***Work, business and economics 5 Flashcards
تَحتَ تصَرُّفِ . . .
at the disposal of . . .
حُسنُ التَّصَرُّفِ
good behaviour
سوءُ التَّصرُّفِ
bad behaviour
leave, departure; aversion; abstention
Go! Get lost! (imperative)
مَصْروفٌ (مَصْروفاتٌ / مَصاریفُ)
expenses, expenditure, costs; devoted, dedicated
مَصْروفُ الْجیبِ
pocket money
fully inflected (word)
مُنْصَرَفٌ / اِنصِرافٌ
departure, leave
ضَبطَ – یَضبِطُ
to grab, grasp, seize or catch; to control
capture, detention, restraint, suppression
ضَخُمَ – یَضخُمُ
to be or become big; large, gross, voluminous
ضَخَّمَ – یُضَخَّمُ
to inflate; to blow up
تَضَخَّمَ – یَتَضَخَّمُ
to swell, expand or distend
ضَخْمٌ (ضِخامٌ)
big, large, great, heavy; magnificent, splendid
greatness, heaviness, volume; obesity; pomp, splendour
inflation, expansion, swelling
مُعَدَّلُ التَّضَخُّمِ
rate of inflation
ضَرَبَ – یَضرِبُ
to beat, strike, shoot or fire; to play (an instrument); to impose (tax)
ضرَّبَ – یُضَرِّبُ
to mix or blend; to cause trouble
ضارَبَ – یُضارِبُ
to contend, vie or fight; to speculate
أَضربَ – یُضرِبُ
to go on strike; to leave, abandon, forsake or turn away
تضارَبَ – یتضارَبُ
to come to blows; to fight or clash; to strike one another
اِضْطَرَبَ – یَضطرِبُ
to clash; to be or become agitated; to surge; to be upset or restless
ضَربٌ (ضُروبٌ)
beating, striking, hitting; species, variety
ضَربَةٌ (ضَرباتٌ)
a blow, knock, punch, push, shove or strike
ضَربَةٌ اِسْتِباقیّةٌ
pre-emptive strike
ضَریبَةٌ (ضَرائِبُ)
tax, duty, levy
ضَریبَةُ الدَّخلِ
income tax
ضَریبَةُ التَّرِكاتِ / ضَریبَةُ الإرثِ
inheritance tax
ضَریبَةٌ عَقارِیَّةٌ
property tax
ضَریبَةُ الْقیمةِ الْمُضافَةِ
value added tax (VAT)
ضَریبَةُ الأَرْباحِ الرَّأْسمالیَّةِ
capital gains tax (CGT)
تَخفیضاتٌ ضَریبیَّةٌ
tax cuts
إعفاءٌ مِن الضَرائِبِ
tax exemption
مَصلحةُ الضَّرائِبِ
inland revenue
مِضْرَبٌ (مَضارِبُ)
racket, bat; mallet
مُضارَبةٌ (مُضارَباتٌ)
speculation; partnership
مُضارَبةٌ (مُضارَباتٌ)
speculation; partnership
إضرابٌ (إضراباتٌ)
إضرابٌ عَنِ الطَّعامِ
hunger strike
opposition, conflict; contradiction, inconsistency, discrepancy
اِضْطِرابٌ (اِضْطِراباتٌ)
riots, unrest, disturbance; confusion, muddle
اِضْطِراباتُ الطَّعامِ
eating disorder
مُضارِبٌ (مَضارِبونَ)
conflicting, incompatible, contradictory
disturbed, disrupted, unsettled, confused, uneasy; disorganised
ضَمِنَ – یضَمَنُ
to be or become responsible; to vouch, guarantee or safeguard; to
insure (sth)
ضَمَّنَ – یُضَمّنُ
to have something insured; to insert, include or enclose
تَضَمَّنَ – یَتَضَمَّنُ
to comprise, include, comprehend, contain; to embrace
تَضامنَ – یَتَضامَنُ
to be in accord; to have joint liability
inside, within
