MSK: 18.3: Joints Flashcards
What are osteophytes?
reactive bony outgrowths
Where do osteophytes usually grow?
in the DIPs (Heberden’s Nodes) and PIPs (Bouchard’s Nodes)
What is a pannus?
inflamed granulation tissue
What is inflamed granulation tissue called?
a pannus
What is the lining of the joint capsule called?
the synovium
What is synovium?
lining of the joint capsule
What is in granulation tissue?
- fibroblasts2. BVs3. myofibroblasts (contractile)
Pleura effusions, LAD, and interstitial lung fibrosis are common in ____.
Describe the RA antibody.
IgM autoantibody against the Fc portion of IgG called RF
This is an IgM autoantibody against the Fc portion of IgG.
RF (Rheumatoid Factor)
What is uveitis?
redness of the eye that can lead to blindness
What is Reiter syndrome?
can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree
What is psoriatic arthritis?
axial and peripheral joints involved with sausage digits
What causes inflammation in acute gout?
the crystals activate neutrophils
What are tophi?
white, chalky aggregates of UA crystals surrounded by fibrosis in soft tissue or joints