奉承 (–) Flashcards
flatter [ˈflætɚ]
(v) 奉承
(MW) to praise excessively especially from motivesof self-interest
[衍] flattery [ˈflætərɪ] (n) “奉承”。
[解] 過度的稱讚就是 “奉承”。
[記] 奉承的話讓人心裡感到舒坦 (flat) 。
fawn [fɔn]
(v) 奉承
(MW) to court (追求) favor by a cringing(奉承的) or flattering manner
[衍] fawning [fɔnɪŋ] (a) “奉承的”。
[例] The bosshas a reputation for hiring fawning employees.
[解] 固定用法為 fawn on/over 某人。
[形] frown [fraʊn] (v) “皺眉”。
kowtow [ˈkaʊˈtaʊ]
(v) 奉承
(MW) to show obsequious deference (順從) : FAWN <kowtows to the boss >
[源] 來自中文 “磕頭”
[衍] kowtow (n) “奉承”。
obsequious [əbˈsikwɪəs]
(a) 奉承的
(MW) marked by or exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
[衍] obsequiousness [əbˈsikwɪəsnɪs] (n) “奉承”。
[源] ob- (after) + sequ- (follow) ,跟在後面 “拍馬屁”
[例] She’s constantly followedby obsequiousassistants who will do anything she tells them to.
adulation [ˌædʒəˈleʃən]
(n) 奉承
(MW) excessive or slavish (奴性的) admirationor flattery
[衍] adulate [ˈædʒəˌlet] (v) “奉承”。
[例] The rock star thrived onthe adulation of his groupies (瘋狂追隨者) and yesman (唯唯諾諾的人) .
[記] 用 adult (成人) 來記,相較於孩子,成人才會 “奉承”。
[形] adulterate [əˈdʌltəˌret] (v) “摻雜質”。