Taking on Segregation Flashcards
segregated buses might have never rolled through Montgomery if
The civil Rights act of 1875 had remained in force
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1875 say
All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accomodations
In 1883 what did the Supreme Court do
All white court declared the Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional
IN 1890,Louisiana did what
Required railroads to provide equal but seperate accomodations
in Plessy Vs. Ferguson
In 1896, the court ruled that seperate but equal didn’t violate the 14th amendment
What were Jim Crow Laws Aimed to do
Separate Races
What did Jim Crow Laws forbid
Marriage between blacks and whites, social and religious contact between the races, [ Schools, street cars, waiting ooms, railroad coaches, elevators, bathroom
Nearly all of the services
made blacks feel inferior
After the civil war, what did some blacks do
Some African Americans tried to escape Southern racism by moving to the north.
What did blacks find wen they moved north
There was still racism and segregation (black neighborhoods and competition for jobs)
When did the migration of African Americans seedup
During WWI (For industry jobs)
How did WWII set stage for a movement
- Demand for soldiers created a shortage of white laborers
- Opened up jobs for white women, AAs, and Latinos
- So many AAs served in the army that discriminatory policies ended. They wanted to fight for freedom
- During the war, blacks had actively campaigned for their voting rights and they challenged Jim Crow laws.
What did the president issue
An order prohibiting discrimination by federal agencies in war work
Who led the desegregation campaign largely
NAACP had fought through since the 1909.
Who was a prominent figure early on
Charles Hamilton Houston- A Howard University Prof who served as chief legal council for the NAACP from 1936- 1938
What did Houston focus on when deviding the NAACP’s legal strategy
Inequality between schools that states provided
How much more did white education cost than black education
10 x
So Houston focused on organizing :
organization’s limited resources on challenging glaring inequalities of segregated public education
In 1938 Charles Houston did what
placed a team of his best law students under Thurgood Marshall
How many cases did Marshall win
29/32 cases in teh Supreme Court
What were some cases that happened
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Morgan vs. Virginia (no segregation on interstate buses)
Sweatt vs. Painter: state law schools must admitt black applicants even if separate schools exist
Brown vs. Board of Education back story
1954 Father of Linda Brown charged Board of Education Kansas for denying her entrace to a school 4 blocks away (black school = 21 blocks)
What did the Supreme Court devide in Brown Vs. Board of Education
Segregation in school as a violation of 14th Amendment equal protection.
What did Chief Justice Earl Warraen say
Said seperate but equal has no place
Reaction to Brown Devision
- Kansas and Oklahoma thought it would ednd with little trouble
- Texas thought that it would take years
- Mississippi and Georgia vowed that they would not comply with the rules
In which places did desegregation go smoothly
Baltimore, St. Louis, Washington D.C.
Where African Americans were a majority, what did whites do
Whites resisted desegregation , Ku Klux Klan reappeared and white citizens council boycotted buses
What was Brown II
Supreme Court ordered desegregation to go quick: Eisenhower thought this was absurd (1955)
In 1948 who was the first southern state to admit blacks
What did Arkansas do…desegregation wise
- Desegregate state universities
- Scout troops and union leaders stopped Jim Crow
- Little Rock citizens elected 2 people who backed desegregation
- Little Rock-desegregated
What did Arkansas Governor show support for
In September 1957 Orval Fabus ordered
The National Guard to turn away the little Rock 9
Little Rock Nine
- Nine African American students who volunteered to integrate Central high School in Little Rock
- It was the first step of the plan done by Virgil Blossom the school segregation
What did A Federal Judge order Fabus to do qOrdered Fabus to let them in
When the NAACP called 8 students, what did they say
Arranged to drive them to school, but they couldn’t reach Elizabeth Eckford
What did Eckford face
An abusive crowd, but friendly whites stayed with her
How did Eisenhower act in Retaliation to little rock
- Placed national guard form Arkansas under federal Control
- Ordered thousands of paratroopers into little rock
- The nation watched these students to enter the high school
Even though soldiers were there, they could not
protect agains tregular harrasments
At the end, what did Fabus do
Shut down little Rock high at the end of the year
Civil Rights Act 1957 -which was sheparded by LBJ
Gave attorney general greater power over school desegregation. It gave federal government jurisdiction over violation of African American voting rights
African American activists
began to take direct actions
Four days after the Brown Decision who wrote a letter to the mayor of Montgomery
Jo Ann Robertson asked for the desegregation of buses
What did the mayor say about Robinson
Who was Rosa Parks
- Seamstress
2, NAACP Officer
What did Parks do
She took a seat in the front row of the bus (colored section) . The bus filled up and she was asked to move. She regused and was arrested
After Parks arrest, what happened
Robinson and E. D. Nixon suggested a bus boycott
The leaders of the African American community included many ministers
formed the montgomery Inporvement Association to help organize the boycott
Who was elected to lead the group MIA
Martin Luther King
On Dec. 5th 1955 what did Dr. king say to a crowd of 1500 people
That African Americans were tired of being trampled on
In terms of a bus boycott, what did the people do?
African Americans filed suit and refused to ride buses in Montgomery for 381 days
How did people get paces in the boycott
- Organized car pools
- Walked long distances
- Support came from black community and outside groups
When did the Supreme Court outlaw bus segregation
What did King call his brand of non violence
Soul Foce
Where did King get his teaching from
Jesus (love enemies), Henry David Thoreau (refused to obey unjust law) A. Phillip Randolph (organize mass demonstrations ) and Mahatma Gandhi
1955 murder of Emett Till what was his background
14 years old frican American boy who flirted with a white women( there were murderers like this every where)
After the boycott, King joined with ministers and civil rights leaders to form
The southern christian leadership conference
What did the SCLC do?
Confronted evils of second class citizen ship. They used stage protests and demonstrated
The SClC hoped to
build a movement and win a lot of support
Who was the president of the SCLC
Who was the SCLC’s director
Ella Baker
While in the NAACP, what did Baker do
She served as a national field secretary and she travelled 16,000 miles
On April 1960, Baker:
Helped students at Shaw university an African American U, inRaileigh NC to organize a protest group
What was the protest group called
What did SNCC stand for
Student Non violetn coordinating committee
What was another reason that SNCC was formed
College students viewed the pace of change as too slow . Students risked a lot when they wanted to change it
The SNCC used
sit ins
African American protestors sat down at segregated unch counters and refused to leave until they were served
What did TV crews show
The ugly racism of the South
What did the sit ins spark
more sit ins
How did Stores react
removed counter seats, raised price offood and called polices
By 1960 students had
Desegregated lunch counters in 48 cities. Students endured beatings, arrest, suspension tear gas, and ire hoses