El histrionismo Flashcards
Parecer mentira
It seems wrong, it seems counter-intuitive
Teatralizar tus sentimientos
Over-exaggerate your feelings, to be theatrical
Un temazo
A big deal
El que no llora, no mama.
Fig: The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Los picos altos y valles profundos
Fig: The highest highs and the lowest lows.
Un trastorno
A disorder (frequently mental)
Con prudencia
Carefully, cautiously, good sense.
Poner freno a…
To put an end to…
Qué cosa más rara!
It’s such a strange thing!
Poner límites
To put limits onto…
Los matices
The details, the specifics.
El mayor bien
The greater good
Por tu bien
For your own good.
Una trampa
The trap, trick
Estar bien / mal
To feel good / badly.
Poner de manifiesto
To expose, to put into practice
Hacerle caso
To pay attention to someone
No hacerle caso
To ignore
Ir a alejarse
To get away from, to move away at a distance.
Me voy a alejar de mi familia
I’m going to keep a distance from my family.
Hay que explicárselo.
This has to be explained to them.
Tenerle cariño
To care for someone.
Quedar con alguien
To hang out with someone.
No escupes hacia el cielo
Fig: this will backfire on you.
El que no habla a Dios no lo oye.
Fig: if you don’t ask, nobody will help.
Nadie le tiene cariño a un histriónico. Nadie querría quedar con un histriónico al día siguiente.
Nobody cares for a histrionic person. Nobody would want to hang out with a histrionic person the next day.
Un rato
A moment, brief amount of time.
El efecto rebote
The boomerang, bounce-back effect
Cuanto más mejor
The more the better
Estar entre amigos
To be amongst friends
No se deben rebasar
These shouldn’t be exceeded, gone beyond.
Un componente manipulador
A whiff of manipulation