Chapter 9: Latin Suffixes 6 (words) Flashcards
corpuscle (corpus-cle)
corpus = body
cle = little (nominal)
a minute body or particle of matter
intraventricular (intra-ventr-i-cul-ar)
intra = within
ventr = belly, stomach
cul = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
ar = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
contained within a ventricle (e.g. of the brain or heart)
expectorate (ex-pector-ate)
ex = out, from
pector = chest
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to discharge from the chest
glabella (glab-ella)
glabr = smooth
ella = little (nominal)
a smooth area on the forehead between the eyebrows
molecule (mol-e-cule)
mol = mass, bulk
cule = little (nominal)
a small mass or particle
planula (plan-ula)
plan = flat
ula = little (nominal)
a larva with a flattened body
intercellular (inter-cell-ul-ar)
inter = between, among
cell = room
ar = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
occurring between cells
auricle (aur-i-cle)
aur = ear
cle = little (nominal)
a “little ear”, the lobe of an ear
ossicle (oss-i-cle)
oss = bone
cle = little (nominal)
a small bone
capillary (capill-ary)
capill = hair
ary = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
a “hair-like” blood vessel
mortify (mort-i-fy)
mort = death
fy = to make, to cause to be (verbal)
to cause to die, to make as dead
clavicle (clav-i-cle)
clav = key
cle = little (nominal)
the collarbone, a “little key”
eviscerate (e-viscer-ate)
e = out, from
viscer = entrails
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to take the entrails out of something
inflate (in-flate)
in = into, on
to breathe into, to fill with air
gullet (gull-et)
et = little (nominal)
the throat
tubercle (tuber-cle)
tuber = swelling
cle = little (nominal)
a small swelling (e.g. on a bone or the skin)
capitulum (capit-ulum)
capit = head
ulum = little (nominal)
a “little head”, the tip of a structure (e.g. a bone)
immobilize (im-mob-il-ize)
im = not
mo = to move
ile = characterized by (adjectival)
ize = to make, to cause to be (verbal)
to cause something to be unable to move
dislocate (dis-loc-ate)
dis = apart
loc = place, to place
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
to alter the normal position (e.g. of a joint)
glabrate (glabr-ate)
glabr = smooth
ate = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
smooth, bald
mortiferous (mort-i-fer-ous)
mort = death
fer = to bear, to produce
ous = full of (adjectival)
bringing death
globule (glob-ule)
glob = sphere, lump
ule = little (nominal)
any small, rounded body
unguiculus (ungu-i-cul-us)
ungu = fingernail, toenail
cule = little (nominal)
us = act of, result of, means of (nominal)
a small nail or claw
visceroparietal (viscer-o-pariet-al)
viscer = entrails
pariet = wall
al = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
related to the entrails and abdominal wall
reticulation (ret-i-cul-at-ion)
ret = net
cul = act of, means of, result of (nominal)
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the formation of a network mass
granule (gran-ule)
gran = grain, seed
ule = little (nominal)
a small, grain-like mass
ferrokinetics (ferr-okinetics)
ferr = iron
the study of the use, storage, and excretion of iron
sternoclavicular (sterno-clav-i-cul-ar)
clav = key
cul = act of, means of, result of (nominal)
ar = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
having to do with the breastbone and collarbone
subcutaneous (sub-cut-ane-ous)
sub = under, up from under
cut = skin
ane = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
ous = full of (adjectival)
beneath the skin