20.1 Flashcards
In 1960, President Eisenhower’s 2nd term wasdrawing to a close, what was the mood like in the US
People were restless because of
- Suputnik I., Soviet Long Range Missiles
- American imlitary was falling behind
- U-2
- Cuba and Communism
What did (D) Kennedy promise
To get America moving again
What did V. P Richard Nixon build his plaform on
Eisenhower’s popularity
How did the canidates differ in policy decisions
They had similar ones
What put Kenneday in the lead
TV and CivilRights Issues
How did Kennedy Have an advantage
He had a well organized campaign. He had a wealthy family. He was handsom, charismatic
What was the issue with Kennedy?
He was young and many felt that he was inexperienced
What was the isue with Kennedy’s religion?
He was Roman Catholic and many people thought that pope would influence American policie, coler ties between the Church and States
How did Kennedy combat fears of his religion
Hi discussed it openly
What was one event that determined the course of the election
On Sept 26, 1960 70 million TV viewers watched the first televised Presidential Debate
During the debate, what were some topics of discussion
POlicy. Nixon hoped to reveal Kennedys Inexperience)
How did Kennedy do in the debate?
Well. He was coached by TV producers and and spoke better the Kennedy.
What did Kennedy’s success in the debate launch
What was another major event that took place during the campaign
Police in Atlanta Georgia arrenst MLK JR and and 33 other African American demonstrators for sitting at a segregated lunch counter. King was sentenced to hard labor for a traffic violation
What did the Eusenhower admin do about the MLK incident
Nothing. Nixon refused to interven e
What did Kennedyy do about MLA
JFK telephoned Coretta Scott King to express sympathy. Robert Kenned (brother and campaign manager persuaded Kings judge to release the leader on bail and call forr appeal
How did the Kennedy actions during the MLK incident influence the election.
It helped him
What did Kennedy’s innaguaration set the tone for
A new era at the white house: One of elegance, grace and wit
Who did Kennedy invite to his innaguration?>
100 writers, artists, scientist, opera singer like Marion Anderson
What is Kennedy’s most famous quote?
And so mu fellpw Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do fo ryour country
What did the Kennedy’s innaguration set the tone for
A new era at the white house of grace, elegance, and wit
During his term, what di dthe Kennedys do
Jackie invited lots of artists and actors.
John appeared on TV
What did the press like about JFK
He had wit and charm
What did critics of JFK say he lacked
How did JFK captivate the PIblic
They learned that he could read 1600 words a minute. Many enrolled in speed reading classes
How did the First Lady fascinated the nation
Wither her eye for fashion. culture.
What did newspapers fill their pages with
Pictures and stories of Caroline and JOhn
What was Kennedys white house compared to
What did Kennedy surround himself with
The brightest and best team.
This included McGeorge Bundy, a harvard university dean as National security advisor
Robert McNamara: President of Ford Motor company as secretary of defense
Dean Rusk president of the Rockefeller foundation as secretary of state
Who did kennedy rely on most
Robert Kennedy: attorney General
At the beginning of his administration, what did Kennedy focus on most?
COld War
What did Kennedy conclude the Soviets were doing?
Gaining Loyalties in 3rd world countrie of Asia Africa Lantin America. He blasted republicans for allowing this to happen
What did Kennedy believe was the nations most urgent task
To redefine the nations nuclear strategy
What was the Eisenhower administartion s policy for nuclear strategy
Massive retaliation to deter Soviet aggression and imperialism. Kennedy didn’t want to use nuclear weapons for a minor conflict
What was Kennedy’s policy
Felxible Response where he increased defense spending in order to boost conventional military forces-nonnuclear forces such as troos, ships, and artilery. An elite branch of the army was teh Greeen Berets. He tripled the overall nuclear capabilities of the US
What did the changes enable the US to do
Fight all over the world in limited wars while maintaining nuclear balance with the Soviets.
About 2 weeks before Kennedy took offfice on Jan 3, 1961 what did Pres. Eisenhower do
Cut of diplomatic relations with Fidel Castro
What did Fidel Castro openly declare himself as
A Communist and welcomed aid from the Soviets
How did Castro gain power
with the promise of democracy
From 1951-1956 what did Castro do
Led a guerill amovement to overthrow the dictator Fulgeriao Batista
In 1959 after he won control of Cuba, what did Castro tell reporters
Revolutions are not born, they are mdae up of poverty, inequality, and dictatorship
What did the US do to the new gov. of cuba
They were suspiscious of Castros intentions but recognized it
What did Castro do, once he established power
Seized 3 american and british refinaries and broke up commercial farms into communes that would be worked by formerlly landless peasant s
As a result of Castros actions, what did American sugar companies do?
