Our Words (19-21) Flashcards
sthenia (sthenia)
sthena = condition of strength
normal or unusual strength
zooid (zo-oid)
zo = animal
oid = adjectival
resembling an animal
rheology (rhe-o-logy)
rhe = to flow
logy = study or science of
the study of the deformation and flow of materials
thoracoplasty (thorac-o-plasty)
thorac = chest
plasty = shaping, reconstruction
plastic surgery to alter the size and shape of the chest wall
kinesiology (kinesi-o-logy)
kinesis = movement
logy = study or science of
the study of muscles and body movement
pedodontics (ped-odont-ics)
ped = child, instruction
odont = tooth
ics = nominal
dentistry for children
anthropometer (anthrop-o-meter)
anthrop = human being
meter = meter, measure
a device for measuring the human body and its parts
cleidotomy (cleid-o-tomy)
cleid = clavicle
tomy = cutting
division of a fetal clavicle to facilitate delivery
mastopexy (mast-opex-y)
mast = breast
y = nominal
correction of a pendulous breast by surgical fixation and plastic surgery
andromorphous (andr-o-morph-ous)
andr = man, male
morph = form, shape
ous = adjectival
resembling a male in physical structure and appearance
adenosis (aden-osis)
aden = gland
osis = nominal
any disease of a gland or of glandular tissue
adenosclerosis (aden-o-scler-osis)
aden = gland
scler = hard
osis = nominal
glandular hardening
arthrectomy (arthr-ectomy)
arthr = joint
ectomy = cutting out, removal
surgical excision of a joint
hysteric (hyster-ic)
hyster = uterus
ic = adjectival
pert. to pain or suffering in the womb
hepatocellular (hepat-o-cell-ul-ar)
hepat = liver
cell = room
ule = nominal
ar = adjectival
pert. to or arising from the cells of the liver
carcinogenesis (carcin-o-genesis)
carcin = cancer
genesis = birth, origin
the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells, often as a result of chemical, viral, or radioactive damage to genes
trichogen (trich-o-gen)
trich = hair
gen = to be produced
an agent stimulating hair growth
arteritis (arter-itis)
arter = artery
itis = nominal
inflammation of an artery
sarcoid (sarc-oid)
sarc = flesh
oid = adjectival
resembling flesh
hypnogenic (hypn-o-gen-ic)
hypn = sleep
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
producing sleep
tachygastria (tachy-gastr-ia)
tachy = swift
gastr = stomach
ia = nominal
increased rate of contractions of the stomach
esthesiology (esthe-si-o-logy)
esthe = to feel, to perceive
sis = nominal
logy = study or science of
the science of sensory phenomena
pharmacist (pharmac-ist)
pharmac = drug
ist = nominal
a druggist
lipemia (lip-emia)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
emia = condition of the bood
an abnormal amount of fat in the blood
sporocyst (spor-o-cyst)
spor = seed, spore
cyst = bladder, sac
any sac containing spores or reproductive cells
rhabdovirus (rhabd-o-vir-us)
rhabd = rod
vir = virus
us = nominal
any of a group of rod-shaped RNA viruses with one important member, the rabies virus, being pathogenic to humans
orthoptic (orth-opt-ic)
orth = straight, correct
opt = eye, sight
ic = adjectival
pert. to or producing normal binocular vision
lipid (lip-id)
lip = fat, fatty tissue
id = adjectival
any of a group of fats or fatlike substances
ganglioma (gangli-oma)
gangli = knot, mass of tissue
oma = nominal
a tumor of neural or neuroectodermal origin
iridalgia (irid-algia)
irid = iris, rainbow
algia = condition of having pain in
pain felt in the iris
psychogenic (psych-o-gen-ic)
psych = mind, soul
gen = to be produced
ic = adjectival
pert. to the development of the mind
sporiferous (spor-i-fer-ous)
spor = seed, spore
fer = to bear, to produce
ous = adjectival
producing spores
meningomyelitis (mening-o-myel-itis)
mening = membrane
myel = spinal cord, marrow
itis = nominal
inflammation of the spinal cord and its enveloping membranes
cryobank (cry-obank)
cry = cold
a facility that stores and preserves refrigerated or frozen biological specimens