
S/he asks
(progressive form)
In the attached conjugation table for the verb to ask, ‘He asks’ is written ‘ρωτά’, which is the standard form. When you describe an action in progress, then the spelling becomes ‘ρωτάει’.
How long have you been here?
Since yesterday.
Πόσο καιρό είστε εδώ?
Από χτες.
When did you arrive?
We arrived yesterday morning.
Πότε φτάσατε;
Φτάσαμε χθες το πρωί.
We’re going to stay one week.
Θα μείνουμε μια εβδομάδα.
And you, when did you arrive?
She says, I arrived this morning.
Και εσύ/εσεις, πότε έφτασες/φτάσατε;
Λέει, έφτασα σήμερα το πρωί.
I am here since this morning.
Είμαι εδώ από σήμερα το πρωί.
I’m going to stay a few weeks.
Θα μείνω μερικές εβδομάδες.
Do you like Athens?
I like Athens very much.
Σου/Σας αρέσει η Αθήνα;
Μου αρέσει πολύ η Αθήνα.
What did you do today?
She answers: I arrived this morning.
I bought a lot of things and then I ate lunch.
τι έκανες/κάνατε σήμερα;
Απαντάει: Έφτασα σήμερα το πρωί.
Αγόρασα πολλά πράγματα και μετά έφαγα μεσημεριανό.
I bought an american newspaper.
Αγόρασα μια αμερικανική εφημερίδα.
‘How does one say…’
(translate as is)
Πώς λέμε;
You will remember that in Pimsleur Grk 1 we had been introduced to ‘Πώς λέτε’ - How do you say. So, slight difference here: now we’re saying ‘How does one say.’ Checking the attached conjugation table, we find that ‘Πώς λέμε;’ literally means, ‘How do we say?’
( translate as is )
She asks: ‘Did you eat at the hotel?’
Ρωτάει: «Έφαγες/Φάγατε στο ξενοδοχείο;»
I like the hotel but I didn’t eat there.
Μου αρέσει το ξενοδοχείο, αλλά δεν έφαγα εκεί.