19.3 Flashcards
Wat did post war America not live up to
The american dream. In 1962. nearly 1/4 of the Americans were living below the overty level
Who was living below the pverty leve?
Minority groups including African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans
In the 1950s, what did white AMericans do
They left the cities fo r the suburbs taking with them economic resources and isolating themselves form other races and classes
What did the poor people do?
Migrated to the city
What was the white flight, who did it impact
It impacted poor whites and nonwhites. T
What did the cities loose
people, businesses and property they owend as well as income tazes that they ahad paied. The governments could not afford to proprely maintain or improve schools, public transport suffered
What were Americans unaware of?
The growing poverty in the inner cities.
What was happing to the amount needed to survive
it was rising
Where did AAs NAs and Ls have to live in
dirty crowded slums,
What was urban renewal
The National Housing Act of 1949 was passed to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for every family. This called for the tearing down of rundown neighborhoods and constructing lowincome ousing.
What was the Housing Urban Development
It came to aid / improve conditions in the inner city
What happend
Bad areas were cleared, and parking lots, shopping centers, highways, oarks, and factories were constructed on some of the land
Was there housingn?
No not enough to accomodate all the displaced people
What was an example of this
Dodger stadium was built on a barrio. And poor people were moved form one ghetto to another
What did minority groups do?
Fight against discrimination
What were the braceros.
Hired hands that were allowed into the US to harvest crops/.
The braceros wer en
Sort term employment and were expected to retern to MExico. Many remained in the US illegally
What did other mexicans do
enter the US because they wanted to escape the poor economy
What was the Longoria Incident
Texas refused to bury this man who was a vet.
What was the GI Forum and the UNity League of California
GI: Organized by mexican veterns
Untiy League of Calii: Was to register Mexican Americans to vote and to find canidates that would represent them
What was the policy and acts towards NAs
They wanted to Americanize these people, or make them essentially american. The snyder act granted citizenship to them. but they were still 2nd class
The indian reorganization act of 1934 did what
they moved the policy oaway from assimilation and toward native american autonony
In the Great Depression, what happened
The gov. wanted to stop subsidizing them
What were some solutions that native americans came up with
the national congress of American indians:
- To insure native americans the same civil rights that whites had
- To make sure that NAs retain their custons
After the war ended,
Native americans stopped recieveing family allotments and wages, OUtsiders grabbed control of theier lands
Termination POliciy
Giving up responsibility for native american tribes, eliminating federal economic support and discontinued reservation sustem and distributed tribal lands among individuals
What did the urea of Indian Affairs do
began a voluntary reloaction program. There were many who were left without access to vital thing s