MT M 7 Module 7 Problem Set Flashcards
Describe the contents of the scrotum and explain why the scrotum is outside of the abdominal cavity.
The scrotum contains two testes with the epididymis. The scrotum hangs outside of the body to control the temperature within the scrotum. Sperm are not viable at body temperature and need to be at a lower temperature. (Section 7.1)
Fill in the blank: The ____ are the cells within the testes that produce sperm.
Answer: seminiferous tubules (Section 7.1)
Describe the three columns of the penis. Which column contains the urethra? What is another name for the head of the penis?
The penis contains two columns, called corpora cavernosa penis, and the third column, called the corpus spongiosum. The corpus spongiosum contains the urethra. The head of the penis is also called the glans penis. (Section 7.1)
List the path of sperm from where it is formed to outside the body, including the three sections of the urethra
Answer: Testes, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and then the urethra. The three sections of the urethra are the prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra, and the penile urethra. (Section 7.1)
Describe the various structures that add to the seminal fluid prior to ejaculation.
Answer: The seminal vesicles secrete fluid that becomes part of the seminal fluid. The bulbourethral gland and the prostate gland secrete mucus and fluid that also become part of the seminal fluid. (Section 7.1)
Fill in the blank: The (A) is the skin folds that cover the glans penis. It may be removed by a procedure called (B).
Answers: A) foreskin; B) circumcision. (Section 7.1)
Fill in the blank: The (A) are the primary female sex organs. They produce both (B), the female sex cell, and (C) and (D), the female sex hormones.
Answers: A) ovaries; B) the ova; C) estrogen; D) progesterone. (Section 7.4)
Describe the sections of the uterus, the layers of the uterus, and the function of the uterus.
Answers: The sections of the uterus are the fundus, the body, and the cervix. The layers of the uterus are the endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium. The function of the uterus is to house the developing fetus during pregnancy. It also functions to contract during childbirth to push the newborn out of the uterus. (Section 7.4)
Describe the structure and purpose of the fallopian tubes. Describe the function of the vagina.
Answer: The fallopian tubes have three sections: the infundibulum, the ampulla, and the isthmus. The function of the fallopian tubes is to collect an ovum after it has been released from the ovary and propel it towards the uterus. Fertilization frequently occurs in the fallopian tubes. The function of the vagina is to provide a way for menstrual fluid to leave the uterus, as well as serve as the birth canal for the fetus during childbirth. The vagina also receives the penis during sexual intercourse. (Section 7.4)
Fill in the blank: The external female genitalia is called the (A). B) What are the sections of the female genitalia?
Answers: A) the vulva. B) The sections of the vulva are the mons pubis, the labia majora and minora, the vestibule, and the clitoris. The vestibule contains the external urinary meatus and the ducts of the Bartholin glands. (Section 7.4)
Identify and describe the three phases of the menstrual cycle.
Answer: The follicular phase is first and this is when the endometrium is shed through the vagina. The ovulatory phase is next. The levels of estrogen, FSH, and LH rise, which causes the endometrium to thicken again and a follicle within the ovary to develop and then release a mature egg. The final phase is the luteal phase. The corpus luteum within the ovary secretes progesterone, and estrogen continues to develop the endometrium. If the egg is not fertilized, these hormone levels will decrease, and a new menstrual cycle will begin again. (Section 7.4)
How long is a typical pregnancy? What are the names of the three stages of human development? Describe the three stages of labor.
Answers: A typical pregnancy is 40 weeks long. The three stages of human development are the preembryonic stage, the embryonic stage, and the fetal stage. The first stage of labor is dilation of the cervix, the second stage of labor is the birth of the baby, and the third stage of labor is the delivery of the placenta. (Section 7.4)
The process of sperm formation occurs in the testicle, and they mature in the epididymis. Identify the terms from the flashcards that correspond to the following definitions.
a. Pertaining to the testicle.
b. Formation of sperm.
c. Inflammation of the epididymis.
Answers: A) Testicular. B) Spermatogenesis. C) epididymitis. (Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards)
A heterosexual couple is experiencing infertility. A semen sample analysis is completed to look for azoospermia or oligospermia. Define the underlined terms.
Heterosexual - Pertaining to the opposite sex; refers to a person whose sexual orientation is toward people of the opposite sex.
Infertility: Inability of a heterosexual couple to produce viable offspring.
Azoospermia: Condition in which the semen lacks sperm.
Oligospermia: Condition where there is a scanty amount of sperm in the semen.
(Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards)
A man with a testicular mass presented to the surgeon to discuss removal of the mass. Identify and define two surgical terms related to the testes from the flashcards that may have been discussed.
Orchiectomy is the surgical excision of a testicle.
Orchidotomy is a surgical incision into a testicle.
(Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards)
A common symptom of an STI is balanitis and the patient is instructed to avoid coitus until the symptom has resolved.
A) Define the abbreviation, STI.
B) Define the underlined words.
