Chapter16 Dictators Threaten World Peace Flashcards
What sowed the conflicts leading up to WWII
The Treaty of Versailles. For many nations, peace had broughteconomic depression and struggle. Also, there were powerful dictators that believed in nationalism
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
Caused anger and resentment. The Germans saw nothing fair in this treaty-as they were blamed, and stripped of their overseas colonies and border territories. These
The Treaty of Versailles
New democratic governments that emerged in Europe after the war floundered. People turned to authoritarian leaders to solve their economic and social problems
What war happened in Russia?
A civil war, resulting in the establishment of a communist state-called the Soviet Union
Who took over After V I enin died in 1924
Joseph Stalin (last name means made of steel)
What did Stalin create?
Creating a model communist state. He made both agricultural and industrial growth the prime economic goals of the Soviet Union.
What did Stalin abolish?
Privately owned farms and replaced them with collectives-large government owned farms that hundreds of families worked on
What did Stalin moved to transform the Soviet Union?
From a backward rural nation into a great industrial power.
In 1928, what did Stalin outline?
The first of several five year plans to direct the industrialization. All economic activity was placed under state management.
By 1937, what was the Soviet Union?
The world’s second largest industrial power. Surpassed in overall production only by the United States
What did Stalin do to eliminate problems
Killed anyone, even his most faithful supporters. He was responsible for the deaths of 8 million to 13 million people
Totalitarian government
When the government tried to exert complete control over its citizens. IN a totlitarian state,individuals had no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition
Who was Benito Mussolini-and where was he from?
He was a dictator in Italy who was establishing a totalitarian regime.
What was the economic problem in Italy
unemployment and inflation produced many bitter strikes so of which the communists led
What did the middle class and upper class do about these problems
Demanded stronger leadership-Mussolini took advantage of this situation
How did Mussolini take advantage of the situation?
He was a powerful speakers and he knew how to appeal to Italy’s wounded nation and pride. He played on fears of economic collapse and communism
What was Facism?
He stressed nationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals. To strengthen the nation, Fascists argued power must rest with a single strong leader and a small group of devoted party members
On October 1922
He marched on Rome with thousands of his followers who were called Black Shirts.
What happened when important government officials saw this-
The army and police sided with the Facists, and Mussolini was appointed by the King as head of government
What did Mussolini call himself?
II Duce or the leader. He extended the Fascist control to every aspect of Italian Life-made trains run on time and he crushed opposition to make Italy a totalitarian state
Who was the dictator in Germany?
Adolf Hitler who followed a path similar to Mussolini’s . He had been a jobless soldier drifting around Germany.
What did Hitler join?
The struggling National Socialist German Workers Party
What did Hitler do, to make himself more powerful?
- Called himself Der Fuhrer-the Leader
- Used proper public speaking skills and promised to bring Germany out of chaos
- Wrote Mein Kampf
- Set fourth the basic beliefs of Nazism that became the plan of action for the Nazi Party.
What was Nazism
It was an extreme brand of fascism based on extreme nationalism. Hitler wanted to unite all German speaking people in a great German empire
What did Hitler want to enforce?
Racial purification
- Blonde Hair
- Blue eyes
Formed a aster face that was destined to rule the world. INferior races, such as Jews, Slavs, and non whites were only deemed to serve the Aryans
What was a third element of Nazism?
national expansion. Hitler believed that for Germany to thrive, it needed more lebensraum or living space
The Great Depression helped the Nazis come to power. Why was there a depression in Germany?
Because of the war debts and dependence on merican loans and investments. 6 million Germanys were unemployed and many who were joined Hitler’s private army.
By the mid 1932 what were the Nazis?
Germany’s most powerful political party. Hitler was appointed chancellor. When he was in power, Hitler dismanteled the Weimar Republic and establish the Third Reich
Halfway around the world, nationalistic military leaders were trying to take control of the imperial government of
What did the militarists do?
Launched a surprise attack on the Chinese province of Manchiria
Within a couple of months, what did the militarists have
Manchuria and al the resources
What was the League of Nations doing
trying to prevent aggressive acts. Japan quit the League. As the success of the invasion captivated the people, the militarists were in control!
What countries pulled their country out of the league
Japan, Germany,Italy
What did Hitler do
He began a military buildup in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. He sent troops to the Rhineland
What did Mussolini do?
He tried to invde Ethiopia. The League did nothing
Who was Francisco Franco
He led a group of Spanish army officers and rebelled against the Spanish repiblic
How did the Spanish civil war begin??
Revolts broke out over Spain.
Who came to fight against Franco
the 3000 Americans (including Abhraham Battalion)
What did other countries do?
- Western countries remained neutral
- Dictators backed Franco with stuff
Who won?
Kellogg Briand Pact
War would not be an instrument of national policy
Who was the Nye committee started by, and what did it do?
Started by ND Senator Gerald Nye
-Documenting the large profits that banks and manufactureres made during the war. (Because we had been dragged into WWI by investors, bankers, and arm dealers)
What did Americans want?
Isolationism they wanted to avoid the war.
