深奧難懂、神秘 (-) Flashcards
profound [prəˈfaʊnd]
(a) 深奧的 (= deep)
(MW1) difficult to understand: requiring deepthought or wisdom
(MW2) difficult to fathom orunderstand
[衍] profundity [prəˈfʌndətɪ] (n) “深奧難懂”。
[例] the profound mysteries of outer spaceprofound [prəˈfaʊnd] (a) 深遠的 (與 “影響” 並用)
(MW1) very strongly felt
(MW2) characterized by intensity of feelingor quality
[例] His paintings have had a profound effect on herown work.
[形] confound [kənˈfaʊnd] (v) “使困惑” (= confuse) 。
inscrutable [ɪnˈskrutəbəl]
(a) 深奧的 (難以捉摸的)
(MW1) difficult to understand: causing people to feel curiousor confused
(MW2) not readilyinvestigated, interpreted,or understood: MYSTERIOUS <an><strong>inscrutable</strong> smile > <<em><strong>inscrutable</strong></em> motives ><br></br>[源] in- (not) + scrut- (examine) + -able(形尾) ,無法檢查所以 “神秘的”、“無法得知的”。<br></br>[衍] <strong>inscrutability</strong> [ɪnˌskrutəˈbɪlətɪ] (n) “深奧難懂”。<br></br>[例] He was a quiet, <em><strong>inscrutable</strong></em> man.</an>
esoteric [ˌɛsəˈtɛrɪk]
(a) 深奧難懂的
(MW1) only taught toor understood bymembers of a specialgroup: hard to understand
(MW2) requiring or exhibiting knowledgethat is restricted to a small group <esoteric terminology > broadly: difficultto understand <esoteric subjects >
[源] eso- (= ex-,out) ,深奧難懂的事物僅一小群人知道,把別人 “排除在外”。
[例] Metaphysics (形上學) is such anesoteric subject that most people are content to leave it to the philosophers.
recondite [ˈrɛkənˌdaɪt]
(a) 深奧的
(MW1) not understood or knownby many people
(MW2) difficultor impossible for one ofordinary understanding or knowledgeto comprehend: DEEP <a recondite subject >
[例] Geochemistry is a recondite subject.
arcane [ɑrˈken]
(a) 深奧的
(MW1) secret or mysterious: known or understoodby only a few people
(MW2) known or knowableonly to the initiate:SECRET <arcane rites > broadly: MYSTERIOUS, OBSCURE <arcane explanations >
[記] 諧音:A-Ken 是 “深奧難懂的” 藝人。
[例] grammatical rules that seem arcane to generations of studentswho were never taught grammar in thefirst place
enigmatic [ˌɛnɪgˈmætɪk]
(a) 深奧的(像謎一樣的)
(MW1) full ofmystery and difficultto understand
(MW2) of, relating to, orresembling an enigma: MYSTERIOUS
[衍] enigma [ɪˈnɪgmə] (n) somethinghard to understand or explain “謎、難題”,字源來自 riddle。
[例] The Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile is legendary.
abstruse [æbˈstrus]
(a) 深奧的
(MW1) hard to understand
(MW2) difficult to comprehend: RECONDITE <the abstruse calculationsof mathematicians >
[衍] abstruseness [æbˈstrusnɪs] (n) “深奧難懂”。
[例] You’re not the only onewho finds Einstein’s theory of relativity (相對論) abstruse.
abstract [ˈæbstrækt]
(a) 深奧的 (= abstruse)
(MW) difficult to understand: ABSTRUSE <abstractproblems >
[衍] abstract [ˈæbstrækt] (n) a brief writtenstatement of the main points or facts ina longer report, speech,etc. “摘要” (= summary) 。
[解] 此字另外常用的意思是 “抽象的”,因為抽象,所以 “深奧難懂”。
impenetrable [ɪmˈpɛnətrəbəl]
(a) 難以理解的
(MW1) impossible to understand
(MW2) incapable of being comprehended: INSCRUTABLE
[源] im- (= in-, not) + penetrate,“無法穿透” 的東西是 “深奧難懂” 的。
[例] With the search for surface debris winding down,the mystery of MH370 islooking moreimpenetrable by the moment.
[解] 從字面上 “深所以無法穿透” 之意,引申至 “深奧所以無法理解”。
unfathomable [ʌnˈfæðəməbəl]
(a) 難以理解的
(MW1) impossible to understand
(MW2) not capable ofbeing fathomed (理解) : impossible to comprehend
[衍] fatho [ˈfæðəm] (v) “理解” (= understand) 。
[反] fathomable [fæðəməbəl] (a) “好理解的”。
[例] His behavior is completely unfathomable.
inaccessible [ˌɪnɪkˈsɛsəbəl]
(a) 難以理解的
(MW) difficult or impossibleto reach, approach,or understand: not accessible
[反] accessible [ɪkˈsɛsəbəl] (a) “好理解的”。
[例] His prose (散文) is inaccessibleto many readers.
[記] 能 “理解”(understand) 文章就是能 “取得” (access) 其主旨 (main idea) 。