Popular Culture (19.3) Flashcards
What was mass media
communication means that reached large audiences.
Television developed with
Lightning speed
What were some facts about tv
it was first avaliable in 1948 and it reached 9 percent of American homes
Early television sets were
The first regular broadcasts
only reached a smal lpart of the East Coast and offered only two hours of programs per week.
Post WWII inovations suhc as
microwave relays which could transmit television waves over long distances helped
In 1956, the Federal Communications Commission did what
regulated and licensed television, telephone, telegraph, radio, and other communications. IT allowd 500 new stations to broadcast
This period of rapid expansion in TV was called:
The golden age
Who was Milton Berle
A TV producer. he attracted people with I love Lucy, and Texaco Star Theater
What was Berles thing
Who was Ed. R. Murrow
a television broadcaster
What did Murrow do>
He intorduced 2 innovations
- on the scene reporting
- Invterviewign
this is with See it Now and Person to Person
What were other popular programs
Western, sporting events, original dramas shown in Playhouse 90, The Mickey Mouse Club, The Howdy Doody Show
How did American Businesses take advantage of the opportunities offered by the TV industry
Advertising reached 2 billion in 1960. Sales of TV guide introduced in 1953
What was the TV MEAL
it was a new convenience item that was ready to heat, individual meals on disposible trays.
Was everyone happy with these TV thrillers?
No. Critics objected to its effets on children and minoritiies.
How did TV portray women>
As ideal mothers in Father KNows Best and The Adventures of Harriet of Ozzie
Who rarely appeared on TV
African Americans and Latinos
What did TV in the 1950s portray and idolize?
White America. It omitted references to poverty, diversity, and contemporary conflicts like civil rights.
What did television glorify
historical conflicts.
Newton Monow voiced concern to what?
The violence and effects on children (He was chairmen of the FCC)
Whadt did radio do to compete with TV
It focused on local programming of news, weather, music, and community issues. Radio advertyising rose by 35 percent
How much did the radio stations increase by
50 percennt
From the beginning, TV cut into the what
movie market. More people stayed at home to watch TV
How did TV not send Hollywood Away
`It capitalized on advantages that movies still had, like size, color, and stereophonic sound (surrounding the viewer) There were also innovations such as Smell O Vision and Aroma Rama that gave scent. Lastly, there were 3D immages
When did TV get color
in 1953
What was the beat movement
It was centered in San Francisco, LA, and NYC. It expressed the social and literary nonconformity of artists, poets, nad writers.
What did beat originally mean
Wear, but it came to refer to music
What did followers of the BM do?
They shunned regular work and sought a higher conciousness through Zen Buddhism music and sometimes drugs
What did Beat poets and writers believe
that they should not impose that much structure. There was a very open forum. They read poetry aloud in coffeehouses and other gathering places.
What were two famous literary works
Howl and On the Road
How did Americans see the Beat Movemet
They didn’t see this lifestyle as very enchanting. They thought they were weird. However, the life attracted attention of media and college students
What did Aln Freed do>
He added instruments to traditional blues misic
Who usually played this type of music?
Aftrican Americans
Freed promoted music that grew out of
rhythm and blues and country and pop. This was called Rock n roll
What was the significance of the name rock n roll
it came to mean music that is black and white
Richard Penniman, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, HIs Commets and Elvis PResley brought
rock n roll to fame among new teens
What did Rock n Roll consist of
a heavy rhythm, simple melodies, lyrics featurin g love, cars, and problems of being young
How did Elvis Presley develop his style
he sung in church and listened to gospel, country nad blues music. He played the guitar.
Preseley was
very popular and 45 of his records sold a million copies
What were some of PResley’s popular records
Hearbrek Hotel, Hound Dog, All Shook Up, Don’t Be Cruel, aamd Burnin g Love
What did some people think of hims
That he was really weird. But young people thought a lot of is rebellious style
What did adults think of rock n roll
They thought htat it would lead to teenage delinquency and immortality. Despite this, it was popular with TV and radio
Who were Nat King Cole and Lena Horn and Harry Belafonte
They paved ways for minority representation in entertainment
What did many African American preformers playdo
Jazz : the use of improverisation
Where were African American shoes and programs broadcasted
On seerate Stateions. There were 250 radio stations. They radio wanted to counter everyone