有害 (-) Flashcards
noxious [ˈnɑkʃəs]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) harmful to livingthings
(MW2) constituting a harmful influence on mind or behavior especially: morally corrupting < noxious doctrines >
[源] nox- (= noc-,harm) + -i- (膠水) + -ous (形尾) ,帶來 “傷害”的。
[例] mixing bleach (漂白水) and ammonia (氨水) can cause noxious fumes that can seriously harm you
[解] 字面上是 “對人體有害的”,常用於形容廢煙、廢料 (如核廢料),引申為 “對人的不良影響”。
obnoxious [ɑbˈnɑkʃəs]
(a) 令人極度反感的
(MW1) unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted
(MW2) odiously(可憎地) or disgustingly objectionable (冒犯的): highly offensive
[源] ob- (加) + nox- (harm) + -i- (膠水) + -ous (形尾) ,帶來 “傷害” 的。
[例] He said some really obnoxious things about his ex-girlfriend at the party.
pernicious [pɚˈnɪʃəs]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticed
(MW2) highly injurious or destructive: DEADLY
[源] per- (加) + nic- (harm) + -i- (膠水) + - ous (形尾) ,帶來 “傷害” 的。
[例] She thinks television hasa pernicious influence on our children.
noisome [ˈnɔɪsəm]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) very unpleasant or disgusting
[源] noi- (harm) + -some(形尾) ,“有害的”。
[例] It’s no fun having asthma (氣喘) and living in an area with noisome smog (煙霧) .
❋ handsome (a) 大量的 = considerable
baneful [ˈbenfəl]
(a) 有害的 (= evil)
(MW1) causing destruction or serious damage: bad or evil
(MW2) productive of destruction or woe: seriously harmful < a baneful influence >
[源] bane (禍根) + -ful (full of) ,充滿禍根的東西是 “有害的”。
[衍] bane [ben] (n) “禍根 (問題的來源) ”。
[例] The legislation could have a baneful effect on the poor.
detrimental [ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛntəl]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) causing damage or injury
(MW2) obviously harmful: DAMAGING < the detrimental effects of pollution >
[衍] detriment [ˈdɛtrəmənt] (n) “傷害”。
[記] 用 nutriment“營養”記反義字 detriment“傷害”。
[例] There were serious concerns that the factory’s waste was detrimental to the local environment.
deleterious [ˌdɛləˈtɪrɪəs]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) damaging or harmful
(MW2) harmful often ina subtle or unexpectedway < deleterious effects > < deleterious tohealth >
[衍] deleteriousness [ˌdɛləˈtɪrɪəsnɪs] (n) “有害”。
[例] The drug has no deleterious effectson patients.
[記] 用 delete 去記,“有害的” 東西需要被刪除。
[形] delectable [dɪˈlɛktəbəl] (a) DELICIOUS < a delectable meal > “美味的”。
insidious [ɪnˈsɪdɪəs]
(a) 暗藏傷害的 (指疾病)
(MW1) causing harm in away that is gradual or not easily noticed
(MW2) of a disease: developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
[例] Most people with this insidious disease have no idea that they are infected.
[記] 用 inside 來記,“傷害” (insidious) 不知不覺中就跑 “進來” (inside) 了。
blight [blaɪt]
(v) 損害
(MW1) to damage (athing or place)
(MW2) to impair the quality or effect of < the condition that has blighted his son’s life > [源] 最早指農業上 “作物疾病”,後引申為 “不良的影響”,從名詞轉成動詞用。
[衍] blighted [ˈblaɪtɪd] (a) “受損害的”。
[例] Builders blighted the land with malls and parking lots.
[記] 太刺眼 (bright) 的光線會損害 (blight) 眼睛。
malignant [məˈlɪgnənt]
(a) 有害的
(MW1) very evil
(MW2) evil in nature, influence, or effect: INJURIOUS
[源] mal- (bad) + -ign- + -ant (形尾) ,“有害的” 事物是 “壞” 的。
[反] benign [bɪˈnaɪn] (a) “無害的”。
[例] a powerfuland malignant influence
[解] 此字可指 “醫學上” 的 “有害” (翻 “惡性的”) ,如惡性腫瘤。< malignant tumor >
❋ malign (v) 中傷、說壞話。❋ mal- = mis-
virulent [ˈvɪrələnt]
(a) 有毒的 (= poisonous)
(MW1) extremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very quickly
(MW2) extremely poisonous or venomous (有毒的)
[源] viru- (poison) + -l- + -ent (形尾) ,“有毒的”。
[衍] virulence [ˈvɪrələns] (n) “有毒”。
[記] 用 virus (病毒) 來記,此字另外從字面上 “帶有(病) 毒的” 引申為 “帶有惡意(傷害) 的”。
[例] The country seemedto be returning to thevirulent nationalism (民族主義) of its past.