舊 (-) Flashcards
commonplace [ˈkɑmənˌples]
(a) 平凡的
(MW1) happening or appearingin many placesand not unusual: very common or ordinary
(MW2) commonly foundor seen: ORDINARY,UNREMARKABLE <a commonplaceoccurrence > <thelarge mergers that had become commonplace >
[衍] commonplace [ˈkɑmənˌples] (n) an idea, expression, remark, etc., thatis not new or interesting “平凡的言論”。
[例] Drug usehas become commonplace at rock concerts.
pedestrian [pəˈdɛstrɪən]
(a) 平凡的、普通的
(MW1) not interesting or unusual
[源] ped- (foot) ,“行人”用腳走路。
[例] He lived apedestrianlife, working at the papermill (工廠) and living in histrailer(拖車) .
[解] 名詞是 “行人” 的意思,但 GRE 不考此意,而是考形容詞 “平凡的、缺乏想像力的”。
[記] 我們說一個人長得很 “路人”,是指長相 “平凡、普通”。
quotidian [kwoˈtɪdɪən]
(a) 平凡的、普通的
(MW1) ordinaryor very common
(MW2) COMMONPLACE, ORDINARY <quotidian drabness >
[源] 原意是 “每日的”(= everyday) ,引申為“平凡、普通的”。
[例] Not contentwith the quotidian quarrels that other couples had, they had rows (爭吵) that shook the entire neighborhood.
prosaic [proˈzeɪk]
(a) 平凡的、普通的
(MW1) dull or ordinary
(MW2) DULL,UNIMAGINATIVE <prosaic advice >
[衍] prose [proz] (n) “散文” (反義字:verse“韻文”) ,引申為 “日常生活語言”。
[例] the prosaiclife of a hardworking farmer
banal [bəˈnɑl]
(a) 陳腐的
(MW1) boring or ordinary: not interesting
(MW2) lacking originality, freshness, ornovelty: TRITE
[衍] banality [bəˈnæləti] (n) somethingthat is boring or ordinary;especially: an uninteresting statement: a banal remark“陳腐”。
[例] The hack writer’s worn-out cliches madehis comic sketch seem banal. He evenresorted to thebanality of having someoneslip on a banana peel.
[解] 記法:坐在運河 (canal) 上吃香蕉 (banana) 很無聊 (banal) 。
trite [traɪt]
(a) 陳腐的
(MW1) not interesting or effective becauseof being used toooften: notfresh or original
(MW2) hackneyed or boring from muchuse: not fresh ororiginal
[例] By the time the receivingline (接待賓客的隊伍) had ended, the bride and groom’s thanks soundedtrite and tired.
[解] 用 try 來記,“試”過太多次的東西是陳腐的。
tired [taɪrd]
(a) 陳腐的
(MW1) used over and over again
[源] 從原意 “勞累的” (不停重複做某事) 的概念引申為 “陳腐的”。
[例] We had to listen to the sameold tired excuses again.
hackneyed [ˈhæknɪd]
(a) 陳腐的
(MW1) not interesting, funny, etc., because of being used toooften: not freshor original
(MW2) lackingin freshness or originality <hackneyed slogans >
[衍] hack [ˈhæk] (n) a person whoworks solely for mercenary(金錢的) reasons: HIRELING <party hacks > “雇傭文人”。
[例] It’s hackneyed, but true—the more yousave the more you earn.
mundane [mʌnˈden]
(a) 平凡的
(MW1) dull and ordinary
(MW2) characterized by the practical, transitory, and ordinary: COMMONPLACE <the mundane concerns of day-to-day life >
[源] mund- (world) ,“世”俗的。
[例] Uninterested in philosophical orspiritual discussions, Tom talkedonly of mundane matters such as the daily weatherforecast or the latest basketball results.
[解] 此字另一義是 “世俗的”,同義字:worldly, earthly, secular, temporal“世俗的”,反義字:spiritual, religious“宗教的”。
[記] 用 “星期一 (Monday) ” 的發音去記,星期日上教堂做禮拜提升心靈,星期一回歸 “世俗” 生 活。
insipid [ɪnˈsɪpɪd]
(a) 乏味的 (無聊的)
(MW1) not interesting or exciting: dull or boring
(MW2) lacking inqualities that interest,stimulate, or challenge: DULL, FLAT <insipid prose >
[衍] insipidity [ˌɪnsɪˈpɪdətɪ] (n) “乏味、無聊”。
[例] One evening,over beers, Rasala complainedabout some insipid movie recently shown onTV.
[解] “乏味” 可用於兩個方面:食物、內容無聊(= tedious, boring) 。
tedious [ˈtidɪəs]
(a) 無聊的 (= boring)
(MW1) boring andtoo slow or long
(MW2) tiresome because of length or dullness: BORING <a tedious public ceremony >
[衍] tedium [ˈtidɪəm] (n) the quality orstate of being tedious: TEDIOUSNESS also: BOREDOM
[例] He made a tedious 45-minute speech.
[記] 感到 “無聊” (tedious) 的時候就看 TED.com (一個有趣、知識性的影片網站) 。
jejune [dʒɪˈdʒun]
(a) 無趣的
(MW1) not interesting
(MW2) devoid of significance or interest: DULL <jejune lectures >
[衍] jejuneness [dʒɪˈdʒunɪs] (n) “無趣”。
[例] She madejejune remarks about life and art.
[記] “JJ” (機經) 的內容很 “無趣”。