They appealled to the US government for help ( They controlled 75% of the crop land in Cuba)
Wht did Castro rely on
Soviet aid and politcal repression
What were some views on Castro
They were taken by his charism and wilingness to stand uo to the US. OThers saw him as a tyrant
How much of Cuba’s population went into exile?
They went to Miami, 10%
In March 1960, what did Pres. Eisenhower give permission to the CIA to do?
To train Cubane xiles for an invasion of Cuba
What did the CIA and eiles hope?
That the invasion would trigger a mass upriseing and would overthrow castro
When did Kennedy learn of the Bay of Pigs
Nine days after the election. But, he approved it
On April 17, 1961 how many Cuban exiles landed on the southern coast at the Bay of Pigs
1300-1500 all were backed by the military
What happened to the Air Strikes that were going to knock out the CUban air force
They failed
What did the CIA report about the air strike
That it succeeded
What was sent to distract Castro’s forces
A small advance group that never reached shore
What happened to the main unit who landed on shore
They lacked American support and it faced 25,000 CUban troops
Who were the Cubans backed by
Soviet tanks and jets
What happened to the exiles
Some were killed, others were imprisoned.
How did the CUbanmedia respond to this
“The defeat of MOrth Ameircan Menicerairis
What was the US
We looked like fools to our friends, rascals to our enemies, and imcompetents to the others
How did Kennedy react
He accepted blame, but privately wondered how the CIA and others could be so wrong
Kennedy did what to Castro
Negotiated for the release of the exiles for 53 million ransom in food and medical supplies
What did Kennedy sayafter the bOP
That he would resist further communist expansion in the western hemisphere
What did Nikita Khruscheve Promise
To defend Cuba with soviet arms
During the summer of 1962, what happened
The flow to Cuba of Soviet weapons including nuclear missiles
What did Kennedy say about the flow of nuclear weapons
America would not tolerate nuclear weapons in Cuba
On Oct 14, what did photos taken by American planes reveal
Soviet missile bases in Cuba with missiles ready to launch
What did Kennedy tell the American people on Oct 20, 1962
He told them about the missiles. For 6 days, everyone thought that there would be a full scale nuclear war
When Soviet sships went back and forth, what did people think
That they were carrying nuclear weapons to cuba
What did the U.S’s Navy do
Prepared a quarantine to Cuba and stationed 100,00 troops in Florida
What was the stationing of troops in Florida.
The largest assembling of troops ever.
What was the first break in teh crisis
Soviet ships stopped suddenly to avoid a confrontation at sea
What did Khruschev offer
To remove all missiles fro Cuba if the US pledged not to attack the island
What the US secretly agree to
To remove missiles from Turkey
How was Khruschev’s prestige
Severely damageed
After the missile crisis, how was kennedy criticized
for practicing brinksmanship when private talks might have happened. He passed up an opportunity to get cuba
What did Cuban exiles do
blamed democrats and many switched to the republican party
What was the agreement that the US and Cuba had
That cubans could join reletives in teh United states
What guided JFK through teh CUban missile crisis
He wanted to proove to Khruschev and the world that he would contain communism
What was the Berlin Wall
A concrete wall topped with barbed wire. In the
In the 11 years since the Berlin Airlift, what percent of GDR had fled to the FDR
20% or 3 million
What did the refugees advertise
The failure of the communist gov and it weakened the exonomy
Khruschev had to solve the problem of Berlin. At a summitt in Vienna, in June 1961, he threatened to close all roads; acces to Berlin
What did Kennedy say to khruschev
He would not give up West Berlin.Even though Nicki was annoyed, JFK told americans that they wouldn’t leave
When was the Berlin Wall built
August 13, 1961
What showdowns did JFK and Khruschev show
The gravity of splitsecond descisions
What was teh hotline
a phone between the 2 leaders so that they could communicate
The Limited Test Ban Treaty
Barre nuclear testing in the atomospher e