responsibility; guarantee, security, safeguard, insurance
ضَمانٌ إجتماعِيٌّ
social security
ضَمینٌ (ضُمناءُ / ضامِنونَ)
responsible, answerable, liable; guarantor
guarantee, warranty, security; bail
mutuality; solidarity; joint liability
responsible, liable; guarantor
guaranteed, insured
united, in solidarity; jointly liable
عجَزَ – یَعجِزُ
to be weak; to be unable or incapable
عَجَّزَ – یُعَجّزُ
to weaken, debilitate, disable, incapacitate, paralyse or cripple
أَعجزَ – یُعجِزُ
to weaken, debilitate, disable or incapacitate; to be impossible
اِستَعجزَ – یَستَعجِزُ
to deem someone incapable
weakness, incapacity, impotence; failure; shortage
عَجزٌ في میزانیّةِ الدَّوْلَةِ
budget deficit
عَجزٌ تِجارِيٌّ
trade deficit
قیمةُ العَجزِ
the amount or value of the deficit
عَجُزٌ (أَعجازٌ)
backside, rump, posteriors; tree stumps
عَجوزٌ (عَجائِزُ)
old woman; old man; old
inimitability of the Quran
عاجِزٌ (عَجَزَةٌ / عَواجِزُ)
physically weak, feeble, impotent
مُعْجِزَةٌ (مُعْجِزاتٌ)
عمَّ – یَعُمُّ
to be or become general, common or universal; to include, encompass or
عَمَّمَ – یُعَمّمُ
to generalise; to popularise
تَعمَّمَ – یَتَعَمَّمُ
to put on a turban
اِعتَمَّ – یَعتَمُّ
to put on a turban
عِمامَةٌ (عَمائِمُ)
عَمٌّ (أَعمامٌ)
paternal uncles
عَمَّةٌ (عَمّاتٌ)
paternal aunts
generality, universality
public, universal, general
making something public; generalisation; popularisation
public, general, universal
النَّقلُ العامُّ
public transport
الرَّأيُ العامُّ
public opinion
المُدَّعي العامُّ
the attorney general; public prosecutor
الْمَرافِقُ العامَّةُ
public utilities
عامَّةُ النَّاسِ
the masses
حَیاةٌ عامَّةٌ
public life
اِنتِخاباتٌ عامَّةٌ
general elections
عامَّةً / عُموماً / بِشكلٍ عامٍّ
generally, in general
common, popular, vulgar, ordinary
colloquial language
عَوِرَ – یَعوِرُ
to lose an eye; to be or become one-eyed
عَوَّرَ – یُعَوِّرُ
to blind in one eye; to damage or spoil; to test the accuracy
أَعارَ – یُعیرُ
to lend or loan
تَعاوَرَ – یَتَعاورُ
to alternate or take turns; to seize or grip; to befall
اِعتَوَرَ – یَعتَوِرُ
to befall or affect; to shape, mould or form
اِستَعارَ – یَستَعیرُ
to borrow
عَوْرَةٌ (عَوْراتٌ)
defectiveness, faultiness, imperfection, weakness; pl: genitals
fault, defect, imperfection (Islamic Law)
false (body parts)
أَعْوَرُ (عُورٌ)
borrowing; metaphor
metaphorical, figurative
مُسْتَعیرٌ (مُسْتَعیرونَ)
borrowed; false or artificial; figurative, metaphorical
اسمٌ مُسْتَعارٌ
تَحتَ اسمٍ مُستعارٍ
عاضَ – یَعوضُ
to compensate; to substitute or replace; to pay as a price
عَوَّض – یُعوِّضُ
to compensate; to substitute or replace; to pay as a price
عاوَضَ – یُعاوِضُ
to compensate; to substitute or replace; to pay as a price
