即席、未準備 Flashcards
extemporize [ɪkˈstɛmpəˌraɪz]
(v) 即席地做
(MW) to do somethingextemporaneously: IMPROVISE; especially: to speakextemporaneously
[源] ex- (out) + temp- (time) + -or- + -ize (動尾) ,即席演講 “沒有時間” 準備。
[衍] extempore [ɛkˈstɛmpərɪ] (adv) (a) “即席地”、“即席的”。
[衍] extemporaneous [ɛkˌstɛmpəˈrenɪəs] (a) “即席的”。
[例] A good talk showhost has to be able toextemporize the interviews when things don’t go as planned.
improvise [ˈɪmprəvaɪz]
(v) 即席地做
(MW1) to speak or perform without preparation
(MW2) to compose, recite, play,or sing extemporaneously
[源] im- (= in-, not) + provise (= provide) ,即席演講 “不提供” 講稿。
[例] He had to improvise his openingspeech when he forgot his notes.
impromptu [ɪmˈprɑmptju]
(a) 未加準備的
(MW1) not preparedahead of time: made or done without preparation
(MW2) composed or uttered withoutprevious preparation: EXTEMPORANEOUS
[例] Two of my friends camebyunexpectedly, and we had an impromptu little party inmykitchen.
offhand [ˈɔfˈhænd]
(adv) 未加準備地
(MW1) withoutprevious thought or preparation
(MW2) without premeditation or preparation:EXTEMPORE <couldn’t givethe figures offhand >
[例] I couldn’t give them the figures (數字) offhand.