憤怒 (-) Flashcards
petulant [ˈpɛtʃələnt]
(a) 暴躁的
(MW1) having or showing the attitudeofpeople who becomeangry and annoyed whenthey do not get what they want
(MW2) characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor (壞脾氣) : PEEVISH
[衍] petulance [ˈpɛtʃələns] (n) “暴躁”。
[例] a petulant and fussy man who isalways blaming everyone else for hisproblems
peevish [ˈpivɪʃ]
(a) 壞脾氣的
(MW1) feeling or showing irritation
(MW2) marked byill temper (壞脾氣)
[衍] peeve [piv] (n) “令人不舒服的事物”。
[例] peevish patientsin the doctor’s waiting room
cantankerous [kænˈtæŋkərəs]
(a) 不好相處的
(MW1) often angry and annoyed
(MW2) difficult or irritating to deal with <acantankerous mule >
[例] a cantankerous old woman who insistedthat nothing should ever beallowed to change
[記] 諧音:“看坦克”被激怒 (六四天安門事件) 。
ill-humored [ˈɪlˈhjumɚd]
(a) 壞脾氣的
miff [mɪf]
(n) 生氣
(MW) a fit (一陣情緒) of ill humor
[衍] miff [mɪf] (v) “激怒”。
[例] “No one asked you!” sheretorted (回嘴) , with some miff.
[記] miff 中的 i 表小,別人看輕 (小) 你,所以你感到生氣。
surly [ˈsɝlɪ]
(a) 易怒且粗暴的
(MW1) rude and unfriendly
(MW2) irritably sullen and churlish(粗野的) in moodor manner: CRABBED
[例] went about (做) his chores ina surly huff(憤怒) , totally annoyed that he was stuck at home on this beautiful Saturday
[解] 指性格上 “易怒” 且行為 “粗暴” 的。同義字:crabbed [ˈkræbɪd] (a) marked bya forbiddingmoroseness <a crabbed view of human nature >,聯想螃蟹 (crab) 橫行霸道的模樣。
[記] surly 的人常常會讓人 say “sorry”。
indignant [ɪnˈdɪgnənt]
(a) 憤慨的
(MW1) feeling or showing anger becauseof something that is unfair or wrong: very angry
(MW2) filledwith or marked by indignation <became indignantat the accusation >
[源] in- (not) +dign- (worth) + -ant (形尾) ,價值不相當,所以 “憤怒”
[衍] indignation [ˌɪndɪgˈneʃən] (n) “憤慨”。
[例] She wrote anindignant letter to the editor.
[形] indigent [ˈɪndədʒənt] (a) “非常貧窮的”。
[形] indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs] (a) “土生土長的、在地的”。
furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs]
(a) 極憤怒的
(MW) exhibiting or goaded (受刺激) by anger
[衍] fury [ˈfjʊrɪ] (n) “盛怒” (= rage) 。
[衍] infuriate [ɪnˈfjʊrɪˌet] (v) “使盛怒” (= enrage) 。
[衍] infuriation [ɪnˌfjʊrɪˈeʃən] (n) “盛怒”。
[例] She’s furious at/over how slowly the investigation is proceeding.
ire [aɪr]
(n) 憤怒
(MW1) intense anger
(MW2) intense and usuallyopenly displayed anger
[例] He directedhis ire at the coworkers who reported the incident.
[解] 利用 fire 去聯想,有 ire 的人會想罵 f 開頭的字。
irascible [ɪˈræsəbəl]
(a) 易怒的
(MW1) becoming angry very easily: having a bad temper
(MW2) markedby hot temper andeasily provoked anger
[源] ira- (anger)
[例] He has an irascibledisposition.
fractious [ˈfrækʃəs]
(a) 易怒的
[源] frac- (break) + -ti- + -ous (形尾) ,脾氣爆 “裂”。
umbrage [ˈʌmbrɪdʒ]
(n) 生氣 (與at並用)
(MW) a feeling of pique (生氣) or resentment (怨恨) at someoften fancied (想像的) slight or insult <tookumbrage at thespeaker’s remarks >
[源] umber- (shadow) ,如 umbrella 最早是遮陽的(提供陰影) 而非遮雨。陽傘:parasol [ˈpærəˌsɔl] (n) a lightweight umbrella usedas a sunshade,字源來自 para- (away) + sol- (sun) 。
[例] Itake umbrage at that remark.
[解] 在 “陰影” 下待久了會 “悶悶不樂”。此字固定用法為:take umbrage at 人或物。