痛恨、憎恨 (-) Flashcards
detest [dɪˈtɛst]
(v) 痛恨
(MW1) to dislike (someone or something) very strongly
(MW2) to feel intense and oftenviolent antipathy (反感) toward: LOATHE
[源] de- (away) + test,痛恨考試 (test) ,欲除之 (de-) 而後快。
[例] I detest pepperoni (義大利辣味香腸) , and wouldn’teat it if you paid me!
loathe [loð]
(v) 痛恨
(MW) to dislike greatly and often with disgust (強烈反感) or intolerance: DETEST
[衍] loath [loθ] (a) “不情願的”(= reluctant = disinclined) 。
[衍] loathsome [ˈloðsəm] (a) “痛恨的”。
[例] Booing and hissing,the audience showed how much they loathed the villain(壞蛋) .
[解] 注意 loathe “痛恨” 是強烈的負面字,而形容詞 loath “不情願的”程度上減弱很多,用法為:be loath to do something。
abhor [əbˈhɔr]
(v) 痛恨
(MW1) to dislike (someone or something) very much
(MW2) to regardwith extreme repugnance (反感) : LOATHE
[源] ab- (away) + hor- (fear) ,對痛恨的事物感到 “害怕” (hor-) “想逃” (ab-) 。
[衍] abhorrence [əbˈhɔrəns] (n) “痛恨”。
[例] abhors the way people leave theirtrash at thepicnic sites in the park
abominate [əˈbɑməˌnet]
(v) 痛恨
(MW1) to feel great hatred for (someoneor something)
(MW2) to hate orloathe intensely: ABHOR
[衍] abomination [əˌbɑməˈneʃən] (n) “痛恨”。
[例] a politician who is reveredby his supporters and abominated by his enemies