虛榮 (–) Flashcards
vainglory [ˌvenˈglorɪ]
(n) 虛榮
(MW) excessive orostentatious pride especially in one’s achievements
[源] vain (空虛) + glory (光榮) = “虛” “榮”。
[衍] vainglorious [ˌvenˈglorɪəs] (a) marked by vainglory: BOASTFUL “虛榮的”。
[例] the vainglory that nations have historically shown after they haveachieved military supremacy (優越)
vanity [ˈvænətɪ]
(n) 虛榮
(MW1) the qualityof people who have toomuch pride in their ownappearance, abilities, achievements, etc.: thequality of being vain
(MW2) inflated pride in oneselfor one’s appearance: CONCEIT
[源] van- (empty) + -ity (名尾) ,“虛” 榮本是一場空。
[衍] vain [ven] (a) havingor showing undue orexcessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements:CONCEITED “虛榮的”。
[例] The handsomeactor’s vanity was well-known.