Chapter 17.1 Flashcards
What did Japan attack the United States with the expectation of?
That they would shrink from further conflict. The Japan Times boasted that the US was reduced to a third rate power.
What motivated the United States (slogan)
Remember Pearl Harbor!
After Pearl Harbor, eager Young, American;s did what?
They jammed recruiting offices
However, even though 5 million people volunteered for duty, what was the problem
They were not enough to face and fill all the spots needed in a two front war
What did the Selective Service System Do?
Expanded teh draft and provided another 10 million soldiers.
What did the volunteers and draftees report to?
military bases around the country for eight weeks of basic training. IN this short period, they were turned into battle ready GIS
According to Seargent Deb Myers
there was more to basic training than teaching a recruit how to stand at attention, march in step, handle a rifle and follow orders
What did George marshall do?
He pushed for the formation of a Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps
In a quote, he says “ There are innumerable duties now being performed by soldiers that can be done better by women .
Under the WAAC bill, what would women s do?
They would serve in noncombat positions
Despite opposition from some members of Congress, when was the bill establishing the WAAC passed
May 15, 1942
In July 1943, what happened
US Army dropped the auxiliary status and gave the US Army benefits. The women worked as nurses ambulance drivers, radio operators, eectricians, and piolets
What were minority groups
African Americans, Native Americans, and Mexican Americans, as well as Asian Americans
What were dilemmas that these groups faced
Restricted to racially segregated neighborhoods and reservations. Denied basic citizenship rights,
What did many minority groups question
Why fight for democracy for a country when we don’t even have it.
How many Mexican Americans joined the amerd forces?
300,000. They only made up 1/10 of LAs population, but were 5th of the cities all time war casualties
How many African American’s served in the military
about 1 million.
How did African Americans serve in the military
They lived and worked in segregated units. They were limited to noncombat roles. AA did finally see combat beginning in April 1943
Asian Americans took part in the struggle as well. How many Chinese and Japanese severed
C: 13,000
J: 33,000
What role did Japense Americans SPECIFICALLY ask to play
Many were spies and interpreters in the Pacific
How many Native Americans enlisted in the armed services?
25000..800 women
How did Industry respond to the cries
The nation’s automobile plants reversed to produce tanks, boats, planes and command cars. So did many other factories
In 1942, Henry J. Kaiser built 7 ships at an astonishing rate. What were methods that he used?
Prefabricated, factory mdae parts that could be quickly assembled at his shipyards. Equally important were his workers
When the war began, defense contractors warned the Selective Service System tat
The nation did not have enough workers to meet both its military adn industrial needs
By 1944 how many workers were there>
About 18 million workers
More than 6 million workers were what?
At first, what did war industries fear?
That women lacked the stamia and strength for factory work.
How many minority members did defense plants hire?
2 million. At the beginning of the war, minorities faced strong prejudice
Who was A. Phillip Randolph?
He was the president and founder of the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters. He was an admired leader
What did Randolph do?
He marched to WDC demanding that loyal blacks got the right to work and fight for their country. He didn’t back down.
What did FDR say?
That employers and labor unions had to provide for the full and equitable participatin of workers in the defense industries
In 1941, what did Roosevelt create?
The office of Scientific Research and Development.
What was the purpose of the OSRD
to mobilie scientists into the war effort.
How did the OSRD help?
It brought new improvements in radar and sonar, ne technologies for locaiting subs. Aso, it encouraged the use of pesticides to fight body lice. They also developed the Manhattan Project
What was the Manhattan Project?
A secret mission that built an atomic bomb, after a warning that the Germans were working on one too. Roosevelt created an Advisory Committeee on Uraniium. This was a dead secret
What wsa the Office of Price Administration
Fought inflation by freezing wages, prices, and rents. It rationed food such as meat, butter, cheese, veggies, sugar, and coffee
What was the National War Labor Board
It limited wage increases, allowed negotiaged benefits such as paid vacation, pensions, and medical insurance. It kept unions stable by forbidding workers to change unions
What was the War Production Board
IT rationed fuel and materials vital to the war effort such as gas, heating oil, metals, rubber, and plastic
Department of Treasury
Issued war bonds to raise money for the war effort and to fight inflation
Revenue Act of 1942
Raised the top personal income tax rate to 88% Added lower and middle income Americans to the income tax rolls
Smith-Connally Antistrike Act
Limited the right to strike in industries crucial to the war effort
Gave the president power to take over striking plants
Rationing established what>
By the OPA, set fixed allotments of goods deepmed essential to the military. Some people saw it as hard (especially in the west)