A) STI means sexually transmitted infection. (Section 7.2, Table 7.2)
B) Balanitis means inflammation of the glans penis. Coitus means sexual intercourse between a man and a woman. (Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards)
A male athlete was taking steroids to improve his performance. He developed gynecomastia due to the excess steroid use. Define the underlined word.
Answer: Gynecomastia is the excessive development of the mammary glands in a male. (Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards
During an annual exam, a woman reports that she is using two types of contraception: a condom and a spermicide. Define the underlined words.
Contraception is the process of preventing conception or a pregnancy. (Section 7.5 Female reproductive flashcards)
Spermicide is an agent that kills sperm. (Section 7.2 Male reproductive flashcards)
A woman in her third trimester of pregnancy is sent for an emergent cesarean section surgery due to abruptio placentae. Define the underlined words.
Cesarean section is a surgical delivery of the fetus through an incision created in the abdominal cavity and the uterus.
Abruptio placentae is an emergency condition where the placenta separates from the uterine wall prior to birth of the fetus. (Section 7.5 Female reproductive flashcards)
A 47-year-old woman presents to the gynecologist to discuss an endometrial ablation due to menorrhagia. Define the underlined terms.
Gynecologist is a physician who specializes in the female reproductive system. (Section 7.4)
Endometrial means pertaining to the endometrium, the innermost layer of the uterus. (Section 7.4)
Ablation is a procedure that destroys the uterine lining.
Menorrhagia is extensive menses, either in number of days or amount of blood. (Section 7.5 Female reproductive flashcards)
A woman presented to her physician because she had not had a period for 3 months. An ultrasound confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy and the physician documented Gravida-1 Para-0 in the patient’s medical chart.
A) What is a medical term that means a lack of the monthly menses?
B) Define intrauterine.
C) What does the documentation Gravida-1 Para-0 mean?
A) Amenorrhea means a lack of the monthly menses.
B) Intrauterine means within the uterus.
C) Gravida is a term that means a pregnancy. Para refers to a woman who has given birth after 20 weeks gestation. Gradiva-1 Para-0 means that the patient has been pregnant once and has not yet given birth.
(Section 7.5 Female reproductive flashcards)
A woman underwent a procedure with a colposcope due to an abnormal pap smear. Define the underlined terms.
Colposcope is a medical instrument that examines the cervix and vagina with a magnifying lens.
Pap smear is a test that is used for early detection of cervical cancer where cells are removed from the cervix and then examined under a microscope.
(Section 7.5 Female reproductive flashcards)
A patient underwent a balanoplasty to correct an epispadias deformity.
A) Identify and define the combining form in balanoplasty and then define the term.
B) Define epispadias.
A) The combining form is balan/o, which means glans penis. The term balanoplasty is a surgical repair of the glans penis. (Section 7.2, Table 7.1)
B) Epispadias is a deformity where the urethral meatus opens on the dorsal side of the penis. (Section 7.2, Male reproductive flashcards)
A boy with bilateral cryptorchism underwent a surgical orchiopexy.
A) Identify and define the combining form in the underlined words.
B) Using the definitions of these words, explain why the boy had this procedure performed. (Hint: The suffix -pexy means a surgical fixation)
A) The combining form is orch/o meaning testicle. (Section 7.2, Table 7.1)
B) Both of the testicles did not descend into the scrotum, a condition called cryptorchism. He had a surgical procedure called an orchiopexy completed where the testes were freed and then implanted or fixed within the scrotum. (Section 7.2, Male reproductive flashcards, and Table 1.7 of Module 1)
During a vasectomy, the vas deferens are cut bilaterally to prevent sperm from leaving the body. Identify and define the combining form in the term, vasectomy.
Answer: Vas/o is the combining form, and it means vessel. (Section 7.2, Table 7.1)
The fluid in the male ejaculation contains sperm and fluids secreted from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland. Identify and define the combining forms in the underlined words.
Answers: Ejaculat/o means to throw out. Semin/I means semen. Prostat/o means prostate. (Section 7.2, Table 7.1)
A pregnant woman underwent an amniocentesis as a part of her prenatal Identify and define the combining forms in the underlined words.
Answer: Amni/o means amnion. Nat/o means birth. (Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
During labor, a woman had an episiotomy performed to allow the birth of the baby. Identify and define the combining form in the term episiotomy and then define the term
Episi/o means the vulva.
An episiotomy is an incision in the vulva or external female genitalia. Specifically, an episiotomy is an incision in the vulva to prevent a laceration during delivery. (Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
A postmenopausal woman underwent a hysterectomy due to abnormal uterine Identify and define the combining forms in the underlined words.
Men/o means menses. Hyster/o means the uterus. Uter/o means the uterus. (Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
It is recommended that a woman over the age of 40 have a yearly mammography study completed to screen for breast cancer. Identify and define the combining form in the underlined word and then define the term.
