Chapter 5: Latin Suffixes 2 (words) Flashcards
adipose (adip-ose)
having to do with (“full of”) fat or fatty material
somnolent (somn-o-lent)
drowsy, prone to sleep
ingest (in-gest)
to take into the body by swallowing or absorption
flexible (flex-ible)
subject to being bent
native (nat-ive)
belonging to a particular place by birth
tenacious (ten-acious)
inclined to hold on to something or persist
morbid (morb-id)
having to do with or characterized by disease
ductile (duct-ile)
able to be drawn out or extended
gradual (grad-ual)
characterized by step-by-step progression
virulent (vir-u-lent)
full of poison, deadly, destructive
digestive (di-gest-ive)
tending to digest, having to do with digestion
regressive (re-gress-ive)
tending to take a step backwards
varicose (varic-ose)
full of twists and swelling
nutritious (nutr-itious)
related to nourishment
aquatic (aqua-tic)
pertaining to water