Chapter 10 -Imperialism Flashcards
Why Did America Become Imperialistic?
- America became imperialistic because
- Desire for military strength
- New Markets
- Manifest Destiny/Cultural Superiority
Who was Alfred Manhan
2.Alfred T. Manhan was a an Admiral in the US Navy. In order to compete with other nations, he urged the US to build up te navy to compete with the other more powerful nations.
Who was William Seward?
2.William Seward was the Secretary of State under Abe Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. He was interested in expansion of territory. He arranged for the US to buy Alaska from the Russians. He was made fun of because of the investment. But it was good because there was lots of oil and other natural resources
Purchase of Alaska
2.Bought from Russia for 7.2 million dollars. In 1959 it became a state. People doubted the purchase as a success but Alaska was later proved as a good investment because it had a lot of resources.
Annexation of Hawaii
2.In the mid 1900s the Americans owned about 75% of the sugar plantations in Hawaii. There were many contract laborers from neighboring countries. When the duty free status of sugar was eliminated, there was a push to make Hawaii a state. There was also value in the kingdom because of the base Pearl Harbor, the islands best port and US naval base. The queen was overthrown by a bunch Americans in a revolution led by Ambassador John L. Stevens. They established the government led by Sanford B. Dole. In 1897 Hawaii was officially annexed, becoming a state in 1959.
Why did Americans sympathize with the Cuban people?
1.Americans had a lot of interest in cuba because it was only 90 miles south of Florida. The Americans sympathized with Cuba partly because of yellow journalism when the journalists lied about things that were happening in Cuba. Also, it would be one of the good fueling bases .Most support went out during the revolution.
American economic interests in Cuba
- American interests in Cuba
- It was close to Cuba—but Spain would not sell it.
- There were sugar cane plantations
- It was a strategic military base in the Latin America
Who was Jose Marti
3.Jose Marti was a cuban poet and journalist when launched a revolution in Cuba in 1895. He had been in exile in NYC. Also, he used tactics such as destroying American property to get the Americans involved. People in America had mixed opinions about the war, and the public felt that the USA should stay out.
Who was Valeriano Weyler
3.Valeriano Weyler was the Spanish general who was sent to Cuba to restore order among the people. He tried to crush the rebellion by heady the entire population of the central and western island to large concentration camps.
William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
3.William Randolph and Joseph Pulitzer were part of two rival newspapers. They formed the tactic of yellow journalism where they over exaggerated the happenings in Cuba.
Yellow Journalism
- Yellow Journalism was the tactic of over exaggerating the happenings to lure large audiences.
- People became angry over the tactics and then pushed for intervention
De Lome Letter
7.The De Lome letter was when William McKinley wanted to solve the crisis in diplomatic terms They seemed to work for some time. In February 1989 the NYJ published a letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome the Spanish Minister to the USA. It was leaked by Cuban rebels. The De Lome letter criticized the president and angered Americans over the insult.
USS Maine
7.The USS Maine was in Havana Harbor to protect American citizens and property. It was sent there by McKinley. It exploded on February 15, and 260 men were killed in the accident. Because of the anger towards the Spanish, when it exploded, it was like the final straw and people wanted to take action.
War in The Phlilippenes
- When both the US and Spain declared war, the Spanish thought that US would come to Cuba. Instead, they went to the Spanish Colony of the Philippines.
- The US supported the Filipinos who wanted to end Spanish rule. They also were planning a rebellion.
- George Dewey gave the command to open fire at Manila (the capital) He made sure that all of the Spanish ships were destroyed so that the USA could take the island.
Emilio Aguinaldo
10.Emilio Aguinaldo was a Filipino Rebel who joined forces with the US to end Spanish rule
Rough Riders
10.Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders were a volunteer cavalry who fought in the Spanish American War. They fought a famous battle near Santiago. It was near Kettle Hill and there was an uphill charge by the African American troops and the Rough Riders. The victory cleared the way for a Battle in San Juan Hill.
San Juan
San Juan Hill, there was a critical battle because it was strategically important. Then Roosevelt Riders played only a small role, but he was declared the hero.