What was the Reciprocal Trade Agreement?
Lowered trade barriers by giving the president the power to make trade agreements with other nations and was aimed at reducing tariffs by as much as 50 percent.
What was the Neutrality Act?
The first two out lawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third extended the ban to countries within a civil war.
What broke the neutrality acts?
Japan’s invasion of China-US helped them
On November 1937, what did Hitler do?
met secretly with his top military advisers.
What did he declare?
That he wanted Austria and Czechoslovakia in the Third Reich
One of Hitler’s advisor questioned his move into the two countries by saying that it could provoke war. What did Hitler respond with?
The German question can only be solved by means of force and this is never w ithout risk
What did the Paris Peace Conference create
A really small austria.
Hitler targeted Austria..why?
Because the majority of the citizens were Germans.
- ON March 12, 1938 the German troops marched into Austria unopposed.
- They announced the Anschluss or union with Austria.
What did the US do about the Union with Austria
How many Germans lived in Czechoslovakia
3 million German speaking people lived in the western border regions called the Sudetenland
What did Hitler charge to the Czechs?
They were abusing the Sudeten Germans. He began massing troops on the border. There was a lot of yellow journalism going on with the Nazis
Early in the Czechoslovakia crisis, what did France and Great Britain promise to do?
Protect them. But, when war seemed inevitable, Hitler invoted the French pemier Edouard Daladier and Neville Chamberlain to meet with him in Munih
What did Hitler declare when Chamberlain and Daladier do,
They believed him (stupids)
Who was Chamberlain
The british Prime minister
Who was Chamberlain’s political rival
Winston Churchill
What did Churchill think about the Munich Agreement (when Hitler promised not to take anymore land)
That it was shameful appeasement-or giving up principles to paciy an aggressor.
What did Hitler set his eyes on next?
What did Hitler say about Poland?
That they were mistreating German citizens. Now, people thought that he was bluffing
What was the problem with Hitler’s lies for Poland?
That it might start war with Soviet Union or France and UK might come into the conflict because they gave military aid to poland
What did Stalin sign, as tensions rose with Poland?
A Nonaggression Pact with Hitler.
What did the Nonaggression pact say?
That Soviet Union and Germany would not fight. Also, Poland would be divided up between the two nations
What was September 1, 1939 for Poland?
When the German Air Force poured bombs , also there were tanks that just took the country by Total
What was Blitzkreig
Lightning war. It made use of fast tanks and powerful aircrafts to take the enemy by surprise and then crush them
On September 3, what happened
France and GB declared war on Germany
Why were the new tactics so good for the Germans>
Because Major fighting could be over in 3 weeks- even before France, Britain and allies could mount a defense
What was the Maginot Line?
A system of forts that was built along France’s eastern border..
What was the sitting war?
The Germans called it because France and GB were just waiting for something to happen
Who was also fighting for more land?
Why did Hitler invade Denmark and norway?
To build naval bases to strike at GB
The German offensive trapped almost _British and French soldiers as they fled to the beaches of Dunkirk on the French side of the English Channel
How many GB and French soldiers went accross teh river?
What happened when Italy invaded on the side of Germany?
They invaded on the south side and the Germans closed in on Paris from the north
On June 22, 1940 at Compiegne
Htler Handed France his terms of surrender.
What were France’s terms of surrender?
That the Germans would control adn occupy the northern part of France and a Nazi controlled government headed by Marshal Petain would be set up at Vichy in the south
Who was Charles De GAulle?
He was a French general who set up a government in exile after he fled to Englad
In the summer of 1940, what did the Germans begin to assemble?
An invasion fleet along the French coast. The Germans also launched an air attack
What was the German’s goal in the Battle of Britain?
To destroy the Royal Air Force.
What ddi the RAF do?
They used the help of a new technological device called radar. They could plot the flight paths of german plans in darkness
What did Hitler do after taking power in Germany?
Ordered all Non Aryans to be removed from government jobs. This was the first step to racial purification
What was the Holocauset
The systematic murder of 6 million Jews across Europe.
Why was there so much Anti-Semitism
Germans blamed them for all problems and failures. Hitler found that many Germans were willing to support his Anti Sematic beliefs.
What was the Nuremberg Laws?
They stripped Jews of German citizenship, jobs, and property. Jews wer also required to wear a bright yellow star of David attached to their clothing
What was Kristallnacht
The night of Broken Glass-Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes businesses and synagogues across the German Empire. 30,000 Jews were arrested and synagogues were burned. And then the Nazi’s blamed them this was on Nov. 9-10 1938
What was a problem for Jewish emigration?
No country wanted them
What was the plight of St. Louis
It was a German ocean liner that passed Miami-the coast guard made sure that no one disembarked. THey had to return to Europe
What was Hitler’s genocide?
A policy of genocide.
What were the other groups that Hitler wanted to eliminate
Gypsies, Jehovah’s WItnesses, Freemasons
They also targeted other Germans who they found to not be a part of the master race: homosexuals, mentally deficient, mentally ill, disabled, and incurably illl
What were ghettos?
