***Politics 9 Flashcards
لَجَأَ – یَلجَأُ
to take refuge; to resort to; to seek information
لَجَّأَ – یُلَجّئُ
to coerce, force or compel
أَلجأَ – یُلجِئُ
to force or compel; to shelter, protect or guard
اِلتَجأَ – یَلتجِئُ
to flee or take refuge; to resort to
مَلْجأٌ (مَلاجِئُ)
refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary
seeking refuge
لاجِئٌ (لاجِئونٌ)
refugee, one seeking refuge; emigrant; inmate of asylum
لاجِئٌ سیاسِيٌّ
political refugee
اللّاجِئونَ السّیاسِیّونَ
political refugees
إعادةُ تَوْطینِ اللّاجِئینَ
resettlement of refugees
مُلْتَجِئٌ (مُلْتَجِئونَ)
one seeking refuge, refugee (less common)
seeking refuge, asylum
اللُّجوءُ الإنسانِيُّ
humanitarian asylum
مُلتمِسُ اللُّجوءِ / طالِب اللُّجوءِ
asylum seeker
لَزِمَ – یَلزَمُ
to be necessary; to adhere; to belong; to accompany; to persist
لازَمَ – یُلازِمُ
to attend or accompany; to adhere or stick; to persist
أَلزَمَ – یُلزِمُ
to force or compel; to press, enjoin or obligate
تَلازَمَ – یَتَلازَمُ
to be inseparable
اِلتَزَمَ – یَلتَزِمُ
to adhere or stick; to persist or persevere; to be obligated or forced
اِستَلزَمَ – یَستَلزِمُ
to demand or require; to deem necessary
necessity, exigency; need, want
اِلتِزامٌ (اِلتِزاماتٌ)
necessity, duty, obligation, commitment, liability
necessary, imperative; inevitable; intrinsic
(pl) necessities, requisites, requirements
first rank officer; tenacious, persisting
engaged, committed, obligated, under obligation
مُلْتَزَمٌ (مُلْتَزَماتٌ)
requirements, obligations
مَدَّ – یَمُدُّ
to extend or spread out; to help, aid or assist; to supply or provide; to
reinforce (army)
مَدَّدَ – یُمَدِّدُ
to extend, spread out, lengthen or prolong; to fester
أَمَدَّ – یُمِدُّ
to help or aid; to reinforce (army); to supply; to postpone; to fester
تَمَدَّدَ – یَتَمَدّدُ
to be spread; to extend, lengthen or stretch out
اِمتَدَّ – یَمتَدُّ
to be extended, stretched; to extend or lengthen; to develop or grow
اِستَمدَّ – یَستَمِدُّ
to take, get or borrow; to ask for help
مَدٌّ (مُدودٌ)
stretching, extension, lengthening, prolongation
long sign over alif
مُدّةٌ (مُدَدٌ)
period, interval; duration