Unit Opportunity 5 Flashcards
epidermis (epi-derm-is)
epi = upon, on, to, in addition to
derm = skin
the outer layer of skin
dikaryotic (di-kary-o-tic)
di = 2
kary = nucleus
tic = adjectival
characterized by having two nuclei in each cell
dystrophy (dys-trophy)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
trophy = nourishment
a general term for tissue degeneration such as that caused by diseases of nutrition or metabolism
apocrine (apo-crine)
apo = from, away, off
crin = to secrete
denoting secretory cells that give off protoplasm
proerythroblast (pro-erythr-o-blast)
pro = before, in front of, forward
erythr = red
blast = embryonic cell
a precursor to a red blood cell
hyperemesis (hyper-eme-sis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
eme = to vomit
sis = nominal
excessive vomiting
proptosis (pr-op-to-sis)
pro = forward, in front of
op = eye, sight
pto = to fall
sis = nominal
a forward “falling” or displacement of the eye
encephalogram (encephal-o-gram)
encephal = brain
gram = thing written
a radiograph of the brain
esotropia (eso-tropia)
eso = inside, internal
tropia = turning or inclination
a “turning inward” (esp. the crossing of the eyes)
apathy (a-pathy)
a = not, without
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
lack of feeling or emotion; indifference
perichondrium (peri-chondr-ium)
peri = around, near
chondr = cartilage, granule
ium = nominal
a collection of tissue surrounding a piece of cartilage
endocranial (endo-crani-al)
endo = within, inner
crani = cranium
al = adjectival
within the cranium; intracranial
synapse (syn-ap-se)
syn = with, together
hap = to grasp, to fasten
se = nominal
the joining together or two neurons or nerve cells
thyroid (thyr-oid)
thyr = shield
oid = adjectival
shield-like structure (esp. of a gland or the cartilage in the throat)
paranephric (para-nephr-ic)
para = beside, resembling, disordered
nephr = kidney
ic = adjectival
located beside the kidneys
megalomania (megal-o-mania)
megal = great, large
mania = madness, obsession
unreasonable conviction of one’s own greatness
hydrophilic (hydr-o-phil-ic)
hydr = water, fluid
phil = to love, to have an affinity for
ic = adjectival
readily absorbing moisture