Group of highly virulent, antibiotic-resistant, nosocomial infection-associated bacteria
ESKAPE group
Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp.
Characteristic of Haemophilus spp.
Small, nonmotile, capnophilic, pleomorphic Gram-negative bacilli or coccobacilli, requiring X (hemin) and V (NAD) factors
Capsule composition of Haemophilus influenzae
Sugar-alcohol (polyribitol) phosphate, 6 capsular serotypes: a to f
Infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae
Meningitis, Epiglottitis, Cellulitis, Arthritis, Pneumonia, Otitis Media
Transmission route of Haemophilus influenzae
Respiratory droplets
Diagnostic test for Haemophilus influenzae in CSF and urine
Particle agglutination
Condition caused by Haemophilus influenzae biotype aegypticus
Brazilian purpuric fever
Common infections caused by Haemophilus parainfluenzae
Acute otitis media, sinusitis, bacteremia, culture negative endocarditis
Common infection caused by Haemophilus aegypticus
Purulent conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Condition caused by Haemophilus ducreyi
Chancroid/Soft chancre (painful genital ulcers), an STD
Microscopic appearance of Haemophilus ducreyi
School of red fish (red under microscope, Gram-negative)
Haemophilus spp. factor requirements:
X and V
X (hemin) factor check, porphyrin absent;
V factor = NAD; Needs both X and V, with absent porphyrin
1st row:
H. influenzae,
H. aegypticus,
H. haemolyticus
Haemophilus spp. factor requirements: X factor absent and V factor needed
absent X factor and needs V factor
positive for porphyrin
2nd row:
H. parainfluenzae,
H. paraphrophilus
Haemophilus spp. factor requirements: X factor needed and V factor absent;
Needs X factor and absent V factor, absent porphyrin
3rd row: H. ducreyi
Haemophilus spp. with no factor requirements and positive for porphyrin.
Doesn’t need X and V factors. Present porphyrin
Aggregatibacter aphrophilus
Media for X and V factor test
Media: Heart infusion agar
Reagent: Disk/strip for X and V factor and incubation time
Impregnated with X, V and XV factors
Incubate overnight
35 deg C
ambient air
Positive test result for Haemophilus spp. with X and V factor:
Growth around XV disk only
1st row organisms (IHA - XV disk only)
H. influenzae,
H. aegypticus,
H. haemolyticus
Positive test result for Haemophilus spp. with X and V factor:
Growth around XV and V disks only
2nd row organisms PPP - XV and V growth
H. parainfluenzae,
H. paraphrophilus
Positive test result for Haemophilus spp. with X and V factor:
Growth around XV and X disks only
3rd row organism: XV, X - CRY
H. ducreyi
Negative test result for Haemophilus spp. with X and V factor:
Growth around XV, X, and V disks
Non-fastidious organisms
Dysgonic small gram-negative (cocco)bacilli
Normal oral flora; occasionally associated with Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
Recovered in blood culture then Subculture in BAP/CAP (Candle jar incubation)
Aggregatibacter (Haemophilus) aphrophilus
Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans
Cardiobacterium hominis
Eikenella corrodens
Kingella kingae
AACEK that causes Dental plaques
Aggregatibacter (Haemophilus) aphrophilus
AACEK that causes Periodontitis; Coinfection with Actinomyces
Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans
AACEK that is frequently associated with aortic valve infection
Cardiobacterium hominis
AACEK associated with Human bite infection
Eikenella corrodens
AACEK associated with Joint and bone infections; osteoarthritis in children
Kingella kingae
X factor dependent, Nitrate reduction positive
Aggregatibacter (Haemophilus) aphrophilus
Star-shaped centers in BHIA (dots and dashes of Morse code)
Aggregatibacter (Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans
Only Indole positive in AACEK
False gram-positive staining
PITS Rosette (rose petal) formation with stick-like projections
Cardiobacterium hominis
Bleach-like odor
Pits agar, umbonate colony
Eikenella corrodens
Narrow zone of beta-hemolysis in BAP
Kingella kingae