Chapter 16: Greek Prefixes 1 (words) Flashcards
prosthetic (pros-the-tic)
pros = toward, in addition to, fronting
the = to put, to place
serving as a substitute (e.g., a limb)
euthanasia (eu-thana-sia)
eu = well, good, normal
thana = death
easy or painless death; the deliberate ending of the life of a person suffering from an incurable, painful disease
hyperthermia (hyper-therm-ia)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
therm = heat
elevation of core body temperature to 99 degrees F
antiseptic (anti-sep-tic)
anti = against, opposite
sep = rotten
preventing decay or putrefaction (or an agent that inhibits such a process)
amphibian (amphi-bi-an)
amphi = both
bi = life
a creature that can live either in water or on land
psuedogene (pseud-o-gene)
pseud = false
gene = to be produced
a “false” DNA sequence that is similar to an active gene at another locus but that is inactive and not expressed
dyspepsia (dys-peps-ia)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
peps = to digest
impairment of the power or function of digestion
ectopic (ec-top-ic)
ec = out, out of
top = place
located away from normal position; arising in an abnormal site or tissue
perineurium (peri-neur-ium)
peri = around, near
neur = nerve, tendon
a layer of connective tissue in a peripheral nerve that surrounds each bundle
emetogenic (emet-o-gen-ic)
emet = to vomit
gen = to be produced
causing vomiting (or an agent that performs this function; also simply “emetic”)
amphicrania (amphi-crani-a)
amphi = both, around
crani = cranium
pain on “both sides of the head”
apoplexy (apo-plex-y)
apo = from, away, off
plex = stroke, blow
an effusion of blood into an organ
eurythmia (eu-rythm-ia)
eu = well, good, normal
rhythm = rhythm
proper rhythm or order
esotropia (eso-trop-ia)
eso = inside, internal
trop = to turn (toward)
a “turning inward” (esp. the crossing of the eyes)
hyperbaric (hyper-bar-ic)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
bar = weight, pressure
having pressure greater than the atmospheric norm
antibiotic (anti-bi-otic)
anti = against, opposite
bi = life
a substance that is destructive to life
cardiplegia (cardi-pleg-ia)
cardi = heart
pleg = paralysis
an intentional paralyzing of the heart for an operation
ectothermic (ecto-therm-ic)
ecto = outside, external
therm = heat
having a body temperature determined exclusively by the environment
pericardium (peri-cardi-um)
peri = around, near
cardi = heart
the membranous sac “around the heart”
exocrine (exo-crin-e)
exo = outside, external
crin = to secrete
pertaining to the external secretion of a gland
eupeptic (eu-pept-ic)
eu = well, good, normal
pept = to digest
having to do with good digestion
antacid (ant-acid)
ant = against, opposite
an agent that neutralizes acidity
hyperacusis (hyper-acu-sis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
acu = to hear
excessive sensitivity to sound
aphasia (a-pha-sia), dysphasia (dys-pha-sia)
a = not, without
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
pha = to say
impairment of speech
antigen (anti-gen)
anti = against, opposite
gen = to be produced
a substance promoting the growth of antibodies
eccritic (ec-cri-tic)
ec = out, out of
cri = to separate
a substance promoting excretion
eugenics (eu-gen-ics)
eu = well, good, normal
gen = to be produced
practice of attempting to improve populations
ectogenesis (ecto-gene-sis), exogenesis (exo-gene-sis)
ecto = outside, external
exo = outside, external
gene = to be produced
production of bodies outside an organism
promonocyte (pro-mon-o-cyte)
pro = before, in front of, forward
mon = 1
cyt = cell
a precursor to a monocyte
esophoria (eso-phor-ia)
eso = inside, internal
phor = to bear, to carry
a turning inward or convergence
eczema (ec-zema)
ec = out, out of
a rash that oozes (lit. “a boiling cut”)
proerythroblast (pro-erythro-blast)
pro = before, in front of, forward
blast = embryonic cell
a precursor to a red blood cell
apocrine (apo-crine)
apo = from, away, off
crin = to secrete
denoting secretory cells that give off protoplasm
anticoagulant (anti-co-ag-ulant)
anti = against, opposite
*co = with, together, very
*ag = to, toward, near
delaying or preventing blood clotting
eupnea (eu-pnea)
eu = well, good, normal
normal (“good”) respiration
dysentery (dys-en-tery)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
en = in, into, inward
a disease causing diarrhea and loss of blood
apogee (apo-gee)
apo = from, away, off
the highest point of an orbiting body “from the earth”
perinephritis (peri-nephr-itis)
peri = around, near
nephr = kidney
inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the kidneys
hyperglycemic (hyper-glyc-em-ic)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
em = in, into, inward
related to an increase in blood sugar
hyperemesis (hyper-eme-sis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
emet = to vomit
excessive vomiting
ecchondroma (ec-chondr-oma)
ec = out, out of
chondr = cartilage, granule
a cartilaginous outgrowth or tumor
amphicyte (amphi-cyte)
amphi = both, around
cyt = cell
a cell located “around” cerebrospinal ganglionic neurons
apomorphic (apo-morph-ic)
apo = from, away, off
morph = form, shape
related to characteristics (“forms”) that distinguish between species with the same ancestor
dysrhythmia (dys-rhythm-ia)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
rhythm = rhythm
abnormal or interrupted rhythm
perichondrium (peri-chondr-ium)
peri = around, near
chondr = cartilage, granule
collection of tissue surrounding a piece of cartilage
hyperhidrosis (hyper-hidro-sis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
hidro = sweat
the condition of perspiring excessively
progamete (pro-gam-ete)
pro = before, in front of, forward
gam = marriage
a cell that can develop into one or more gametes
biorhythm (bi-o-rhythm)
bi = life
rhythm = rhythm
a cyclic phenomenon occurring a living organism
hypergenesis (hyper-gene-sis)
hyper = over, excessive, more than normal
gene = to be produced
excessive proliferation of cells or other bodies