災難 Flashcards
cataclysm [ˈkætəˌklɪzəm]
(n) 大災難
(MW1) something that causes great destruction,violence, etc.
(MW2) a momentous(重大的) and violentevent marked by overwhelmingupheaval (動亂) and demolition(破壞) ; broadly: a event that brings great changes
[源] cata- (down) + clysm- (wash) ,原指 “大洪水” (deluge) ,後泛指大災難。
[衍] cataclysmic [ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk] (a) “大災難的”。
[例] The revolutioncould result inworldwide cataclysm.
[解] 通常指天然的巨大災難,如地震、海嘯等。若是淹大水這種災難,最適合用此字。注意 momentous不是 “短暫的” (momentary) 而是 “重大的”:momentous [moˈmɛntəs] (a) IMPORTANT, CONSEQUENTIAL。補充:consequential = important,記法:“結果”比原因更 “重要”。
catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfɪ]
(n) 大災難 (引申為 “失敗”)
(MW1) aterrible disaster
(MW2) a momentoustragic event ranging from extrememisfortuneto utter overthrowor ruin
[源] cata (down) + strophe (turn) ,轉來轉去 “天昏地暗” 的大災難。
[衍] catastrophic [ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪk] (a) “災難性的”。
[例] Experts feara humanitarian catastrophe iffood isn’t deliveredto therefugees soon.
[解] 注意拼字,有別於 philosophy (哲學) ,calligraphy (書法) ,catastrophe 的結尾不是y。
calamity [kəˈlæmətɪ]
(n) 災難
(MW1) an event that causesgreat harm and suffering
(MW2) a disastrous event markedby great loss and lasting distressand suffering <calamities of nature > <an economiccalamity >
[衍] calamitous [kəˈlæmətəs] (a) “災難的”。
[源] 原意指 damage,後引申為天然、人為災難。
[例] He predicted calamity for the economy.
debacle [dɪˈbɑkəl]
(n) 大災難 (引申為“失敗”)
(MW1) a great disaster or complete failure
(MW2) a great disaster
[例] After the debacle of his first novel,he hadtrouble getting a publisherfor his next book.
atrocity [əˈtrɑsətɪ]
(n) 殘暴
(MW1) a very cruel or terrible act oraction
(MW2) an atrociousact, object, or situation <the… sufferings and atrocities oftrench warfare >
[衍] atrocious [əˈtroʃəs] (a) APPALLING,HORRIFYING <the atrocious weapons of modern war > “殘暴的”。
[例] Atrocities were committed by forces on bothsides of the conflict.
[解] 通常指戰爭或有死傷的災難。