Intracranial Regulation - Adults Flashcards
What does the brain require a constant supply of
oxygen and glucose
What is a normal ICP
True or false: ICP fluctuates constantly
When do we know that the Monroe-Kelli doctrine is failing
if the ICP is 30 or greater
3 components of the Monro-Kelli hypothesis
blood, csf, brain tissue
How is CSF easily displaced
absorbing into the external jugular vein
How is the external jugular vein easily obstructed
neck positioning
Cerebral perfusion pressure
the amount of pressure required to provide blood flow to the brain
What is the normal cerebral perfusion pressure
Equation for CPP
If ICP increases, CPP _______
What happens when ICP increases and CPP decreases
no perfusion
Interventions to decreased ICP
raise HOB, head alignment, limit stimulation, mannitol, fluid restriction, no vasopressors
If MAP decreases, CPP _________
What happens when MAP decreases and CPP decreases
low blood pressure, can’t get blood to the brain
Interventions to increase MAP
fluid bolus, vasopressors
Early s/s of increased ICP
headache, visual disturbances, n/v, dizziness, small vs changes, PERRLA changes
Late s/s of increased ICP
seizures, decreased LOC, posturing, Cushing’s triad, fixed and dilated pupils
s/s Cushing’s triad
increased SBP with widening pulse pressure, bradycardia, irregular respirations
Uncontrolled ICP causes
herniation (4 types), supratentorial, ischemia
Central/tentorium herniation
brain moves through foramen magnum, affecting cranial nerve 3
Cingulate herniation
lateral displacement under falx cerebri, compresses anterior cerebral artery –> ischemic strokes
Uncal herniation
temporal lobe puts pressure on the brainstem, affects cranial nerve 3
Tonsillar herniation
cerebellar tonsils move through foramen magnum, putting pressure on the brainstem –> headache, stiff neck, paralysis, coma
displacement of cerebrum above tentorium
How does ischemia occur
inadequate cerebral perfusion