褻瀆 (不神聖) (-) Flashcards
blasphemy [ˈblæsfəmɪ]
(n) 褻瀆
(MW1) great disrespect shown to Godor to something holy
(MW2) irreverence (不尊敬) toward something considered sacred or inviolable
[源] blas- (black) + phe- (speak) +-my(名尾) ,“說神明的壞話 (抹黑神明) ” 是一種褻瀆。
[衍] blaspheme [blæsˈfim] (v) “褻瀆”。
[衍] blasphemous [ˈblæsfɪməs] (a) “褻瀆的”。
[例] She was condemned by the church for uttering blasphemies.
sacrilege [ˈsækrəlɪdʒ]
(n) 褻瀆
(MW1) an act oftreating a holy place orobject in a way that does not show proper respect
(MW2) gross (完全的) irreverence toward a hallowed(神聖的) person, place, or thing
[源] sacri- (= sacro-, holy) + leg- (steal) + -e (名尾) ,“偷拿神明的東西” 是一種褻瀆。
[衍] sacrilegious [ˌsækrɪˈlɪdʒəs] (a) “褻瀆的”。
[例] They accusedhim of committing a sacrilege.
profane [prəˈfen]
(a) 不神聖的
(MW1) having or showingdisrespectfor religious things
(MW2) serving to debase (貶低) or defile (玷汙) what is holy: IRREVERENT
[源] pro- (before) + fan- (temple) + -e(形尾) ,不神聖的事物只能在 “廟宇前面 (廟宇外面) ”。
[衍] profan [prəˈfen] (v) “褻瀆”。
[衍] profanity [prəˈfænətɪ] (n) “不神聖”。No profanities! “不說髒話” (教室標語) 。
[例] It was hard to juggle (同時滿足…的要求) the requirementsof churchand our more profane duties.
sanctimonious [ˌsæŋktəˈmonɪəs]
(a) 假虔誠的 (道貌岸然的)
(MW1) pretending tobe morally betterthan other people
(MW2) hypocritically (偽善地) pious or devout <a sanctimonious moralist > <the king’s sanctimonious rebuke >
[源] sanct- (holy)
[例] She sanctimoniously criticized our plans.
[解] 此字最早是正面 “神聖”、“虔誠” 的意思,後來的意思才轉壞 (如 hector, aspersion) ,變成 “假裝虔誠的”,此種人表面信仰宗教有美德,但私底下卻沒有。
hypocrite [ˈhɪpəkrɪt]
(n) 偽君子 (偽善者)
(MW1) a person who claimsor pretendsto have certainbeliefs about what is right but whobehaves in a way that disagreeswith those beliefs
(MW2) a personwho acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
[源] hypo- (low) ,偽君子的行為很 low。
[衍] hypocrisy [hɪˈpɑkrəsɪ] (n) “偽善”。
[例] the hypocrites who criticize other peoplefor not voting but who don’t always votethemselves字根 hyper- (high) 、hypo- (low) 要記,如高血壓:hypertension (血管很緊) 、低血壓:hypotension (血管不緊) 。
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