Our Words (16-18) Flashcards
pseudobacteremia (pseud-o-bacter-em-ia)
pseud = false
bacter = rod
em = in, into, inward
ia = nominal
false-positive blood culture results that occur because of contamination of blood culture bottles or other instruments used to obtain blood samples
thermal (therm-al)
therm = heat
al = adjectival
pert. to or caused by heat or temperature
dysarthrosis (dys-arthr-osis)
dys = bad, disordered, difficult
arthr = joint
osis = nominal
joint malformation or deformity
monoplegia (mon-o-pleg-ia)
mon = 1
pleg = paralysis
ia = nominal
paralysis of a single limb or a single group of muscles
antianemic (anti-anem-ic)
anti = against, opposite
ic = adjectival
preventing or curing anemia
craniocaudal (crani-o-caud-al)
crani = cranium
caud = tail
al = adjectival
direction from head to foot
hidrotic (hidro-tic)
hidro = sweat
tic = adjectival
causing the secretion of sweat
cardiogenic (cardi-o-gen-ic)
cardi = heart
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
originating in the heart
neuritis (neur-itis)
neur = nerve, tendon
itis = nominal
inflammation of a nerve, usually associated with a degenerative process
tonic (ton-ic)
ton = stretching, tension
ic = adjectival
pert. to or characterized by tension or contraction, esp. muscular tension
hydromyelia (hydr-o-myel-ia)
hydr = water, fluid
myel = spinal cord, marrow
ia = nominal
an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the central canal of the spinal cord
cephalocele (cephal-o-cele)
cephal = head
cele = hernia, swelling
protrusion of the brain from the cranial cavity
algometer (alg-o-meter)
alg = pain
meter = meter, measure
an instrument for measuring the degree of sensitivity to pain
gastroscope (gastr-o-scope)
gastr = stomach
scope = instrument for viewing
a rigid endoscope for inspecting the interior of the stomach
pathogen (path-o-gen)
path = disease, suffering, feeling
gen = to be produced
a microorganism capable of producing a disease
hyposomnia (hypo-somn-ia)
hypo = below, deficient, less than normal
somn = sleep
ia = nominal
a decreased ability to sleep
chromogen (chrom-o-gen)
chrom = color
gen = to be produced
a chemical that changes color if it is activated, e.g. by an antibody or enzyme
nephrosclerosis (nephr-o-scler-osis)
nephr = kidney
scler = hard
osis = nominal
hardening of the connective tissue of the kidneys
dermatophyte (dermat-o-phyte)
dermat = skin
phyt = plant, growth
a fungal parasite that grows in or on the skin
trophism (troph-ism)
troph = nourishment
ism = nominal
zygospore (zyg-o-spore)
zyg = yoke, joining
spor = seed, spore
a spore formed by fusion of morphologically identical structures
osteoblast (oste-o-blast)
oste = bone
blast = embryonic cell
a cell that is derived from mesenchymal cells and manufactures bone matrix
typodont (typ-odont)
typ = imprint, form
odont = tooth
a replica of the natural detention and alveolar mucosa used in training dental professionals
mesangioblast (mes-angi-o-blast)
mes = middle
angi = vessel
blast = embryonic cell
a mesenchymal stem cell
polydactyly (poly-dactyl-y)
poly = many
dactyl = finger, toe
y = nominal
the condition of having more than the normal number of fingers and toes
cryptodidymus (crypt-odidym-us)
crypt = hidden
us = nominal
a congenital anomaly in which one fetus is concealed within another
phagocyte (phag-o-cyte)
phag = to eat
cyt = cell
white blood cells that can ingest and destroy microorganisms, cell debris, and other particles in the blood
thermometer (therm-o-meter)
therm = heat
meter = meter, measure
an instrument for indicating the degree of heat or cold
oligogenic (olig-o-gen-ic)
olig = few
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
caused by, affecting, or relating to a small number of genes
podium (pod-ium)
pod = foot
ium = nominal
a footlike projection
microcyst (micr-o-cyst)
micr = small
cyst = bladder, sac
a very small cyst