Development Flashcards
When are primitive reflexes gone
in a few months to a year
What development age do children start to realize they are separate from their caregiver
Explain infant cognitive level
Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, learning through touch and motor skills
When does object permanence develop
4-8 months
When do babies start to smile
2 months
When is taste and smell developed
after they are born
What is associated with strong vocab development
good sleep and naps
When is solid food introduced
at 6 months, offering new foods every 3-5 days to watch for allergies
What development stage starts to exert independence
What development stage is emotionally labile
What development stage imitates others
What development stage has both Piaget’s sensorimotor and preoperational
What development stage does thinking before acting start
What development stage is when a sense of ownership start, with simple tasks and direction, and complicated play
What development stage is when a sense of self starts to form, separation anxiety reemerge, routines are helpful, and gender differences start to emerge
What development stage is when people are egocentric the need for control
What development stage do children know right from wrong because of punishment
What development stage understands better than what they can express
At 18 months, when are we worried about developmental delays
not walking, not saying 15 words
At 2 years, when are we worried about developmental delays
cannot use 2 word sentences, can’t follow simple directions, does not imitate others
At 3 years, when are we worried about developmental delays
difficulty manipulating small objects, difficulty separating from caregivers, no interest in other kids
What developmental stage is there bowel control
Describe the psychosocial stage of preschoolers
Erickson’s initiative vs guilt, asks lots of questions, enjoy learning and feeling accomplished, want to please caregivers, feel remorse, play with other children, work through conflict
Describe the cognitive stage of preschoolers
Understand causality, learning through observation and imitation
What developmental stage is the start of an interest in basic sexuality
At 4 years old, when are we worried about developmental delays
unable to jump, refuse/can’t participate in toileting and dressing, can’t hold a crayon, ignores other kids, speaks in sentences less than 3 words
At 5 years old, when are we worried about development delays
refuse/can’t participate in toileting and dressing, ignoring other kids, frequent sad or aggressive behaviors and feelings, trouble separating from caregiver
What developmental stage is there greater strength and coordination but bone mineralization is still not complete
What developmental stage do children lose baby teeth
What developmental stage is most sensitive to criticism, develop fears, and is most involved in team sports and activities
What developmental stage learns natural and logical consequences
What developmental stage has fast neural processing from myelin sheath development
What developmental stage is the heart size and shape increased