Chapter 25: Bilingual Words (words) Flashcards
lipopenia (lip-o-pen-ia)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
pen = deficiency, lack
ia = nominal
deficiency of lipids in the body
lactagogue (lact-agogue)
lact = milk
agogue = inducing the flow of, expelling
an agent promoting the flow of milk (also “galactagogue”)
hidropoiesis (hidro-poie-sis)
hidro = sweat
poie = to make
sis = nominal
the formation and secretion of sweat
pyeloduodenal (pyel-oduoden-al)
pyel = pelvis (esp. of the kidney)
al = adjectival
related to or connecting the renal pelvis and the duodenum
steariform (stear-i-form)
stear = fat
form = form, shape
amblyopia (ambly-opia)
ambly = dull, blunt
opia = condition of the vision
impairment of vision due to abnormal development (as opposed to trauma)
choledochocele (chole-doch-o-cele)
chole = bile, gall
doch = to take, to receive, to contain
cele = hernia, swelling
a rare form of dilation of the common bile duct
ischiovertebral (ischi-o-vertebr-al)
ischi = hip
vertebra = vertebra
al = adjectival
related to the hip and vertebral column
ovariocentesis (ov-ario-cente-sis)
ov = egg
cente = to puncture
sis = nominal
surgical puncture of an ovary
camptomelia (campt-o-mel-ia)
campt = bent
mel = limb
ia = nominal
bending of the limbs producing permanent disfigurement
haplopathy (hapl-o-pathy)
hapl = single
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
a disease that is “single” or uncomplicated
ischiofemoral (ischi-o-femor-al)
ischi = hip
femor = femur, thigh
al = adjectival
related to the hip and femur
abdominocentesis (abdomin-o-cente-sis)
abdomin = abdomen
cente = to puncture
sis = nominal
surgical puncture of the abdomen
choledochorrhaphy (chole-doch-o-rrhaph-y)
chole = bile, gall
doch = to take, to receive, to contain
rrhaph = to sew, to suture
y = nominal
suturing of the common bile duct
hemorrhage (hem-o-rrhage)
hem = blood
rrhag = excessive discharge
discharge of blood, bleeding
actinometer (actin-o-meter)
actin = ray
meter = meter, measure
instrument for measuring rays (e.g., of the sun)
myovascular (my-o-vas-cul-ar)
my = muscle
vas = vessel
cul = nominal
ar = adjectival
having to do with a muscle and its blood vessels
hemocytopenia (hem-o-cyt-o-pen-ia)
hem = blood
cyt = cell
pen = deficiency, lack
ia = nominal
deficiency in any of the cells of the blood
presbyderma (presby-derma)
presby = old
derm = skin
changes in the skin associated with aging
sternocostal (stern-o-cost-al)
stern = chest, breastbone
cost = rib
al = adjectival
related to the breastbone and ribs
glossocele (gloss-o-cele)
gloss = tongue
cele = hernia, swelling
herniated swelling of the tongue
rhinolalia (rhin-o-lal-ia)
rhin = nose
lal = to talk
ia = nominal
altered speech from abnormalities of nasal structures
dolichostenomelic (dolich-o-sten-o-mel-ic)
dolich = long
sten = narrow
mel = limb
ic = adjectival
having unusually long, thin extremities
amblychromatic (ambly-chromat-ic)
ambly = dull, blunt
chromat = color
ic = adjectival
staining feebly or lightly
retrosternal (retro-stern-al)
retro = backward, behind
stern = chest, breastbone
al = adjectival
situated or occurring posterior to the breastbone
pyelovenous (pyel-o-ven-ous)
pyel = pelvis (esp. of the kidney)
ven = vein
ous = adjectival
related to the renal pelvis and renal veins
palatorrhaphy (palat-o-rrhaph-y)
palat = palate, roof of the mouth
rrhaph = to sew, to suture
y = nominal
surgical “sewing” or correction of a cleft palate
glossokinesthetic (gloss-o-kin-esthe-tic)
gloss = tongue
kine = to move
esthe = to feel, to perceive
tic = adjectival
rel. to the perception of tongue movement in speech
xeroderma (xer-o-derm-a)
xer = dry
derm = skin
