Aprender A Recibir Flashcards
Adoptar un papel
To take on a role.
Un/a ayudador/a
A helper
Un/a cuidador/a
A caregiver, person who cares
Ser gratificante
To be gratifying
El personaje
A personality, a character (fiction)
Un halago, un elogio
A compliment, praise.
Interpretar un personaje
To play / act out a character (what actors do).
El cansancio
The fatigue, tiredness.
Dejar el autoestima por los suelos.
To have one’s self-esteem in the pits.
Convertirse en otro papel.
To become another role (literally).
To turn into another type of person (interpretation).
Compartir tus juguetes
To share your toys.
To urge, pressure
Quitar la culpa
To remove, get rid of blame.
Un guion vital
A lifestyle guide.
Una relación recíproca
A reciprocal relationship (lit).
An equal, fair relationship (trans).