Frases 9 Flashcards
merece la pena profundizar un poquito en el tema.
it’s worthwhile to look a little deeper into the issue.
ellos decidieron no acudir a su puesto de trabajo.
they decided not go show up at their jobs.
entorno de noventa por ciento.
ranging from about ninety percent.
¿qué se creen los controladores para dejar a tanta gente tirada?
who do these controllers think that they are to leave so many people stranded/stuck?
la jornada laboral
the work day.
sacar de quicio
to take something out of proportion.
estos temas se han sacado de quicio en la prensa.
the press have taken these issues out of proportion.
se da mucho bombo a que ganan mucho dinero.
it’s been given a lot of attention that they make a lot of money.
se da mucho bombo a
to give a lot of attention to something.
La situación ha llegado adonde no tenía que haber llegado.
The situation has arrived at a place where it didn’t have to go.
a otros funcionarios se les ha bajado el diez por ciento y a ellos se les ha bajado mucho más.
[The salaries of] other workers has been reduced by 10% y theirs [controllers] has been reduced much more.
es una guarrada
It’s a mess / screw-up
logramos colarnos
we managed to gate-crash / get in uninvited.
porque te clavas en un lado y luego quieres ver el otro.
because you devote yourself (fall in love with) one side and later you want to see the other side.
estuvimos un año dándole vueltas.
We spent a year going in circles.
Su abuela le dio apapachos.
His grandmother gave him cuddles & kisses.
¿Cómo capoteas lo público y lo privado?
How do you manage the public and the private?
Capotear: to manage two things from colliding, to keep two things from influencing the other.
¿Cómo capoteas lo público y lo privado?
Que el manzano solamente da manzanas.
May the apple tree only grow apples.