Vietnam Section 3 Flashcards
What did the year 1968 begin with
A surprise attack by the Vietcong on many southern vietnamese cities. Even though this ended in defeat, it stunned the American people
What is 1/30
Tet, Vietnamese lunar New year
How did Villagers take advantage of the truce for Tet
They streamed into cities in South Vietnam to celebrate. Many funerals were also held
What accompanied the funderals
firecrackers, flutes and coffins
What did the coffins contain
weapons, many villiagers were also vietcong agents
On the night of Tet, what did the Vietcong do
Launched an attack on 100 towns/cities and twelve US air bases
Where was the fighting fierce
Saigon and Hue
The US embassy in SAigon was attacked
5 died
How long did the Tet offensive lanst
2 month before US and south vietnamese foces regained control of cities
What did General Wetmoreland say about the Tet Offensive
That it was a defeat for the Vietcong (32,000 dead) Americans (3,000)
What did the Tet Offensive do to the American public
It shook them, because they had been told that the Vietnam War was closed to an en d
What did the Pentagon’s image look like now
Hollow, Americans saw shocking images of attack by an enemy
After the Tet, in a matter f weeks, how was the public divided
40 hawks, 40 doves
How had mainstream media reported the war, now how did they
Ingeneral, skeptical yet balanced way. Now they criticiezed it
Walter Cronkite said that it would end in a stalemate
Who replaced Robert McNamara
Clark Clifford, supporter of Vietnam policy.
What did Clifford conclude about the war,
it was unwinnable
Following the Tet Offensive, what happened to LBJ’s popularity
It plummeted in Feb 1908, 60% disapproved of his handling of the war. They thought that it was a mistake.
Well before the Tet Offensive, what happened in the Democratic Party?
Anti War coalition within the party, wanted to challenge the president
Did RFK run in the anti war coalition for president
No, he citedy party loyalty
Who was running in the anti war coalition
Eugene McCarthy
In New Hampshire, mcCarthy got
42% of the vote, LBJ 48 %. Even though he won the election, this was viewed as a defeat
Why did RFK announce his canidacy
BEcause of Johnson’s weakness in the polls
On March 31, 1968 what did Johnson announce?
That he would seek negotiations to end the war and he woudseee thatsouth Vietnam played a larger role. He also said that he would no run for president