開始 Flashcards
incipient [ɪnˈsɪpɪənt]
(a) 起初的
(MW1) beginning to developor exist
(MW2) beginningto come into being (存在) or to becomeapparent <an incipient solar system > <evidence of incipientracial tension >
[源] in- (in) +cept- (take) + -tion(名尾) ,“拿進來” 是開始的第一步。
[衍] inception [ɪnˈsɛpʃən] (n) “開始”。
[例] I have an incipient dislike and distrustof that guy, and I only met him this morning.
outset [ˈaʊtˌsɛt]
(n) 開始
(MW1) the start or beginning of something
[例] There have beenproblems with the projectfrom the outset.
[解] 從 set out (開始) 而來,用法為 from/at the outset (= beginning) 。
onset [ˈɑnˌsɛt]
(n) 開始
(MW1) the beginningof something
(MW2) BEGINNING, COMMENCEMENT <the onset of winter >
[例] the claim thatif you take enoughvitamin C at the onset of a cold, you’ll often recoverfaster
inaugurate [ɪnˈɔgjəˌret]
(v) (官員) 就職 (新上任)
(MW1) to introduce (someone, such as a newly elected official) into a job orposition with a formalceremony
(MW2) to induct (使就職) into an officewith suitable ceremoniesinaugurate [ɪnˈɔgjəˌret] [ɪnˈɔgjəˌret] [ɪnˈɔgjəˌret] (v) (設施) 啟用 (新開幕)
(MW1) to celebrate thefact that something (suchas a new hospital or school) isofficially ready to be used
(MW2) to dedicateceremoniously: observe (慶祝) formally the beginningof <inaugurate a new school >
[源] in- (= en-, make) + augur(占卜) ,就職或開幕典禮要挑 “好日子”舉行。
[衍] inauguration [ɪnˌɔgjəˈreʃən] (n) “(官員) 新上任”、“(機構) 新開幕”。
[例] They inaugurated the new headquarters with a brief ceremony.