Treaty of Paris
10.The Treaty of Paris was when Secretary of State John Hay ended the war. They signed a treaty and Spain freed Cuba and gave the USA Guam, Puerto Rico, and the West Indies. Also, the Philippines was sold to the US for 20 million.
Annexation of Puerto Rico/Treaty of Paris
10.People felt that the treaty was a violation of the Declaration of Independence. Also, African Americans said that the US should settle race issues at home before taking on social issues else where. There was also fear for American jobs.
Nelson A Miles
1.General Nelson A Miles occupied the island of Puerto Rico during the Spanish American War. He promised that he would “bring you protection, not only to yourselves but to your property to promote your prosperity and bestow upon you the immunities and blessings of the liberal institutions of our government.” So, in other words, Puerto Rico would be controlled by the military until Congress said so.
Interest in Puerto Rico
1.The US was interested in having Puerto Rico because it was key to maintain presence in the Caribbean, as well as protecting areas for a future canal that was to be built.
Foraker Act
1.Foraker Act was when Congress decided that the military rule should end in Puerto Rico, and a Civil Government was set up. It gave the President of the US to set up a governors and an upper house. Puerto Ricans could elect members of the lower house.
Insular Cases
1.The Insular Cases said that the Constitution did not automatically apply to people in acquired territories( Supreme Court). Congress retained the right to extend US citizenship and grant that right to the Puerto Ricans. In 1917, they could elect in both houses of their government
Teller Amendment
1.Teller Amendment said that the US had no intention of taking over Cuba
Platt Amendment
- The Platt Amendment stated that
- Cuba could not make treaties that might limit its independence or permit a foreign power to control any part of its territory
- The US reserved the right to intervene in Cuba
- Cuba was not to go into debt that its government couldn’t repay
- The US could buy or lease land on the island for military –navy stations and refueling purposes.
7.Protectorate means that there is a country whose affairs are partly controlled by a stronger country.
The Filipinos Rebel
Emilio Aguinaldo lead a rebellion, because after Spain left, the US had just basically taken over its place. The US, after hearing about the revolt, forced the Filipinos to live in places where there were poor sanitation, starvation, and disease that killed many people. This was the same tactics that the Spanish used. Also, there was high racism
African American Issue
7.The Filipinos questioned why African Americans were helping to spread racism. That turned many of the against the US and many fought against them.
US Interest in China
Because there were many natural resources there
John Hay
7.John Hay was the US Secretary of State who issued a bunch of notes called the Open Door Notes
Open Door Policy
7.The Open Door Policy stated that the US economy depended on exports, the United States could intervene in any thing abroad to keep foreign markets open, and that they feared that the closing of an area to American Products or ideas threated US Survival
Boxer Rebellion
7.The Boxer Rebellion was went Chinese secret societies started a rebellion against westerners with Martial Arts. Many people died because the arts was no match for the Western guns.
Three Key American Beliefs
7.The Open Door Policy stated that the US economy depended on exports, the United States could intervene in any thing abroad to keep foreign markets open, and that they feared that the closing of an area to American Products or ideas threated US Survival
Why did Roosevelt mediate a conflict between Russia and Japan?
To increase US influence in East Asia
Why did Roosevelt get the Nobel Prize?
Because he made the Russians and Japanese reach a settlement
Why did Roosevelt feel that they needed to build a canal
Because it would reduce travel time for commercial and military ships, connecting both sides of the continent
Hay Paunceforte Treaty
When Britain gave the US right s to build and control a canal in Central America
Rebellion Against Columbia
Because they wanted freedom, and the United States helped them win the freedom to build a canal
Conditions for the Panama Canal
Monroe Doctorine
European countries stay out of affairs of Latin American Nations
Roosevelt Corollary
That Latin American disorder could force the US to exercise policing power internationally.
Dollar Diplomacy
The United States could invest in other Nations, and help other nations pay its debt
Missionary Diplomacy
That it was the United States job to spread democracy around the World– and wouldn’t recognize any country that wasn’t diplomatic