支持 Flashcards
bolster [ˈbolstɚ]
(v) 支持、增強
(MW1) to make (something) stronger or better: to give support to (something)
(MW2) to givea boost to <news that bolstered his spirits >
[例] Sheis thinking of waysto bolster her career.
[解] 名詞原意是 “長枕”,長枕 “支持”人的頭部,引申為動詞 “增強”。
espouse [ɪsˈpaʊz]
(v) 表達支持某事
(MW1) to express support for (a cause, belief,etc.)
(MW2) to takeup and support as a cause: become attached to
[例] The new theory has been espoused by many leading physicists.
[解] 原意是 “嫁、娶”(marry) ,如 “配偶” 的英文是 spouse,引申為“對某事表達支持” (一輩子支 持某項運動,像是以身相許一樣) 。
buttess [ˈbʌtrɪs]
(v) 支持
(MW1) to support,strengthen, or defend(something)
(MW2) to furnishor shore up with a buttress;also: SUPPORT, STRENGTHEN <argumentsbuttressed by solid facts >
[例] The theory has been buttressed by the results ofthe experiment.
[解] 名詞原意是 “扶壁 (牆旁的支撐物) ”,因為用來“支撐” 牆,所以引申為 “支持”,常用於理 論為實驗所支持。
uphold [ʌpˈhold]
(v) 支持、維護 (常用於法律)
(MW1) to support ordefend (something, such as a law)
(MW2) to givesupport to
[例] He took an oath (宣誓) to uphold the Constitution.
[記] 用 hold up (撐住) 來記 uphold,常用於法院判決 “贊成”、“支持” 某方。
prop [prɑp]
(v) 支持 (與 up 並用)
(MW1) to support (something) by placing it against something else or by placing something under it
(MW2) SUSTAIN, STRENGTHEN—often used with up <a government propped up by the military >
[例] His faith propped him up in timesof crisis.
[解] 名詞原意是 “支撐物”,引申為 “支持”,固定用法為 prop up。
champion [ˈtʃæmpɪən]
(v) 積極支持、為…而戰
(MW1) to fight or speak publiclyin supportof(a person, belief,cause, etc.)
(MW2) to act asmilitant supporter of: UPHOLD, ADVOCATE <always champions the cause (理念目標) of theunderdog (受迫害者) >
[例] She is a lawyer whochampions children’s rights.
[解] 名詞除了 “冠軍” 的意思以外,還有 “擁護者、鬥士” 之意,引申為動詞 “為…而戰”,這種 支持帶有奮鬥、犧牲的成分在。