驕傲、浮誇 (–) Flashcards
bombast [ˈbɑmbæst]
(n) 浮誇的言論
(MW1) speech orwriting that is meant to soundimportant or impressive but is not sincereor meaningful
(MW2) pretentious inflated speech orwriting
[源] 原指墊在盔甲內防止身體摩擦受傷的棉花(cotton padding) ,後引申為 “浮誇言詞” 像棉絮一樣不實在,一吹就散了。
[衍] bombastic [bɑmˈbæstɪk] (a) “浮誇的”。
[例] The other world leadersat the international conferencehad little interest inbeing subjected to the president’s bombast.
[解] 用炸彈 (bomb) 和轟炸 (bombard) 來記,說大話的人通常會進行 “言語轟炸”。
pompous [ˈpɑmpəs]
(a) 驕傲的
(MW1) having or showing the attitudeof peoplewho speak and behavein a very formal and seriousway because they believethat they are better,smarter, or more important thanother people
(MW2) havingor exhibiting self-importance: ARROGANT <a pompous politician >
[源] pomp- (display) + -ous (形尾) ,驕傲的人愛 “秀” (display) 。
[例] She found it difficult totalk about her achievements without soundingpompous.
supercilious [ˌsupərˈsɪliəs]
(a) 高傲的
(MW1) having or showing the proudand unpleasant attitudeof peoplewho think that they are betterormore important than other people
(MW2) coolly (冷酷地) and patronizingly (自居高位地) haughty <reacted to their breach of etiquette with a supercilious smile >
[源] super- (over) + cili- (eyelid) + -ous (形尾) ,“在眼皮之上” 即是眉毛,因為高傲的人常會把眉毛撐得高高的,顯示出不屑的神情。
[例] The supercilious art dealer rolled her eyes (翻白眼,表示不屑) when we asked if shehad anything for under $1,000.
haughty [ˈhɔtɪ]
(a) 高傲的
(MW1) having or showing the insultingattitude of peoplewho think that they arebetter, smarter, or more important thanother people
(MW2) blatantly anddisdainfullyproud
[源] haughty來自 high,故稱“高” 傲。
[衍] haughtiness [ˈhɔtɪnɪs] (n) “高傲”。
[例] He rejected theiroffer with a tone ofhaughty disdain.
[形] naughty [ˈnɔtɪ] (a) “頑皮的” (=impis [ˈɪmpɪʃ] )
hubris [ˈhjubrɪs]
(n) 高傲
(MW1) a great or foolishamount of pride or confidence
(MW2) exaggerated pride or self-confidence
[衍] hubristic [hjuˈbrɪstɪk] (a) “高傲的”。
[例] His failure was brought on by hishubris.