批評、辱罵、貶低 (-) Flashcards
disapprobation [ˌdɪsæprəˈbeʃən]
(n) 批評 (= disapproval)
(MW) theactor state of disapproving: thestateof being disapproved: CONDEMNATION
[源] dis- (not) + ap- (= ad-, to) +prob- (test) + -a- + -tion (名尾) ,“沒通過考試”所以批評。
[反] approbation [æprəˈbeʃən] (n) “稱讚” (= approval) 。
[例] There waswidespread disapprobation of their mixed marriage (異族通婚) in that narrow-minded community.
condemn [kənˈdɛm]
(v) 譴責
(MW1) to say in a strong and definiteway that someone or something is bador wrong
(MW2) to declareto be reprehensible (應受責備的) , wrong, or evil usuallyafter weighing evidence and withoutreservation <a policy widelycondemned as racist (種族歧視的) >
[源] con- (加) + demn- (damage) ,譴責別人造成 “傷害”。
[衍] condemnation [ˌkɑndɛmˈneʃən] (n) “譴責”。
[例] We stronglycondemn this attack against ourallies.
disparage [dɪˈspærɪdʒ]
(v) 貶低
(MW1) to describe(someone or something) as unimportant, weak,bad, etc.
(MW2) to depreciate (貶低) by indirect means(asinvidious comparison) : speak slightingly (輕視地) about
[衍] disparaging [dɪsˈpærɪdʒɪŋ] (a) “貶低的”。
[例] Voters don’t like political advertisements inwhich opponents disparage one another.
[解] GRE 閱讀會考作者的語氣為何,選項常出現 disparaging 這個字。
[形] disparate [ˈdɪspərɪt] (a) “不同的” (= different) 。
censure [ˈsɛnʃɚ]
(v) 公開責備、譴責
(MW1) to officially criticize (someoneor something) strongly and publicly
(MW2) to find fault with (挑毛病) and criticizeas blameworthy
[衍] censure [ˈsɛnʃɚ] (n) “公開責備、譴責”。
[例] He was censured by the committeefor his failure to report the problem.
opprobrium [əˈprobrɪəm]
(n) 公開污辱
(MW1) very strong disapproval or criticism of a personor thing especially by a largenumber of people
(MW2) public disgrace or ill fame (壞名聲) that follows from conductconsidered grosslywrong or vicious
[源] op- (= ob-,against) + prob- (test) + -r- + -ium (名尾) ,“考試沒通過”受到公開汙辱。
[衍] opprobrious [əˈprobrɪəs] (a) “公開污辱的”。
[例] They’re going ahead with the plan despitepublic opprobrium.
lambaste [læmˈbest]
(v) 言語攻擊
(MW1) to criticize (someone or something) very harshly
(MW2) to attack verbally: CENSURE <critics lambasted his performance >
[例] The coachlambasted the team forits poor play.
berate [bɪˈret]
(v) 激烈、冗長地罵
(MW1) to yell at (someone) : to criticize(someone) in a loud and angry way
(MW2) toscold or condemnvehemently (情緒激烈地) and at length (冗長地)
[源] be- (加) + rate- (scold) ,注意 rate 本身做動詞有 “責罵” 的意思。
[例] There’s no need to berate someone for making a mistake during the first day on thejob.
[記] 把 be 看成 “B”,把分數打成 (rate) B 級,所以是 “責罵”。
[形] rate [ret] (v) to voice (說) angry reprimands (責備) “謾罵”。
impugn [ɪmˈpjun]
(v) 責難 (批評別人不誠實)
(MW1) to criticize (a person’s character, intentions,etc.) by suggesting thatsomeone is not honest and should not to be trusted
(MW2) to assail (攻擊) by words or arguments: opposeor attack as false orlacking integrity <impugned the defendant’s (被告的) character >
[源] im- (= in-, inside) + pugn- (fight) ,“內鬥”時互相責難。
[例] He impugnedhis rival’s character.
denigrate [ˈdɛnəˌgret]
(v) 抹黑
(MW1) to say very critical and often unfair thingsabout (someone)
(MW2) to attack the reputation of: DEFAME <denigrate one’s opponents >
[源] de- (加) + niger- (black) + -ate(動尾) ,原意是 “使之黑”。
[衍] denigration [ˌdɛnɪˈgreʃən] (n) “抹黑”。
[例] No one is trying to denigrate the importance of a good education. We all knowthat it is crucial for success.
defame [dɪˈfem]
(v) 誹謗
(MW1) to hurt the reputation of (someone or something) especially by sayingthings that are false or unfair
(MW2) to harm thereputation of by libel (文字誹謗) or slander (口頭誹謗)
[源] de- (away) + fame (名聲) ,誹謗是 “破壞名聲”。
[衍] defamation [ˌdɪfəˈmeʃən] (n) “誹謗”。
[衍] defamatory [dɪˈfæməˌtorɪ] (a) “誹謗的”。
[例] He sayshe was defamed by reports that falsely identifiedhimas a former gangster.
vilify [ˈvɪləˌfaɪ]
(v) 誹謗
(MW1) to say or writevery harsh and critical thingsabout (someone or something)
(MW2) to utter (說) slanderous and abusive (謾罵的) statementsagainst: DEFAME, MALIGN
[衍] vilification [ˌvɪləfəˈkeʃən] (n) “誹謗”。
[例] He was vilified in the press forhis comments.