Segreagated Jewish areas in certain Polish cities. They were sealed off with barbed wires and stone walls
What was life inside the ghettos like?
Miserable essentially: The bodies of victims piled up in the street and there were factories that bordered it where the people were forced to work for the German industry.
Was there a resistance to the Germans?
Yes, some formed resistance by distributing underground newspapers. There were secret schools for Jewish Children that were set up and the theater and music groups continued to operate
What were concentration camps?
They were labor camps. Originally they were used to imprison politial opponents and protestors.
What were the prisoners held in
Crude wooden barracks that held up to a 1000 people each. They shared crowded quarters as well as meger meals with the rats and fleas. They were worked from day to night. Weak prisoners were killed
What was one of the ways that Hitler exterminated Jews
poison gas
What did the NAzis build in POland. What were they called?
6 Death Camps
- Chelmno
- Wannsee
- Auschwitz
- Belzec
How did the Nazi’s try to cover up the evidence of their slaughter
They installed huge crematoriums to burn them. Some died when doctors experimented on them
What did the survivors do?
They wrote books on past tales of their horror
What did Roosevelt persuade Congress to pass
A Cash and carry provision that allowed warring nations to buy US Arms as long as they get paid cash and transported them in thier own ships
Why did Roosevelt want to provide Arms?
This is because he argued that it would help Franceand GB defeat Germany and keep the US out of war
What was passed in 1939
The Neutrality Act
What did Germany, Italy, and Japan sign
A mutual defense unity known as the Tripartite Pact
What did the the tripartite Pact become known
Axis Powers .
What was the Tripartite Pact aimed to do?
Keep the United States out of the war. Under the treaty, each axis nation agreed to come to the defense of the others in case of attack. This meant that if the US were to declare war on any of the Axis powers, all three would fight
What did Roosevelt ask Congress to increase
spending for National defense -Congress Did
What was the Selective Training and Service Act?
16 million men that were required to register. 1 million men were to be drafted for 1 year but only allowed to serve in the Western Hemisphere
Who was Roosevelt’s Republican opponent?
A public utility xecutive named Wendell Wilkie supported Roosevelt’s policy of supporting Britain, be was too similar to Roosevelt
What did Roosevelt tell the US citizens during a fireside chat?
That he could not tame Germany
What was the Lend Lease policy
THe president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the United States
Lend Lease Act was passed in
March 1941
What did Hitler do to Stalin?
Broke the agreement that he made not to invade the soviet union
What did Roosevelt do for Stalin
Send him supplies, stating that if Hitler invaded Hell, then he and GB would be able to help the devil
What did Hitler do in order to prevent more lend and lease acts?
He deployed hundereds of U Boats. At night, 40 submarines patrolled the the North Atlantic and in 1941, president Roosevelt gave permission to the navy to attack the U Boats
What did Churchill hope for in the meeting with Roosevelt?
a military committment
What was the Atlantic Charter?
It was a joint declaration of war aims. Both countries pledged the following-Collective Security,disarment, self determination, economic coorporation
The Atlantic Charter became known as the what
United Nations-signed by 4/5 of the human race
What did the German submarine fire
It fired the US destroyer Greer in the Atlantic 9/4/1941
How did Roosevelt respond to the attacks
He ordered the ships to shoot the submarine on sight
What were some other US attacks.
- The Pink Star-sunk off of Greenland
- Kearny torpedoed by a U-Boat
- Rueben James -U Boat
Who was Hideki Tojo
chief of staff of Japan’s Kwantung Army launched by the Invasion into China
What did Japan seize the opportunity to do?
Take over Dutch, British, and French colonies. Japan wanted unite all of East Asia.
What countries did Japan want to take over?
Took over French militry bases in Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos)
How did the United States Respond to Japan’s military agression
They cut off trade with Japan
What did Japanese military leaders warn?
That without oil, Japan would be defeated. So, they must persuade the US to cut the embargo or to take over th Dutch East Indies
Shortly after becoming th eprime minister of Japan, Hideki Tojo met with emporer Hirohito what did he promise
That Japan would attempt to preserve peace with the US
The US military had broken Japan’s secret communication codes and learned what
That Japan was preparing for a strike
What did President Roosevelt issue?
A war warning to military leaders in Guam, Hawaii, and the Philippines.
ON Decemeber 6, 1941, what did President Roosevelt say
That Japan’s peace envoy to reject all American peace proposals.
What was the attack on Pearl Harbor
On Dec. 7, a Jpanese dive bomber swooped low over Pearl Harbor the largest U. S. naval base in the Paciic. The bomber was followed by more the 180 Japanese warplanes launched from six aircraft carriers. The devestation was terrible
What were the outcomes of the Pearl Harbor incident
Japanese had killed 2403 Americans
1178 were wounded.
21 ships sunk or damaged
8 battleships dead
300 aircraft carriers were severely damaged or destroyed.
What was the Reaction to Pearl Harbor
- I nWashington, the mood was outrage to panic
- Roosevelt was in shambles
- The declaration of war was proclaimed.