11/3/21 bonus Flashcards
What is the dose of ketamine used for rapid sequence intubation?
1–2 mg/kg IV or 3–4 mg/kg IM.
An ankle-brachial index of 1.0 is considered?
within normal limits
- 1.0 and 1.4 is normal.
- 0.9 - 1.0 is borderline.
- 0.9 or less= PAD.
- 0.4 and 0.7= moderate PAD.
Traveler’s Diarrhea Treatment
Treatment is rehydration and ciprofloxacin or azithromycin (pregnant women and children)
Right to left shunt
In a right-to-left shunt, oxygen-poor blood from the right heart does not pass through functional ventilated alveoli, impairing oxygenation of blood as it moves through the lungs and towards the arterial side of circulation.
Common causes of shunt include pneumonia, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Hypoxemia secondary to right-to-left shunt will respond poorly to supplemental oxygen
glyburide is what kind of medicine
Do children with exposure to household electrical currents need continuous cardiac monitoring?
No. Healthy children with exposure to regular currents without water only require an ECG.
Vasospastic Angina (Prinzmetal Angina) rx
Treatment is calcium channel blockers and nitrates
Where is Histoplasmosis capsulatum endemic, necessitating screening questions to assess the risk of underlying fungal infection before starting patients on immunosuppressive therapy, such as a TNF-alpha inhibitor?
The Midwest
High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) Rx
Rx: O2, dexamethasone, immediate descent
Is anterior or posterior hip disloaction more common
- vast majority are posterior dislocations
- shortened, adducted, and internally rotated leg
- most common associated injury is an acetabular fracture
- Sciatic nerve injury affects 10 - 20% of individuals.
Massive hemoptysis definition
≥ 100 mL/hour or ≥ 500 mL over 24 hours
______ is a vasodilator that causes a reduction in both the preload and the afterload
Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Treatment
- BPAP: ↑ oxygenation, ↓ work of breathing, ↓ preload, afterload
- Nitroglycerin: ↓ preload, afterload
- Furosemide: diuresis
- Hypotension w/o shock: dobutamine (may worsen hypotension)
- Severe hypotension w/ shock: norepinephrine (↑ systemic vascular resistance, ↑ HR, ↑ BP, ↑ myocardial O2 demand)
What is the name for small, less than 2 cm, horizontal lines representing edematous interlobular septa or lymphatic vessels seen in the lower zone periphery on a chest X-ray in patients with congestive heart failure?
Kerley B lines.
Forceful contraction of which muscle is responsible for causing the most common type of pelvic avulsion fracture?
Hamstring muscle.
Pelvic Avulsion Fracture
- Powerful contraction of lower leg muscle on a developing apophysis
- Most common type: ischial tuberosity avulsion
- Diagnosed with AP and frog-leg radiographs
- Treated with rest, crutch use, and pain control
- Surgical pinning rarely required
What encapsulated organisms become opportunistic in splenectomy patients?
Hemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Neisseria meningitidis.
How is the qSOFA score calculated?
Parameters include:
- altered mental status (GCS <15)
- respiratory rate ≥ 22/min
- SBP ≤ 100 mm Hg.
- score ≥ 2 indicates organ dysfunction and mortality risk approx. 10%
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria
needs 2 or more of the following:
1) temperature > 100.4°F or < 96.8°F
2) HR > 90 bpm
3) RR > 20/min or PaCO2 < 32 mm Hg
4) WBC > 12,000/μL, < 4,000/μL, or > 105 bands.
Sepsis Definition
Suspected or proven infection with signs of systemic inflammation and an increase in Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score of 2 or more from baseline
Septic shock criteria
presence of sepsis, vasopressors to maintain MAP > 65 mm Hg, and a lactic acid level > 2 mmol/L despite adequate IVF