malign [məˈlaɪn]
(v) 中傷、批評
(MW1) to say badthings about (someone or something) publicly:to criticize (someone orsomething) harshly or unfairly
(MW2) to utter injuriously misleading or false reports about: speak evil of
[源] mal- (bad) + -ign,說別人的 “壞” 話。
[例] Her supporters say she is being unfairly maligned in the press (新聞界) .
slander [ˈslændɚ]
(v) 誹謗
(MW1) to make a falsespoken statement that causes people to have a badopinion of someone
(MW2) to utter slander (口頭誹謗) against: DEFAME
[衍] slander(n) “口頭誹謗”。
[衍] slanderous [ˈslændərəs] (a) “口頭誹謗的”。
[例] She wasaccused of slandering herformer boss.
[形] slender (a) “(身材) 苗條的”。
calumny [ˈkæləmni]
(n) 惡意誹謗
(MW1) an untrue statement that is made to damage someone’sreputation; also: the act ofmaking such statements
(MW2) the act ofuttering false charges or misrepresentations (不實呈現) maliciously (惡意地) calculatedto harm another’sreputation
[衍] calumnious [kəˈlʌmnɪəs] (a) “惡意誹謗的”。
[衍] calumniate [kəˈlʌmnɪˌet] (v) “惡意誹謗”。
[例] He was the target of calumny for his unpopular beliefs.
[記] 利用 “專欄” (column) 來做 “惡意誹謗”(calumny) 。
obloquy [ˈɑbləkwɪ]
(n) 誹謗
(MW1) harsh or criticalstatements about someone
(MW2) a strongly condemnatory utterance: abusive language
[源] ob- (against) + loqu- (speak) + -y (名尾) ,誹謗是 “說別人壞話”。
[例] Unable to mount a rational defense of her position,she unleashed(宣洩) a torrent of obloquy on her opponent.
aspersion [əˈspɝʒən]
(n) 誹謗 (以不實指控中傷他人名譽)
(MW) a false or misleading chargemeant to harm someone’sreputation <cast aspersions on her integrity (正直) >
[源] 原意為 “灑聖水”,意思後來轉壞,中傷別人像 “潑水” 一樣,讓越多人知道傷害越大。
[例] He triedto avoidcasting aspersions on the motives of his politicalopponents.
[解] 固定用法為 cast aspersions on 某人。**以下兩字都是 “長而激烈、憤怒的演說”,一起記:
harangue [həˈræŋ]
(n) 激烈憤怒的演說
(MW1) a forceful or angry speech
(MW2) aranting (大聲責罵的) speech orwriting
[衍] harangue [həˈræŋ] (v) “做激烈的演說”。
[例] He delivereda long harangue about the evils of popularculture.
diatribe [ˈdaɪəˌtraɪb]
(n) 憤怒、冗長的演說或文章
(MW1) an angry andusually long speechor piece of writing that stronglycriticizes someoneor something
(MW2) a bitter and abusivespeech or writing
[例] The articleis a diatribe against mainstream media.
vituperate [vaɪˈtjupəˌret]
(v) 嚴厲責罵
(MW) to abuseorcensure severely orabusively: BERATE
[衍] vituperation [vaɪˌtjupəˈreʃən] (n) “嚴厲責罵”。
[衍] vituperative [vaɪˈtjupəˌretɪv] (a) “嚴厲責罵的”。
[例] Every week the minister(牧師) would ascend (登上) the pulpit(講道壇) and vituperate theparishioners (信徒) for a litany (一長串) of vices (邪惡) .
excoriate [ɛkˈskorɪˌet]
(v) 強烈譴責 (來自 “剝皮”)
(MW1) to criticize(someone or something) very harshly
(MW2) to censure scathingly(嚴厲地)
[源] ex- (out) + cor- (skin) + -i- (膠水) + -ate (動尾) ,強力譴責像把對方 “剝皮” 一樣。
[衍] excoriation [ɛkˌskorɪˈeʃən] (n) “強力譴責”。
[例] The candidateshave publicly excoriated each other throughout the campaign.
castigate [ˈkæstəˌget]
(v) 嚴厲責罵
(MW1) to criticize(someone) harshly
(MW2) to subject to severe punishment,reproof, or criticism
[衍] castigation [ˌkæstəˈgeʃən] (n) “嚴厲責罵”。
[例] The author castigated the prime ministeras an ineffective leader.
pan [pæn]
(v) 強烈批評
(MW) to criticize severely <the show was panned >
[例] The newspaper’s movie critic pannedthefilm.
[記] 想像批評者拿著平底鍋 (pan) 往對方的頭上敲。
pillory [ˈpɪlərɪ]
(v) 公開嚴厲批評(來自 “枷鎖”)
(MW1) to publicly criticize(someone) in a very harsh way
(MW2) to expose to public contempt, ridicule, or scorn
[源] 來自名詞 “枷鎖” 的意思,引申為 “嚴厲批評”。
[例] The presspilloried the judge forher decision.
[記] 中國古代執行死刑前囚犯必須身穿 “枷鎖” (pillory) 遊街示眾 (一種 “公開” 的污辱) 。