Our Words (22-25) Flashcards
therapeutic (therap-eu-tic)
therap = to nurture, to treat
tic = adjectival
pert. to results obtained from treatment
necrology (necr-o-logy)
necr = corpse, dead tissue
logy = study or science of
the study of mortality statistics
coprophagy (copr-o-phag-y)
copr = excrement
phag = to eat
y = nominal
the eating of excrement
stomatitis (stomat-itis)
stomat = mouth
itis = nominal
inflammation of the mouth
hemolacria (hem-olacr-ia)
hem = blood
ia = nominal
bloody tears
chiroplasty (chir-o-plasty)
chir = hand
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
plastic surgery on the hand
otitis (ot-itis)
ot = ear
itis = nominal
inflammation of the ear
traumatopathy (traumat-o-pathy)
traumat = injury, trauma
pathy = disease, disorder, feeling
a pathological state caused by trauma
homotopic (hom-o-top-ic)
hom = same, similar
top = place
ic = adjectival
occurring at the same site on the body
cheilorrhaphy (cheil-o-rrhaph-y)
cheil = lip
rrhaph = to sew, to suture
y = nominal
surgical repair of a cleft lip
rhinoantritis (rhin-o-antr-itis)
rhin = nose
antr = cavity
itis = nominal
inflammation of the nasal cavities and one or both maxillary sinuses
keratectomy (kerat-ectomy)
kerat = horn, cornea
ectomy = cutting out, removal
excision of a portion of the cornea
pyrosis (pyr-osis)
pyr = fire, fever
osis = nominal
salpingitis (salping-itis)
salping = tube
itis = nominal
inflammation of a fallopian tube, usually as a result of sexually transmitted infection
chemotherapy (chemo-therapy)
therapy = treatment
drug therapy used to treat infections, cancers, and other diseases and conditions
lymphadenoid (lymph-aden-oid)
lymph = water, lymph
aden = gland
oid = adjectival
resembling a lymph node or lymph tissue
blepharotomy (blephar-o-tomy)
blephar = eyelid
tomy = cutting
surgical incision of the eyelid
angioblast (angi-o-blast)
angi = vessel
blast = embryonic cell
a cell that participates in blood vessel formation
telemetry (tele-metr-y)
tele = from far away, at a distance
metr = meter, measure
y = nominal
the transmission of data electronically to a distant location
osteogen (oste-o-gen)
oste = bone
gen = to be produced
a tissue layer of the inner periosteal layer from which bone is formed
oncotherapy (onc-o-therapy)
onc = tumor, swelling
therapy = treatment
the treatment of tumors
ophthalmometer (ophthalm-o-meter)
ophthalm = eye
meter = meter, measure
an instrument for measuring the size of the eye
phlebology (phleb-o-logy)
phleb = vein
logy = study or science of
the study of veins and their diseases
colposcope (colp-o-scope)
colp = vagina
scope = instrument for viewing
an instrument used to examine the tissues of the vagina and cervix through a magnifying lens
bradykinesia (brady-kine-sia)
brady = slow
kine = to move
sia = nominal
extreme slowness of movement
pachyonychia (pachy-onych-ia)
pachy = thick
ia = nominal
abnormal thickening of the fingernails or toenails
laparotomy (lapar-o-tomy)
lapar = abdomen
tomy = cutting
the surgical opening of the abdomen
splanchnology (splanchn-o-logy)
splanchn = entrails, viscera
logy = study or science of
the study of the viscera
oophagy (oo-phag-y)
oo = egg
phag = to eat
y = nominal
eating of eggs
spermatology (spermat-o-logy)
spermat = semen, seed
logy = study or science of
the study of the seminal fluid
brachybasia (brachy-bas-ia)
brachy = short
ia = nominal
a slow, shuffling gait
ischioanal (ischi-o-an-al)
ischi = hip
al = adjectival
pert. to the ischium and anus
pyelography (pyel-o-graphy)
pyel = pelvis (esp. of the kidney)
graphy = writing, imaging
radiography of the renal pelvis and ureter after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium
celiac (celi-ac)
celi = cavity (esp. in the abdomen)
ac = adjectival
pert. to the abdominal cavity
presbylaryngis (presby-laryng-is)
presby = old
laryng = larynx
atrophy of the vocal folds occurring progressively with aging and producing a breathy, hoarse, or weakened voice
myogenesis (my-o-genesis)
my = muscle
genesis = birth, origin
formation of muscular tissue, esp. in embryos
centesis (cente-sis)
cente = to puncture
sis = nominal
puncture of a cavity
xerostomia (xer-o-stom-ia)
xer = dry
stom = mouth
ia = nominal
decreased production or lack of saliva
glossal (gloss-al)
gloss = tongue
al = adjectival
pert. to the tongue
dolichomorphic (dolich-o-morph-ic)
dolich = long
morph = form, shape
ic = adjectival
pert. to a body type that is long and slender
melalgia (mel-algia)
mel = limb
algia = condition of having pain in
pain of neural origin in the limbs
sternad (stern-ad)
stern = chest, breastbone
ad = to, toward, near
toward the sternum
achillorrhaphy (achillo-rrhaph-y)
rrhaph = to sew, to suture
y = nominal
suture of the achilles tendon
steatoma (steat-oma)
steat = fat
oma = nominal
a fatty tumor