أَعوضَ – یَعْوِضُ
to compensate; to substitute or replace; to pay as a price
تَعوَّضَ – یَتَعوَّضُ
to seek or receive compensation; to take or receive as a substitute
اِعتَوَضَ – یَعتَوِضُ
to take or receive as a substitute or compensation
اِسْتَعوَضَ – یَسْتَعوِضُ
to take as a substitute; to exchange or replace; to be compensated
لا یُعَوَّضُ
irreplaceable; irreparable
substitute, exchange; compensation, indemnity
عِوَضاً عن
instead of
تَعویضٌ (تَعویضاتٌ)
compensation, reparations, damages; replacement, substitution
تَعویضاتُ الإقالَةِ
redundancy pay
التَّعویضاتُ المالِیَّةُ
financial reparations
replacement, substitution, exchange
غَرِمَ – یَغرِمُ
to pay (a fine/tax); to suffer a loss
غَرَّمَ – یُغَرِّمُ
to fine or impose a fine
تَغَرّمَ – یَتَغَرَّمُ
to be fined
damage or loss
infatuation, love, passion
غَریمٌ (غُرَماءُ)
opponent, adversary; creditor
غَرامَةٌ (غَراماتٌ)
fine; compensation, damages
مَغرَمٌ (مَغارِمُ)
damages, loss; debt, fine
مُغرَمٌ بِ
enamoured, infatuated (with)
غَلا – یَغلو
to be excessive or to go too far; to become expensive
غَلّى – یُغَلّي
to raise the price of something
غالى – یُغالي
to be excessive; to overdo or exaggerate; to demand too high a price
أَغلى – یُغلي
to appreciate, value, praise highly, prize, treasure
تَغالى – یَتَغالى
to exceed the proper bounds; to be excessive; to exaggerate
اِسْتَغلى – یَسْتَغلي
to find (something) costly or expensive
extravagance, excess; exaggeration
rise in prices; high cost, high price
extravagance, excess; exaggeration
admiration, esteem; high price
expensive, costly; dear, beloved
غَنِيَ – یَغنى
to be free from want; to be rich or wealthy; not to need
غَنّى – یُغَنّيُ
to sing or chant; to sing the praises or extol
أَغْنى – یُغني
to make free from want, enrich, profit or benefit; to suffice or be enough
تَغَنّى – یَتَغنّي
to sing or chant; to sing the praises or extol
اِغتَنى – یَغتَني
to become rich or gain riches
اِسْتَغنَى – یَسْتغني
to become rich; to be able to spare, to have no need; to get by or
غَناءٌ / غِنىً
wealth, riches, affluence
غَنِيٌّ (أَغنِیاءُ)
rich, wealthy, prosperous
singing; song
أُغنیَّةٌ (أُغنیّاتٌ / أَغانٍ)
song, melody, tune
singer, vocalist
فلَّسَ – یُفَلّسُ
to declare someone bankrupt or insolvent
أَفلَسَ – یُفلِسُ
to be or become bankrupt or insolvent; to fail; to be ruined
فِلسٌ (فُلوسٌ)
fils (small coin); pl: money
تَفلیسٌ / إِفلاسٌ
إشھارُ الإفلاسِ
notice of bankruptcy
مُفلِسٌ (مُفلِسونَ / مَفالیسُ)
أَفادَ – یُفیدُ
to benefit, help, be useful or profit; to notify, advise or inform
اِستَفادَ – یَستَفیدُ
to acquire, gain or learn; to derive benefit or profit from
أَفادَتِ الأَنْباءُ أنَّ . . .
the news stated that . . .