a condition of dry or rough skin
infratympanic (infra-tympan-ic), subtympanic (sub-tympan-ic)
infra = below
sub = under, up from under
tympani = drum
ic = adjectival
situated below the tympanic membrane
coelozoic (coel-o-zo-ic)
coel = cavity (esp. in the abdomen)
zo = animal
ic = adjectival
inhabiting the intestinal cavities of the body
haplodont (hapl-odont)
hapl = single
odont = tooth
having “simple” molar teeth without cusps or ridges
nematocide (nemat-o-cide), nematicide (nemat-i-cide)
nemat = thread
cide = killing, murder
chemical used to kill a type of “thread-like” worm
brachymorphic (brachy-morph-ic)
brachy = short
morph = shape, form
ic = adjectival
having a shorter figure than is normal
ichthyoacanthotoxin (ichthy-o-acanth-o-tox-in)
ichthy = fish
acanth = thorn
tox = poison
poison administered through the stings or spines of venomous fish
camptocormia (campt-o-corm-ia), camptospasm (campt-o-spas-m)
campt = bent
spas = to draw, to jerk
ia, m = nominal
deformity of a forward flexion or bending of the trunk
erythrocytopoiesis (erythr-o-cyt-o-poie-sis)
erythr = red
cyt = cell
poie = to make
sis = nominal
process of producing red blood cells
secretagogue (se-cret-agogue)
se = apart, aside, away
cret = to separate, to distinguish
agogue = inducing the flow of, expelling
agent that stimulates secretion
vesicocele (vesic-o-cele)
vesic = bladder
cele = hernia, swelling
hernial protrusion of the urinary bladder
tachylalia (tachy-lal-ia)
tachy = swift
lal = to talk
ia = nominal
excessively rapid, pressured speech (e.g., in bipolar disorder)
hemorrhagenic (hem-o-rrhag-en-ic)
hem = blood
rrhag = excessive discharge
en = in, into, inward
ic = adjectival
causing a discharge of blood
hyperpresbyopia (hyper-presby-opia)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
presby = old
opia = condition of the vision
excessive impairment of vision due to old age
gingivoglossitis (gingiv-o-gloss-itis)
gingiv = gums
gloss = tongue
itis = nominal
inflammation of the gums and tongue
ichthyosiform (ichthyos-i-form)
ichthyos = fish
form = form, shape
similar to a “fishy” cutaneous disorder, marked by scaly skin
nematodiasis (nemat-o-dia-sis)
nemat = thread
dia = through, across, between
sis = nominal
infection by nematode parasites
dacryocystocele (dacry-o-cyst-o-cele)
dacry = tear
cyst = bladder, sac
cele = hernia, swelling
hernial protrusion of the lacrimal sac
transcoelomic (trans-coel-om-ic)
trans = across, through
coel = cavity (esp. in the abdomen)
ic = adjectival
spreading by extension through a visceral cavity
actinomyces (actin-o-myc-es)
actin = ray
myc = fungus
type of fungus with ray- or rod-shaped filaments
subbrachycephalic (sub-brachy-cephal-ic)
sub = under, up from under
brachy = short
cephal = head
ic = adjectival
having a somewhat short, broad head
antixerophthalmic (anti-xer-ophthalm-ic)
anti = against, opposite
xer = dry
ophthalm = eye
ic = adjectival
counteracting dryness in the eyes
steatopygia (steat-o-pyg-ia)
steat = fat
pyg = buttock
ia = nominal
excessive fatness of the buttocks
tympanosclerosis (tympan-o-scler-osis)
tympani (?) = drum
scler = hard
osis = nominal
the presence of hard masses of tissue around the auditory ossicles
fibromyalgia (fibr-o-my-algia)
fibr = fiber
my = muscle
algia = condition of having pain in
pain and stiffness in the muscles and joints
ventrocystorrhaphy (ventr-o-cyst-o-rrhaph-y)
ventr = belly, stomach
cyst = bladder, sac
rrhaph = to sew, to suture
y = nominal
the stitching of the bladder to the abdominal wall
ultradolichocephalic (ultra-dolich-o-cephal-ic)
ultra = beyond
dolich = long
cephal = head
ic = adjectival
characterized by an extremely long, narrow head