錯誤 (–) Flashcards
fallacious [fəˈleʃəs]
(a) 錯誤的
(MW1) containing a mistake: not true oraccurate
(MW2) embodyinga fallacy <a fallacious conclusion >
[源] fall- (deceive) ,“欺騙” 是一種 “錯誤”。
[衍] fallacy [ˈfæləsɪ] (n) “謬誤”。
[例] Consumers who harbor (內心懷有…想法) the fallacious beliefthat credit-card spendingwill never catch up with (趕上) them.
[記] 用 “跌倒、失足”(fall) 來記,一 “失足”成千古恨,再回首已百年身。
erroneous [ɪˈronɪəs]
(a) 錯誤的
(MW1) not correct
(MW2) containing or characterized by error: MISTAKEN <erroneous assumptions > <gave an erroneousimpression >
[源] erron- (error) + e- (膠水) + -ous (形尾) ,“錯誤”的。
[衍] err [ɝ] (v) “犯錯”。To err is human, to forgivedivine. “人非聖賢,孰能無過”。
[衍] error [ˈɛrɚ] (n) “錯誤”。
[例] a news articleabout the new virus that was filledwith much erroneous information
flaw [flɔ]
(n) 缺陷 (= hole)
(MW) an imperfection or weaknessand especially one that detracts from the wholeor hinders effectiveness <vanity (虛榮) was the flaw in his character (人格) > <a flaw in the book’s plot (情節) >
[反] flawless [ˈflɔlɪs] (a) “毫無瑕疵的” (= perfect) 。
[解] 原指 “物理上” 的瑕疵 (defect) ,引申為 “人或事物” 的缺陷(如人格缺陷、故事劇情的不完美) 。
blunder [ˈblʌndɚ]
(n) (因愚蠢、疏忽犯下的) 大錯
(MW1) a bad mistakemade because of stupidityor carelessness
(MW2) a gross (重大的) error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity,ignorance, or carelessness
[源] 和 blind 同源,因為 “看不見” 所以 “犯錯”。
[衍] blunder [ˈblʌndɚ] (v) to make astupid or careless mistake “犯下大錯”。
[例] The accident wasthe results of a seriesof blunders.
malfeasance [ˌmælˈfizəns]
(n) (公務人員或公司的) 瀆職
(MW1) (law) illegal or dishonest activity especially by a publicofficial or a corporation
(MW2) wrongdoing or misconductespecially by a public official
[衍] mal- (bad) + feas- (do) ,瀆職是 “做壞事”。
[例] The investigationhas uncovered (揭發) evidence of corporate malfeasance.
felony [ˈfɛlənɪ]
(n) 重罪 (如 rape/murder)
(MW1) (law) a serious crime (such as murder or rape)
(MW2) a crime for which the punishment infederal law may be death or imprisonment for morethan one year
[衍] felo [ˈfɛlən] (n) a criminal who hascommitted a seriouscrime (called a felony) “重罪犯”。
[例] The crime is considered a felony under statelaw.
[反] peccadillo [ˌpɛkəˈdɪlo] (n) “輕罪”。
peccadillo [ˌpɛkəˈdɪlo]
(n) 輕罪
(MW1) a small mistake orfault that is not regarded as very bador serious
(MW2) a slight offense
[源] 來自義大利文的 pecc- (mistake) + dillo (small) ,輕罪是 “小錯誤”。
[例] a politician’s sexual peccadillos
[解] 注意此字前五個字母 pecca 與後五個字母dillo 的對稱性。
[形] ditto [ˈdɪto] (n) “同上”。
venial [ˈvinjəl]
(a) 可原諒的 (錯誤不大的)
(MW1) notserious
(MW2) of a kind that canbe remitted (免除過錯) : FORGIVABLE, PARDONABLE; also: meriting no particularcensure or notice: EXCUSABLE <venial faults >
[例] takingthe restaurant’s menu as a souvenirseems like a venial offense
[形] vena [ˈvinəl] (a) capableof being bought or obtained for money or other valuableconsideration: PURCHASABLE(可收買的) ; especially: open to corrupt influenceand especially bribery (賄賂) :MERCENARY <a venal legislator > “貪汙的、可收買的”。
[記] 字母 i 表 “小”,我只貪汙 (venal) “一點點” (i) ,所以是 “可原諒的”。
culprit [ˈkʌlprɪt]
(n) 禍端
(MW) the source orcause of a problem
[源] culp- (blame, crime) 。
[衍] culpable [ˈkʌlpəbəl] (a) deserving blame: guilty of doing something wrong“有罪的” (=blameworthy) 。
[例] Lack of exerciseand poor diet arethe chief culprits in heart disease.
[解] 原指 “犯罪的人”,後引申為問題的根源,翻成 “禍端” (= bane) 。
bane [ben]
(n) 禍端
(MW) a sourceof harm or ruin: CURSE <national frontiers havebeen more of a bane than a boon for mankind >
[衍] baneful [ˈbenfəl] (a) causingdestruction or serious damage: bad or evil “邪惡的”。
[記] 用 ban 來記,問題的來源需要被 “禁止”。