Answers: Mamm/o means breast. Mammography is a study of the breast. Note: A mammogram report is the record produced by mammography. (Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
A male patient presented to the urologist because he has noticed a loss of force in his urine stream lately. The physician completed a DRE and felt an enlarged prostate gland. The physician ordered the blood test, PSA, as part of the screening for prostate cancer.
Define the abbreviations.
Answers: DRE is a digital rectal exam. PSA is the prostate-specific antigen. (Section 7.2, Table 7.2)
A patient presented to the urologist because he was having difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse. During the interview, the patient stated that he recently underwent a TURP as treatment for an enlarged prostate.
A) What is the abbreviation for this condition?
B) What does the abbreviation TURP mean
A) The patient has ED, or erectile dysfunction.
B) The abbreviation TURP means transurethral resection of the prostate, and it is a common surgical treatment for an enlarged prostate. (Sections 7.2, 7.3 and Table 7.2)
A patient with gestational diabetes started biweekly outpatient NSTs to assess the FHR during the end of her pregnancy. Define the abbreviations.
Your Answer:
NST - Nonstress test
FHR- Fetal heart rate
Answers: NST is a nonstress test. FHR is the fetal heart rate. (Section 7.5, Table 7.4).
A patient with a history of HPV presented to the GYN practice because she was experiencing lower abdominal pain. During the pelvic examination, the physician noted pain with cervical motion and adnexal tenderness. Additional STI testing was sent to support the diagnosis of PID.
A) Define the underlined abbreviations.
B) Identify and define the combining form in the term cervical.
C) What does the term adnexal tenderness refer to?
A) HPV means human papillomavirus. GYN means gynecologist or gynecology. STI means sexually transmitted infection. PID means pelvic inflammatory disease. (Section 7.5, Table 7.4)
B) The combining form in the term cervical is cervic/o meaning cervix. (Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
C) Adnexal tenderness refers to tenderness where the ovaries and fallopian tubes are located. (Section 7.5, Female reproductive flashcards)
A G3P2 woman at 22 weeks gestation presents to the emergency room because she has been experiencing uterine cramping and bleeding. An ultrasound confirms cervical dilation and the presence of the products of conception within the uterus. A) Define the abbreviation G3P2. B) What type of abortion is this woman experiencing?
A) G3P2 means that the woman has been pregnant 3 times and that she has given birth to two children. She is currently in her third pregnancy. (Section 7.5, Table 7.4)
B) She is experiencing an imminent or inevitable abortion, as she has uterine cramping and bleeding, dilation of the cervix, and the products of conception are still within the uterus. (Section 7.6)
Which types of abortions may require a D&C procedure? What does the D&C abbreviation mean? Describe this procedure.
An incomplete abortion and a missed abortion may require a D&C to remove the products of conception from the uterus. The D&C abbreviation means dilation and curettage. During this procedure, the cervix is manually dilated and the wall of the uterus is scraped to ensure that there are no remaining products of conception in the uterus, as these can be a source of infection and bleeding. (Sections 7.5, 7.6, and Table 7.4)
What is an extrauterine pregnancy? Where do they commonly occur? What is the name of the surgical procedure that may be necessary to address this condition?
An extrauterine pregnancy is a fertilized egg that implants in a place other than the uterus. They commonly occur in the fallopian tube, but they can implant in the ovary, cervix, or abdominal cavity. If the ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tube, a salpingectomy may need to be performed. This is the removal of the fallopian tube. (Section 7.6)
Fill in the blank: An ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed by evidence of an ___ ___ seen on an ultrasound.
Adnexal mass. (Section 7.6)
A woman with the symptoms of dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and dyspareunia may be diagnosed with endometriosis.
A) Identify and define the prefix, combining form, and suffix in the term endometriosis.
B) What occurs in this condition?
A) The prefix is endo- meaning within, the combining form is metr/o meaning the womb or uterus, and the suffix is -osis meaning condition of. (Tables 1.7 and 1.8 of Module 1, Section 7.5, Table 7.3)
B) Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. (Section 7.6)
What is the most common benign tumor of the female reproductive tract? What is the name of the surgery that would remove this type of tumor?
Answers: The most common benign tumor of the female reproductive tract is a uterine fibroid. The name of a surgery that would remove this type of tumor is a myomectomy. (Section 7.6)
Describe the urinary symptoms a man may experience if he has BPH.
Obstructive urinary complaints include a feeling of hesitancy prior to initiating urination, a decrease in the force of urination, a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, straining to urinate, and post-void dribbling. Irritative symptoms are urgency, frequency, and nocturia. (Section 7.3)
What is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction?
The most common cause of erectile dysfunction is vascular disease that obstructs the flow of blood to the penis. (Section 7.3)
Describe a general characteristic of STIs that make it difficult to stop the infection from spreading.
STIs have a latent period where the patient has an active infection but does not show symptoms of the infection. (Section 7.3)
List three other sexually transmitted infections that were not addressed in #44.
Answers: HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B. (Section 7.3)