The Triumphs of a Crusade Flashcards
What were the freedom rideers
Activists who used a bust test to challenge interstate bus segregation
What did teh riders hope for
A violent reaction that would convince the Kennedy administration to act
What happened at Alabama:
White racists got on Bus One carrying chains, brass knuckles and pistols. They brutally built African American riders and white activists who tried to intervene
In Anniston
200 whites attacked bus 2. They exploded the bus.
What the bus companies refuse to do
Carry the CORE further ( the Congress of Racial Equality was one that started the whole thing)
The CORE director James Farmar announced
That a group of SNCC volunteers were in Nashville
Where did the new Band of Freedom Riders go
They went to Birmingham and were beaten up and taken back
When teh bus driver refused to transport them, what did the new band have to do
They had to wait in a white only room
Who had to intervene
Although the Alabama officials promised that the riders would be protected, in Montgomery Alabama
A mob came
President Kennedy arranged to
Send 400 U.S. Marshalls to help them with their journey to Jackson
In September what did the ICC do?
They banned segregation in travel facilities
In Sept 1962, Air Force vet_________ won a case that ____________
James Meridith, enrolled in teh University of Mississippi
When Merideth arrived, what happened
Ross Barnett refused to let him register as a student
What did the governor say (Barnett)
That they would never surrender and let meridith in
On Sept 30th what happened at Ole miss
Riots broke out and t2 people died. 200 arrests and it was in 15 hours
What did Birmingham have
A reputation for racial violence and total segregation
Reverend Fred Shuttleworth the head of the Alabama Christian movement for Human Rights and Secretary of SCLC decided what
That Birminham had to be fixed and he invited the SCLC and MLK to help
On April 3, 1963
King flew into teh city to: Hold a meetin gwith members of the African American community where he stated that it would be hard and dangerous
After days of demonstrations, when was king and the others arrested
They were arrested on 4/2
What is a famous document
Birmingham Jail
on 4/20, what did king Begin,
He started planning more demonstrations
On 5/2 what happened in Birmingham
More then 1,000 marched into Birmingham. Bull Conner arrested 959 of them
5/3 what happened
A childrens crusade came and dogs and hoses were used. Nations watched
What was the type of boycott and outcome in Birminghma
Protests, economic boycott: Birmingham officials ended segregation
On June 11, 1963 President knenedy sent troops to force
Alabama governor George Wallace to honor a court order desegregating the University of Alabama
What did Kennedy demand
That congress pass a civil rights bill
Medgar Evers was
An Naacp field secretary who was murdered. The murderer was released
The civil rights bill that Kennedy sent to congress
Guarenteed Equal access to public accomodations
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Established federal commission on civil rights
Established a civil rights division in the Justice Department to enforce civil Rights laws
Enlarged federal power to protect voting rights
Civil Rights act of 1964
Banned most discrimination in employment and in public accomodations
Enlarged federal power to protect voting rights and speed up school desegregation,
Established Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to ensure fair treatment in Employment
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Eliminated Voter literacy tests
Enabled federal exameners to register voters
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Prohibited Discrimination in the sale or rental of most housing
Strengthned antilynching
Made it a crimeL To harm civil rights workers
To persuade Congress to pass the Civil Rights bill, what did AA s do
A Phillip Randolph summoned a march to D.C.
On August 28, 1963 what happened
More then 25,000 people including 75,000 whites came to the capital
Who spoke i DC
martain Luther king. He gave his “ I Have A Dream Speech”
What happened approximately two weeks after King’s Speech
4 Birmingham girls wer ekilled with a bomb that was thrown into a church
July 24th, 1964 what did LBJ sign
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibited dscrimination bause of race, relifion, national origin, and gender. Also, in Public Acconodations
Freedom Summer
The CORE and SNCC in 1964 began registering many African Americans to vote. They wanted to influence Congress
What did Civil Rights groups do
Recruited college students and trained them in nonviolent segregation
In June of 1964, what did the ku Klux Klan do?
they killed 3 workers
What party did SNCC organize
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Fanny Lou Hamer
Daugher of mississippi Sharecroppers. Gave a speech of how she tried to vote- At the Democratic naitonal Convention
In Response to Hamers speech, what happened
the MFDP gained support
What did Johnson fear
That he would loose Southern white Democratic votes. The democrates gave only two seats to the MFDP in Mississippi and they banned segregation at the convention
At the start of 1965, what happened
The SCLC conducted a major voting rights campaign in Selma Alabama. SNCC had been registering voters there for some time
How many African Americans were arrested in selma
July 26th, 1948
Truman signs executive order desegregating military
Demonstrator named Jimmy Lee Jackson is killed, so MLK responds by organizing (In Selma)
MLK responded by organizng a 50 mile protest from Selma to Montgomery
On the night of march 7th, 1956
Mayham broke out and the nation watched violence
On march 21, 1956
3000 marchers set out for Montgomery with federal protection. it grew to 25,000
Voting Rights Act of 1965 did what
eliminated literacy tests. It stated that federal examiners could put voters on the list
The percentage of southern voters
By 1965, what happened to Civil Rights Groups?
They began to drift Apart, and soon turned their attention to the north
Defacto Segregation