Chapter 8: Latin Suffixes 5 (words) Flashcards
vivarium (viv-arium)
viv = life, to live
arium = place of (nominal)
a place where organisms are kept alive
extensor (ex-tens-or)
ex = out, from
tens = to stretch
or = person or thing doing (nominal)
a muscle that extends a part of the body
depilatory (de-pil-at-ory)
de = down, away, off
pil = hair
ory = place of (nominal)
a substance used to remove hair
ossuary (oss-u-ary)
oss = bone
ary = place of (nominal)
a receptacle for bones
abortorium (ab-ort-orium)
ab = away from, from
ort = to rise
orium = place of (nominal)
a hospital or clinic where abortions are performed
ovarian (ov-ar-ian)
ov = egg
ar = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
ian = having to do with (adjectival)
having to do with the ovaries
expectorant (ex-pector-ant)
ex = out, from
pector = chest
ant = person or thing doing (nominal)
a substance causing the discharge of mucus from the respiratory tract (in the chest)
infirmary (in-firm-ary)
in = not
firm = strong, able
ary = place of (nominal)
an area designed for the sick or wounded
rodent (rod-ent)
rod = to gnaw
ent = person or thing doing (nominal)
a creature that gnaws
conservatory (con-servat-ory), herbarium (herb-arium), vivarium (viv-arium)
con = with, together, very
ory/arium = place of (nominal)
herb = grass
viv = life, to live
a place where plants are preserved
nutrient (nutr-ient)
nutr = to nourish
ient = person or thing doing something (nominal)
something that nourishes
auditor (audit-or)
audit = to hear
or = person or thing doing something (nominal)
one who hears or takes an account of
corrosion (co-r-ros-ion)
co = with, together, very
ros = to gnaw
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the result of gnawing away (e.g. by acid)
predator (predat-or)
predat = prey, to hunt
or = quality of being, act of (nominal)
one who seeks prey, a hunter
lubricant (lubric-ant)
lubric = to make smooth
ant = person or thing doing something (nominal)
a substance that makes something slippery
operator (operat-or)
operat = to work
or = person or thing doing something (nominal)
someone who works a device or machine
protector (pro-tect-or)
pro = forward, in front of
tect = to cover
or = person or thing doing something (nominal)
someone who safeguards (lit. “acts as a covering in front of”)
mandible (mand-ible)
ible = tending to, inclined to, able to be (adjectival)
the anatomical apparatus used for chewing
transient (trans-ient)
trans = across, through
ient = person or thing doing something (nominal)
tending to pass away, not lasting
oscillopsia (oscill-ops-ia)
oscill = to swing
ia = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the illusory perception of stationary objects moving
abortive (ab-ort-ive)
ab = away from, from
ort = to rise
ive = tending to, inclined to, able to be (adjectival)
premature expulsion of a fetus or embryo
astringent (a-string-ent)
a = away from, from
string = to draw tight
ent = person or thing doing something (nominal)
an agent with a constricting or binding effect
interosseous (inter-oss-e-ous)
inter = between, among
oss = bone
ous = full of (adjectival)
occurring or located between bones
aperient (aper-ient)
aper = to open
ient = person or thing doing something (nominal)
a mild laxative (something that “opens” the bowels)
suspension (sus-pens-ion)
sus = under, up from under
pens = to hang, to weigh, to pay
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
attachment of a body part to a supporting structure
cohabitation (co-habit-at-ion)
co = with, together, very
habit = to dwell
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
the act of living with another entity
nasociliary (nas-o-cili-ary)
nas = nose
cili = eyelid, eyelash
ary = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
relating to the nose and eyebrows
papilla (papill-a)
papill = nipple
a small, nipple-shaped projection or elevation
insemination (in-semin-at-ion)
in = into, on
semin = seed
ate = to make, to perform the act of (verbal)
ion = quality of being, act of (nominal)
a discharge of semen, fertilization of an ovum
appendix (a-p-pend-ix)
a = away from, from
pend = to hang, to weigh, to pay
an accessory (“hanging on”) part
pileous (pil-e-ous)
pil = hair
ous = full of
hirsute, hairy
distal (dis-t-al)
dis = apart
al = having to do with, characterized by (adjectival)
farther removed from a given point of reference
respirometer (re-spir-ometer)
re = back, again, against
spir = to breathe
a device used to measure qualities of breathing