إِفادَةٌ (إفاداتٌ)
utility, benefit, advantage; notice, notification, information
utilization, use
فائِدَةٌ (فَوائِدُ)
interest (money); utility, benefit, advantage, gain, profit
useful, beneficial, advantageous, profitable
contents; substance, meaning
مُعَدَّلُ الفائِدةِ التَّفضیلِيُّ
preferential rate of interest
قَرَضَ – یَقرِضُ
to cut, sever, bite or eat; to write poetry or eulogise
قَرَّضَ – یُقَرِّضُ
to cut, sever, bite or eat; to write poetry or eulogise
أَقرضَ – یُقرِضُ
to loan or lend money
اِنقَرَضَ – یَنقَرِضُ
to die out, perish or become extinct
اِقتَرضَ – یَقتَرضُ
to raise a loan, to borrow
اِستَقرَضَ – یَستَقرِضُ
to ask for a loan
قَرضٌ (قُروضٌ)
قَرضٌ حَسَنٌ
interest-free loan
قَرضٌ دِراسِيٌّ
student loan
extinction, disappearance
مُقرِضٌ (مُقرِضونَ)
lender, money lender
extinct, perished
قَسَّطَ – یُقَسّطُ
to distribute, to pay in instalments
أَقسطَ – یُقسِطُ
to act justly, fairly or equitably
قِسطٌ (أَقساطٌ)
justice, rightness, equity; part, share, instalments
payment in instalments
just, fair
قَشِفَ – یَقشِفُ
to live in squalor and misery; to pay no attention to cleanliness
قَشَّفَ – یُقَشّفُ
to become rough and chapped
فَ – یَتَقَشَّفُ
to lead an ascetic life; to become rough and chapped (of skin); to live
in squalor and misery
قِشفَةٌ (قِشَفٌ)
austerity, asceticism; a simple or primitive way of life
سیاسَةُ التَّقشُّفِ
austerity policy
مُكافَحةُ التَّقشُّفِ
ascetical; roughened, chapped
إجراءاتٌ تقَشُّفِیَّةٌ
austerity measures
قصَدَ – یَقصِدُ
to aim or strive for; to proceed, go, pursue; to be economical or to save
أَقصدَ – یُقصِدُ
to induce to go; to compose poetry (qasidas)
تَقَصَّدَ – یَتَقَصَدُ
to be angry or mad; to break or be broken
اِنقَصَدَ – یَنقَصِدُ
to break or be broken
اِقْتَصَدَ – یَقتَصِدُ
to be frugal or save; to act as a mediator; to compose poetry (qasidas)
purpose, intent, object, goal, aim; endeavour
قَصیدَةٌ (قصائِدُ)
poetry; qasida1
مَقصَدٌ (مَقاصِدُ)
purpose, object, goal, intention; destination; significance
economy; saving; thrift, providence
الاِقتِصادُ العالَمِيُّ
the global economy
الاِقتِصادُ الجَدیدُ
the new economy
اِقتِصادُ الحَجْمِ
economies of scale
إصْلاحٌ اِقتِصادِيٌّ
economic reform
الرَّفاهُ الاِقتِصادِيُّ
economic well-being
الاستقرارُ الاِقتصادِيُّ
economic stability
الإنتِعاشُ الاِقتصادِيُّ
economic recovery
التكامُلُ الاِقتِصادِيُّ
economic integration
نَشَّطَ الاِقتِصادِ / حفّزَ الاِقتِصادِ
to stimulate the economy
عُقوباتٌ اِقتِصادِیَّةٌ
economic sanctions
فرَضَ عُقوباتٍ اِقتِصادِیَّةٍ
to impose economic sanctions
اِقتِصادِيٌّ (اِقتِصادیّونَ)
direct, straight; easy
intended, deliberate
كَثُرَ – یَكثُرُ
to outnumber; to increase or multiply; to happen frequently
كَثَّرَ – یُكَثّرُ
to increase, augment or multiply
كاثَرَ – یُكاثِرُ
to outnumber
أَكْثرَ – یُكثِرُ
to do much; to increase or augment
تَكاثَرَ – یَتَكاثَرُ
to rally together
اِستَكثَرَ – یَستَكثِرُ
to deem excessive; to begrudge; to demand much
large quantity, abundance, copiousness
كثیرٌ (كِثارٌ / كَثیرونَ)
much, many, numerous
growth, increase, multiplication
كَسَدَ – یَكْسَدُ
to be stagnant; to sell badly; to find no market (to sell sth)
أَكسَدَ – یُكْسِدُ
to be dull or listless
recession, economic depression, slump, stagnation (market)
مَكَسَ – یَمْكُسُ
to collect taxes
ماكَسَ – یُماكِسُ
