10/29/21 Flashcards
Labs will show glucose > 600 mg/dL and negative ketones
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
Neonates with a bilirubin level; over _______ should be admitted for the initiation of phototherapy in order to avoid the risk for kernicterus,
bilirubin > 20 mg/dL
over 20 is always abnormal on the graph
Facial and Dental Nerve Blocks
ipsilateral forehead and scalp
Perichondritis (infection of connective tissue of the ear) differs in treatment from other soft tissue infections in that?
Antipseudomonal antibiotics are standard of care
ex: ciprofloxacin
Hypothermia is defined by a core body temp of?
< 35°C
________________ is classically associated with a productive cough with rust-colored sputum, pleuritic chest pain, and high fevers
Streptococcus pneumoniae
most common PNA
PNA: chronic alcohol use, currant-jelly sputum, bulging fissures
_______ PNA is asc w/ COPD and has gram-negative pleomorphic rods
Haemophilus influenzae:
Facial and Dental Nerve Blocks
area between lower eyelid and upper lip
Wernicke encephalopathy is the result of acute ______ deficiency
thiamine- B1
Facial and Dental Nerve Blocks
ipsilateral maxillary molars
Posterior superior alveolar
Thyroid Storm Rx
Beta-blocker (propranolol)
Thioamide (propylthiouracil or methimazole)
Iodine solution
Empiric antibiotics if infection is suspected
Patients with severe hypermagnesemia should be given ___________
intravenous calcium
directly antagonizes the membrane effects
reverses respiratory depression, hypotension, and dysrhythmias.
Hemodialysis should be considered in patients with coma, respiratory failure, hemodynamic instability, or those with severe hypermagnesemia associated with renal failure.
Herniation of _____ will cause decreased sensation of the medial thigh and weakness of hip flexion.
Facial and Dental Nerve Blocks
ipsilateral mandibular teeth, lower lip, chin
Inferior alveolar
Herniation of _____ results in decreased sensation of the medial foot and weakness of knee extension.
Decreased sensation between the first and second toe and weakness of ankle dorsiflexion can be seen with _____ disk herniation.
Facial and Dental Nerve Blocks
ipsilateral lower lip and chin
Patients with an S1 radiculopathy present with
- decreased sensation of posterolateral calf and lateral foot
- weakness of ankle plantar flexion
- decreased Achilles reflex
HHS Labs
serum glucose > 600 mg/dL
serum osmolality > 315 mg/dL
minimal to absent ketosis
pH typically > 7.25