Chapter 17.2 Flashcards
Who said this? : Now that we are, as you say in the same boat it would not be wise for us to have another conference
Winston Churchill
What did Winston Churchill and FDR do in the WH on December 22, 1941.
They worked out war plans
After pearl harbor what did Hitler order?
Submarine raids against ships along America’s east coast to prevent food and war Materiels from reaching Great britain
What did Britain depend on?
the long shiplines from the US. Hitler knew that if he cut of that, Britain would be starved into submission
In 1942, how many American ships were sunk?
About 87…soon around 681
What were German Wolf Packs
They were groups of German ships that would bomb Allied Ships.. (U BOATS)
How did Allies respond to German U-Boats?
They arranged convoy systems
What were Convoy Systems eqquiped with?
Sonar and radar..which made it faster to destroy U-Boats
The United States launched a crash ship building program how many ships were produced>
Around 140 ships
What is the Battle of the Atlantic in a simple definition?
It was the battle between the US and the Germans
Where did the tracks in the soviet union lead the Germans?
The Germans had been fighting dince June 1941, and they came just outside of Moscow and Leningrad when spring came, they could roll their tans
In the summer of 1942, the Germans took the offensive in the southern sovient union. What did Hitler hope to capture
The oil fields in the Caucasus Mountains. He wanted to wanted to get Stalingrad
What is the Luftwaffe>
The german airforce
What did the Lufwaffe do?
Set stalingrad a blaze and kept pressing on, while Stalin ordered for his city to be saved
When another winter set in, what did the german force do?
They were cold, and the situation turned worse. So, the SU was able to bring in more tanks
How many soviets did the Germans loose>
1,100, 000
Despite this, it was a turning point in the war for the Soviets
In a Summary, what was the battle of Stalingrad about?
- The Germans approached Stalingrad and took to bombing the city. Nearly every wooden thing was destroyed
- The soviets considered abandoning the city, but Stalin ordered them not too
- The Germans pressed on to Stalingrad
- Then another winter set in, trapping the Germans
- The Soviets could bring in new tropps
What did Stalin pressure the Allies to do>
Open a second front in Western Europe. He argued that an invasion would force HItler to divert the troops
What did the Allies do instead?
They launched Operation Torch, an invasion of North Afria
Who was operation Torch commanded by?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
In November 1942, what happened
107,000 Allied troops landed in Casablanca , Oran and Algiers in North Africa. From there they went E chasing the Afrika Korps led by General Erwin Rommel.
What hapeened in May 1943
The Afrika Corps surrendered
Even before the Battle in North Africa, what happned
Roosevelt, Churchill and their commanders met in Casablanca. At this meeting, the two leaders agreed to accept only unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.
What is unconditional surrender
Where the Axis powers have to agree with whatever terms the Allied powers present to them
The Americans argued what?
That they should assemble a massive invasion fleet in Britain and launch it across England to strike
What did Churchill think>
That it would be safer to attack Italy first
The Italian campaign got of to what>
A good start with the capture of Sicily
What happened after the collapse of Sicily?
The Italian Governmetn forced Mussolini to resign
On July 25, 1943, what happenedd?
King Victor Emmanuel III summoned II Duce to his palace stripped him of his power and had him arrested. “At this moment you are the most hated man in Italy
What did Hitler do?
He was determined to stop the Allies in Italy rather tan fight on German soil.
What was one of the Hardest battles that the Allies encountered?
It was fought less than 40 miles from Rome. It lasted 4 monthsand resulted in 25,000 Allied and 300000 Axis deaths.
Did the effort to free Italy was
not succeeeded until 1945 until Germany was close to collapse
Among the brave men who fought in Italy were
The All Black 99th Pursuit Squadron-The Tuskegee Airmen
What happend in Sicly with the blacks
The squadron registered its first victor against an enemy aircraft and went on to more improsive strategic strikes against German forces throughout Italy.
What awards were given to the Blacks
Two Distunguished Unit Citations for aerial combat
Another African American unit to distingush itself was the famous 92dn Infantry Division nicknamed the just 6 months of fighting, they won 7 Leigon of Merit awards, 65 Silver Stars, adn 162 bronze stars for courage
LIke African Americans, most Mexican Americans served in segregated units. Seventeen Mexicans were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor an All Chicano unit, te 141st Regiment, 36th Devision became one of the most decorated of the war
Japanese americans also served in Italy and North Africa. At the urging of General Delos Emmons, the army created the
100th Battalion wchih consisted of 1300 Hawaiian Nisei. The 100th saw brutal combat and became know as the Purple Heart Battalion. Later, the 100th was merged into all the Nisei 442nd Regimental Combat Team
What was Operation Overlord
As it was called, fell to the American General Dwight D. Eisenhower .to plan D-Day
Under Eisenhower direction in England, the Allies did what?
Gathered a force of nearly 3 million British, American, and Candadians troops together with mountains of military equipment and supplies. To attack Normandy
To keep the plans a secret, what did Ike do>
Hee set up a huge phantom army with its own headquarters. In radio messages that could be easily decoded, Allied commanders sent orders to this this makebelieve army to attack Caais. Hitler ordered his genenerals to keep a the port
The Allied invasion code named Operation Overlord was originally set for
June 5, but because of bad weather..
When was D-Day?
It was on June 6th, 1944
What happened on D-Day?
Shortly after midnight, three divisions parachuted down behind German lines. They were followed in the early morning hours by thoughsands uof seaborn soldiers. The largest land-sea air operation in army
What happened on D-Day
The German retaliation was brutal
After 7 days of fighting, the Allies held an 80 mile strip fo France
-Within a month, they landed a million troops , 567, 000 tons of supplies and 170,000 vehivlrd
On July 25, what happened
Omar Bradley unleashed massive air and land bombardment against the enemy and St. Lo provideing a gap in the German Line of defense
When there was a Gap in the German line of defense what happened?
George Patton and his third army could advance. On August 23, Patton and the third army reached the Seine . To days later, French resistance forces and American tropps took Paris
Franklin D. Roosevelt won another Term
In October 1944, Americans captured their first German town Aachen how did Hiter respond?
With a desperate last gasp offensive. He ordered his troops to break through the Allied lines and to recapture the Beligian port of Antwep. This bold move, the Fuhrer hoped that would disrupt the supply lines and demoralize the Allies
On December 16 what happened
German tank divisions broke throguh weak American defenses along an 80 mile front. itler hoped that a victory would split American and British forces and break up Allied supply liknes.Tanks drove 60 miles into Allied territory creating a bulge in the lines that gave this desperate last ditch offensive Battle of the Bulge
The Germans pushed forward abd the battle raged for the month The Nazis had to retreate
The Soviets pushed into poland and were the first to come upon:
The Nazi death camps in POland. When they came, SS guards worked feverishly to brun and burn evidence of their hideous crimes.
On April 25, 1945 the Soviet Army did what?
Stormed Berlin as shells burst overhead, the city pannicked
How did Hitler get ready to die?
He got married to his mistress. Then he wrote an daddress ti the German people for starting the war and his generas for loosing it.
When was VE DAy?
ON May 8th, 1945
When did Roosevelt die?
On April 12, 1945. Harry Truman became president