to haggle or bargain
مَكْسٌ (مُكوسٌ)
tax, toll, custom, duty
tax collector
مَوَّلَ – یُمَوِّلُ
to make rich; to finance
تَمَوَّلَ – یَتَموَّلُ
to be financed; to become rich or wealthy
مالٌ (أَمْوالٌ)
wealth, property, money, fortune, capital; revenue
monetary, financial, fiscal
اِنھیارٌ مالِيٌّ
financial meltdown
monetary affairs, finance; public revenue
مُساعدةٌ مالِیَّةٌ
financial aid
أَزمةٌ مالِیَّةٌ
financial crisis
التَّخْفیضاتُ المالِیَّةُ
financial cuts
العامُ المالِيُّ / السَّنةُ المالِیَّةُ
the financial year, the fiscal year
وَزیرُ المالِیّةِ
finance minister
غَسیلُ الأَمْوالِ
money laundering
funding; finance
مُمَوِّلٌ (مُمَوِّلونَ)
financier; taxpayer
نَتَجَ – یَنتُجُ
to produce, manufacture; to bring forth; to follow, result or ensue
أَنتَجَ – یُنتِجُ
to bring forth, generate or yield; to originate
اِستَنتَجَ – یَسْتَنتِجُ
to conclude, gather, deduce or derive
brood, litter, offspring
نَتیجةٌ (نَتائِجُ)
result, conclusion, consequence, outcome; product; effect; proceeds,
gain, profit
نَتیجةً لِ
as a result of (plus idafa)
production, producing, generation, manufacture, cultivation
resulting, following, proceeding, deriving
النّاتِجُ المَحَلّيُّ الِإجْماليُّ / إِجمالِيُّ النّاتِجِ الدّاخِلِيِّ
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
اِستِنتاجٌ (اِستِنتاجاتٌ)
inference, deduction, conclusion
مَنتوجٌ (مَنتوجاتٌ)
product, creation; work, production
producing; fertile; maker, manufacturer, producer
products; proceeds, returns, yields
مُنتَجات زِراعِیَّةٌ
agricultural products, farming products
نَقَدَ – یَنقُدُ
to pay in cash; to criticise or examine critically; to peck
ناقَدَ – یُناقِدُ
to call to account
أَنْقدَ – یَنقُدُ
to pay
اِنتَقَدَ – یَنتَقِدُ
to criticise or find fault; to take exception or disapprove
نَقدٌ (نُقودٌ)
cash; money, coins, change; criticism
اِحْتیاطاتُ النَّقدِ الأَجنَبِيِّ
foreign currency reserves
صُنْدوقُ النَّقدِ
صُنْدوقُ النَّقدِ الدُوَلِيِّ
the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
نَقدٌ أَدَبِيٌّ
literary criticism
ناقِدٌ (نُقّادٌ)
critic, reviewer
اِنتِقادٌ (اِنتِقاداتٌ)
objection, exception, criticism, critique, disapproval
نَمى – یَنْمي
to grow, increase or multiply; to progress; to thrive or prosper
نَمَّى – یُنَمّي
to make grow or increase; to promote or advance
أَنْمى – یُنْمي
to make grow or increase; to promote or advance
اِنْتَمى – یَنْتَمي
to be descended from; to be related or associated; to depend or be
dependent; to belong
نَماءٌ / نَميٌ / نُمُوٌّ
growth, expansion, increase, augmentation
growth, expansion, increase, augmentation; promotion, advancement
growing, increasing
الدُّوَلُ النّامِیَةُ
developing countries
expansion, increase, intensification; promotion, raising
membership; belonging
نامِیَةٌ (نوامٍ)
growth; tumour, morbid growth
النَّوامي السَّرَطانیَّةُ
cancerous growths
belonging, pertaining to
the outsider
ھَبَطَ – یَھبِطُ
to descend, go down, fall down, sink or settle
أَھْبطَ – یُھبِطُ
to cause to sink; to descend; to lower or throw down
ھَبْطٌ / ھُبوطٌ
reduction, lowering, decrease, decline
مَھبِطٌ (مَھابِطُ)
place of descent, landing place
وَدَعَ – یَدَعُ
to put down or deposit; to leave; to give up or omit
وَدَّعَ – یُوَدِّعُ
to see off, take leave or bid farewell
أَودَعَ – یودِعُ
to put down, lay down, lodge or deposit; to entrust